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Lucy the Cat on Taymount Rise
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Posts: 713
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Post: #1
02-04-2013 09:46 PM

I was saddened tonight as I was coming home to see a card pinned to a tree stating that Lucy the elderly black cat who used to sit on the wall at the London Road end of Taymount rise passed away today.
I believe she was about 17years old and I'm sure everyone who lives on 'the rise' would know her.
We've only lived here 2 years but she always made my day as she sat on the wall sweetly encouraging a stroke or a chat, no matter how rubbish a day I'd had at work it was nice to pet her and scratch her chin on the way home-or if I was not looking forward to the day ahead I'd enjoy seeing her on the way in to work and I'd always feel better for having spent a moment with her.
I had'nt seen her much these past couple of months and so I guess she must have become frail.
I just wanted to post a little tribute to a local character.

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Post: #2
03-04-2013 03:51 PM

We'll miss you Lucy!

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Post: #3
04-04-2013 12:57 PM

I should add that Lucy is 'immortalized' in Google Earth, sitting on the wall, if you navigate to the London Road end of Taymount Rise.

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Posts: 713
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Post: #4
04-04-2013 06:53 PM

I should add that Lucy is 'immortalized' in Google Earth, sitting on the wall, if you navigate to the London Road end of Taymount Rise.

How cool-Gone but certainly never forgotten

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Post: #5
04-04-2013 09:06 PM

Not really immortalised as she'll be gone when they update their images. Someone should get a screen grab before it's gone.

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Post: #6
05-04-2013 09:37 AM

Good idea!

But if you forget, you can try, where old internet sites are usually available.

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Posts: 30
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Post: #7
08-04-2013 03:56 AM

Good morning everyone,

Firstly, myself and my family would like to thank everyone who has at some point given their time and love to dear Lucy over the years. She is, and always will be in our hearts.

We rescued her from a very young age and was a huge part of our family, as much as our other beloved pets have been. They say, outdoor cats usually have a much shorter lifespan than 'household cats' but she proved this wrong on more than one occasion by outliving some of our other pets throughout the years.

In the last few months, she did seem to come inside and sleep more than usual, but her appetite was fine - but it quickly became obvious she was on the decline as she was quick to become disorientated and we had to take her outside on a few occasions for a bathroom break as she couldn't make it past the cat flap to do her business.

We knew she was blind in one eye (from an accident she sustained from a vehicle one year, which decided to hit and run). Unfortunately, there was nothing that could be done about it at the time, and she was never in any pain. During the last few weeks, we noticed that her other eye was also seemingly affected - and the vet did confirm that cancer had spread from the first eye to both meaning she was totally blind. Her hearing had also declined over the years, but I'm sure she still remembered who we all were by touch - and I'll never forget the purrs she used to give when I was the first up in the morning to greet all the cats. I'm sure feeding time had nothing to do with it! Laugh

As a resident with a camera on the front garden, we would usually see her strutting her stuff on the wall, with many businessmen and women, elderly and families and children stop for a few moments and give her some love. This always warmed our hearts - and I am certain, hers as well. So thank you to all who took the time out of their busy lives to show her what life really could be like, especially when her health deteriorated.

In the last few months, it soon became apparent that she had stopped looking after herself as much. She wasn't grooming herself anymore and this caused some concern to some locals - who reported us to the RSPCA, who wrongly thought she was being neglected.

As a cat loving family, this was quite a shock - and to myself personally - I felt rather insulted. There was nothing in the world I wouldn't have done for any of my pets. The officer from the RSPCA came to the same conclusion after visiting us, and could see she was being well cared for. I understand people need to look out for the best interests of pets they may come across, but people need to understand that she was literally 'knocking on heavens door' for some time.

We do have other cats in our family, but they enjoy the creature comforts of the home inside rather than out. I'm sure I saw one of them crossing his legs the other day by the back door, because he didn't want to go outside and do his business due to the weather. It was definately a sight to see! I half expected him to shake his head vigorously when asked "Do you want out baby boy?" Laugh Although this still doesn't stop them from bringing in 'presents' for us - for which I am always greatful!

So once again, thank you to everyone who gave up their time, and gave our girl the affection and attention she enjoyed over the years.

Much love to all!

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Post: #8
08-04-2013 07:14 AM

Although I don't live in London anymore I remember Lucy from when I lived in Taymount Rise. She was a very friendly cat and would always come for a stroke as we went by. You must be devastated at her loss.

We have a cat, Dusty, that we got from the RSPCA and although we have only had him 3 years would really miss him if we lost him. He had been found starving, locked in a garage and the RSPCA had nursed him back to health. He is a nervous cat and keeps his distance from strangers, and although he loves going outside he never strays from ours and next doors' gardens. He is friendly with Alfie, the cat from next door, and seems to invite him in and sits and watches while Alfie eats his food.

I also remember a cat at the top of Taymount who would sit on a wall waiting to ambush passers by for some fuss. He also only had one eye, but he disappeared some years ago when we still lived there.

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Post: #9
09-04-2013 11:52 AM

Dear Samurai,

I was so sorry to hear about Lucy. I'd grown very fond of her over the years and like so many others, it became part of my daily routine to stop and talk to her and give her a bit of fuss.

I've had elderly cats before and they sometimes do stop grooming and can look a bit bedraggled despite your very best efforts. It was clear she was looked after and loved - she was such a happy little thing.

Anyway thanks for letting us know.

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Post: #10
09-04-2013 07:04 PM

Although we moved from Taymount Rise quite a few yeras ago, I also have fond memories of Lucy. She was always pleased to see you and would even let my son, who was a toddler at that time, give her a stroke. It was always a pleasure to stop and have a chat with. I know she will be missed by all who knew her
RIP Lucy.

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