In recent weeks there have been reports of con-men pretending to be police officers calling on elderly and vulnerable persons within the Borough of Lewisham, gaining their trust and stealing from them.
If you are approached by anyone in plain clothes purporting to be a police officer, always ask to see their warrant cards.
In general if you aren't expecting a visit from any official, and they don't have ID or if you aren't satisfied that the ID is genuine:
· Don't let them in to your home.
· RING the agency whom they claim to represent to check on them - get the number from a directory or directory enquiries NOT from the callers
· Ask them to call you and make an appointment
If they are genuine, they will understand.
If you think they are con-men or you aren't sure - dial '999' and ask for the police.
Yours sincerely, Michael Hill PC 195PL
Michael Hill PC 195PL (DWPC)
Forest Hill Safer Neighbourhood's Team A
Metropolitan Police Service