The Friends of Albion Millennium Green, and other local community groups, have received a copy of the letter shown below from Cllr Susan Wise, in her capacity as London Borough of Lewisham Appointed Trustee of the Albion Millennium Green Trust. It explains the relationship between us as a Friends group and the Trust which is the legal owner of the Green. We are very grateful to LB Lewisham for resolving issues connected to the Trust, and urge everyone who cares about our Green to attend on November 1st, 11.00 am at Forest Hill Pools
Albion Millennium Green is a small open space situated between Albion Villas Road and the railway line. This former tennis club site has developed into a small urban woodland, with winding paths, meadow areas and a small pond. It is accessible from Albion Villas Road and the railway path which runs between Forest Hill and Sydenham.
The Green is owned by a local charitable trust formed in 1998 with the specific purposes of purchasing the land from the former tennis club trustees and protecting and enhancing the space for the benefit of the local community. The Trust has been moribund for several years and during this period the Friends of Albion Millennium Green group has taken care of the upkeep and has organized many events and activities there. Their efforts have transformed the Green into a much loved and highly valued open space,
While the Friends group and their activities and involvement will continue, in order to protect the ownership of the Green the Council is keen to ensure that a new set of trustees is appointed. The appointments will take place at our next AGM and in accordance with the rules of the Trust all members of the local community are invited to attend.
The Friends of Albion Millennium Green group will continue to care for the Green and its upkeep, and will continue to organize and host the many events and activities which have become established as regular features.
For more about the Friends of Albion Millennium Green, visit our web page, or follow us on Twitter, @albionmilgreen.
Why not also consider becoming member, for £6 per annum. Not only does this help us directly, but it shows the level of community support to potential funders. Membership details are on our web site, and forms will be available at this meeting.