Just a reminder that we are inviting applications for the £15,000 Perry Vale Assembly Fund, the maximum amount that you can apply for is 'around' £2,000 and the deadline for submitting applications is Friday 14 September. This money must be spent on one or more of the Perry Vale assembly priorities and we are particularly keen to see some groups applying. So if you have an idea as to how you can improve Perry Vale and it meets at least one of the priorities, why not put in an application?
The Perry Vale assembly priorities are:
• the environment
• roads and traffic
• activities for younger people
• anti-social behaviour and crime
• activities for the whole community
The funding will be allocated at the next Perry Vale Assembly which will be on Saturday 27 October from 12.30pm - 2.30pm at the Rockbourne Youth Club, 41A Rockbourne Youth Club, Rockbourne Road SE23 2DA
Please do not hesitate to contact me if you require any help with completing the form or if you require any further information about the Perry Vale assembly.
Kind regards,
Paul Gale
Local Assemblies Coordinator
Sydenham, Forest Hill and Perry Vale Wards
?: 020 8314 3387 M 07525 671183
? LB Lewisham, 2nd floor Laurence House, 1 Catford Rd, London, SE6 4RU