Hello SE23,
The Forest Hill Society’s AGM will take place at the Horniman Gardens Pavilion (near the Bandstand) on October 13th - 7pm for a 7.30 start.
This year we are pleased to welcome Damien Egan, Mayor of Lewisham as our guest speaker and Ellie Reeves, MP for Lewisham West & Penge is also planning to attend.
The AGM is an opportunity to find out more about what is happening in Forest Hill, to share your concerns and to shape the future of the Society.
At the AGM in October we elect the new committee for the Forest Hill Society. We are always keen to have new members on the committee, as well as existing members who wish to continue.
We are fortunate to have a committee consisting of many people who are passionate about Forest Hill and making a difference to benefit the area. The most visible way this can be seen is the planting and maintenance of plants around the town centre - even when activities had to be socially distanced. This year the Forest Hill Society has again received awards for the In Bloom competition organised by the Royal Horticultural Society.
Having more members on the committee means we get a better idea of what is important to you and the everybody in the community. And it also means more people to help at events and in campaigns.
We are particularly looking for people with an interest in the following areas:
- Environment - including planting and gardening around the town centre and looking at ways to improve air quality in the local area
- Transport - including improving roads for pedestrians and cyclists, ensuring Forest Hill is well served by public transport, and considering flight paths over Forest Hill
- Planning and Development - including developing long-term plans for the town centre, and also reviewing planning applications in the area
- Communications and Events - including contributing to our newsletter and arranging events for the community (e.g. book sales, gin tasting, history talks, pub quizzes Christmas tree lighting and carols).
You can put your name forward for the committee in one of two ways:
Email email@foresthillsociety.com to let us know you wish to stand, or
join us at the AGM and raise your hand when we ask for nominations
and you can become part of the team that has been making Forest Hill even better for 15 years.
Also, in case you missed it, our review of the year is posted here Forest Hill Society: Review of 2021 in Forest Hill
Finally, there will of course be refreshments on sale and some snacks laid out. We look forward to seeing many of you there. We will try to record it, but there will be no 2-way Zoom links so if you can’t attend and want to ask a question, again please get in touch through the usual channels.