I have submitted an objection, I would encourage other forum users to review this consultation and submit their comments.
I have no comments on the elements of the proposal that refer to loading bays. I only wish to comment on the pedestrian crossing arrangements.
I object to the proposal as it stands, because the Western arm of the crossing across Stanstead Road appears to be unsignalled for pedestrians. I can see that those wishing to cross the Eastbound lane will have a traffic lighted red phase to utilise, but with no associated Green Man. However, when crossing the Wesbound lane, I don't see that there will be an identified traffic lighted red phase, as this lane will alternate between traffic turning right from Brockley Rise, traffic turning left from Cranston Road and traffic proceeding straight ahead from Stanstead Road (Westbound). This will require the pedestrian to observe the traffic and pick a suitable moment. Not an easy task on a busy TfL trunk route.
It should also be noted that the offending arm of the crossing is on the same side as Dalmain School, less that 200 metres away. A person wishing to cross Stanstead Road to go to/from the school on protected Green Man pedestrian phases, will have to cross the other three arms to achieve this. Many adults won't bother and small children won't see the logic.
All arms of this crossing should have Green Man phases for pedestrians. If this is to the detriment of the traffic flow, I believe that this should be accepted.