Saturday 9th May is our next work session on the Green – usual time 10.30 – 2.30.
You may have noticed some developments, not least of which are the bluebells which have begun to emerge this year, following last year’s planting. The primroses have made a stunning show along with some cowslips and we’re hopeful that more wild flowers will spring to life soon.
A local resident has made a brilliant job of the pathways; the mowing has given the grassy areas a great start and the Nature’s Gym has carried out some useful tasks since the last work day. Members of the Nature’s Gym group built the insect hotel for us (next to the wall by the industrial estate) so let’s hope it lasts longer than the last one. Our pond has suffered from foxes, dogs and humans so we’re having re-think about the pond (we need one) and meanwhile the existing pond will be cared for as a boggy patch. Some bowls and containers have appeared dotted around the Green – if you find one try to keep it filled with water when you have a moment and a plastic bottle of water to hand. Good for birds and other creatures.
Hope to see you next Saturday: removal of brambles (the ones that are in the wooded area) and chain link fencing will be among the usual tasks. Gloves and tools are supplied, but bring your own if you prefer. Every little helps so please come along even if it is only for an hour or two.
And here's a picture from our volunteers' workday last month
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