Water leak on Manor Mount
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Posts: 20
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26-06-2014 08:52 PM
Has anybody else reported the water leak that has been flowing down Manor Mount for the last few weeks? I have reported it a couple of times online but Thames Water are not responding.
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27-06-2014 08:48 AM
I have. I was informed that TW had carried out an inspection and found the cause of the leak is on private property so repairs are the responsibility of the owner/s. Thames Water will carry out repair work if requested (currently for free) but it takes 2 months to get the paperwork/permissions completed and then only done in order of priority. I don't know what, if any, action the owner/s have taken though. It is showing as unresolved on the TW leak map so it is still on their radar....
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27-06-2014 10:24 AM
I walked past it last night, whilst there is a leak on the owners property there is also a little spring bubbling away from the road surface on Manor Mount.
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27-06-2014 10:40 AM
The never ending saga of Water Leaks on Manor Mount, at one point there were 3 separate ones, some of which have been going on for months. I reported them again last week. Its interesting to hear that the major one is said to be on Private Land (this wasn't mentioned to me by Thames Water), the water wastage is a disgrace.
manor mountie
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28-06-2014 02:14 PM
I find this disconcerting that nothing is going to happen to rectify this leak which appears to be damaging the roadway by erosion. Surely the council will have a view on this as they will have to repair the damaged road? It has been leaking for a few months now, doesanyone know which department at the council would be interested?
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30-06-2014 09:25 AM
The main leak is coming from a BT manhole cover on the pavement not private property. A smaller leak is adjacent to the main one on the roadway.
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30-06-2014 09:38 AM
"The main leak is coming from a BT manhole cover on the pavement not private property........"
that is what I said to the Thames Water engineer but was told the broken/collapsed section of drain on the private property is also the cause of the water coming from the manhole on the pavement.....
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30-06-2014 10:30 AM
At least they're working on the sinkhole in the middle of Waldenshaw Rd. Although I wonder if that's related to the leak 'upstream' on Manor Mount anyway.
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30-06-2014 10:58 AM
When I called the council about the Waldenshaw Road sink hole they didnt know what a sink hole was 
It took a bit of convincing for them to send someone around to look at it. I think it's 3 weeks they have been working on it now.
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30-06-2014 11:05 AM
It's an interesting one... the other side of the road to where they've fenced it off now has a pronounced dip in it too. I wonder how much longer before it caves in there too.
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30-06-2014 10:37 PM
There's also water leaking up through the road on Malham road just as you turn into the industrial estate.
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01-07-2014 09:01 AM
Maybe we should rename Forest Hill as Not So Much Forest Spring??
Tim Lund
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06-07-2014 05:11 AM
Thought I might make the connection here with the problems I've been experiencing here in SE26 - see this Sydenham Town Forum thread
Water leak on Silverdale
which is in principle now solved, except yesterday I noticed the repair to the pavement is starting to collapse just days after having been done.
But I'm also interested in the bigger picture, as gone into in a couple of my later posts on that thread, e.g. here and here, where I'm asking
what I, or any other member of the public, can do about the apparent indifference of a water company to the maintenance of vital infrastructure. In this case Thames Water will have some interest, and a proportion of its revenues will be spent repairing and upgrading old pipework, but who, other than Thames Water is to say if a greater proportion should be allocated for this? Is there a process whereby statistically significant numbers of problems such as this one in which [the Consumer Council for Water has] been involved can oblige water companies to increase their future spending, or review how money is spent on repairs? Or even that Thames Water's default response to a reported problem appears to be to blame someone else?
From cases such as this - Thames Water agrees £86m Ofwat settlement - it would appear that OfWat is the relevant regulator , but do the complaints of ordinary people get heard by them?
I wonder also how good an idea the Consumer Council for Water has of the scale of the problems, given that relatively few people know of your existence. Are you aware, for example, of other problems as reported on a nearby local Forum - [i.e. here] but which also appear as reported to Thames Water here?
Is the Consumer Council for Water, perhaps working with OfWat, able to monitor the appearance of such reports and be proactive, rather than just react to approaches such as mine?
Copying in here some possibly interested people from LB Lewisham
I have grave doubts as to whether any of those from LB Lewisham I copied in will be very interested, since as experienced officers and politicians, they won't think it's worth trying to argue with Thames Water, and the News shopper reporter who sent a photographer down to get me and a couple of neighbours posing with this
appears to have lost interest too. But I noticed someone from Southwark News showing an interest in another SE23.com thread to do with water pressure, so maybe there is some hope there.
Anyway, if anyone wants to help me find out if people pressure can do anything, PM me or contact me via Twitter @TimLundSE26
This post was last modified: 06-07-2014 05:19 AM by Tim Lund.
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07-07-2014 09:11 AM
I noticed this morning that there is water bubbling up from the pavement near St David's on what was part of the original canal bank.
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07-07-2014 01:56 PM
I am a reporter at South London Press (0208 835 9709). I'm interested in this story - clearly TW has not done a good enough job to fix the leak - if they had it would be sorted. This strikes me as a huge waste of taxpayers money - at a time when we are all being asked to conserve water and be more water-aware, this is a very bad situation. If anyone has any comments on this please do get in touch - I'm going to do a story on it as it's been going on a long time. Clearly despite the huge amounts of money they rake in from people's bills each year they are not spending the money on making good repairs and damage or investing in the infrastructure. My email is kate.gould@slp.co.uk
Posts: 43
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07-07-2014 10:12 PM
Great. No water pressure in the Manor Mount area at 11pm 7/7/14
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07-07-2014 10:30 PM
Thames Water recorded message burst water main on David's Road.
I went through to an operator and tried to complain about the leaks on Manor Mount and how it's been going on for months.
The lady had no clue and just said they're trying to fix the issue on David's Road.
Oh well she was just reading off a computer screen. So no point trying to explain.
This is Thames Water everywhere though. Wait until there's a massive issue before doing anything. Minor issues/leaks/repairs just ignore it.
There's also another small leak outside the old gym near St Davids coffee house. Or its probably all related.
This post was last modified: 07-07-2014 10:32 PM by Chris88.
Posts: 96
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07-07-2014 10:35 PM
Manor Mount leak seems to have dropped off the TW map of reported issues.
Tim Lund
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13-07-2014 02:52 PM
Dropped off, or just they didn't have the right location?
Having seen an email in which
said they were due to repair a leak at number 19 last Thursday, I had a cycle round looking for and photographing leaks as currently on their web site. The one at 19 Manor Mount is very much still there, as I don't suppose I need to tell regulars of this Forum. There is a leak marked round the corner, which I couldn't see though, so maybe that is it.
And since I'm about it, here is the leak in the middle of Ewelme Road, outside No 40
and the one on Waldram Crescent part of the South Circular
Anyway, I'm now about to contact those of you on this thread who responded to my PMs, and Kate Gould from the South London Press to set up a photo opportunity for a story which should help get more attention paid to this problem, not only by Thames Water, but maybe even local councillors and amenity societies. Manor Mount would see the best location - and obviously if anyone else wants to be in on it, so much the better.
I make no secret of my greater interest in the wider picture, of why we have this system in which not enough money is invested in maintaining the public good of well functioning infrastructure. For more read various posts on the thread about the leak on my road in Sydenham, which still isn't really sorted, but doesn't offer as good a photo op as Manor Mount.
But let's be quick, before Thames Water do a short term patch and mend.
Tim Lund
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