You Said, We Listened, We Did
Over the past three weeks, we have presented a number of crime prevention talks to elderly residents from across the ward. These talks have included subjects such as personal safety, credit and debit card fraud, distraction burglaries and advice on techniques used by scammers who tend to target the elderly
The residents attending these talks have stated that the information given has been beneficial in preventing them from becoming victims
Good News Story
On Monday 20th October 2014 officers from Perry Vale and Forest Hill SNT were conducting a reassurance visit within Sydenham Hill estate. Whilst at the location these officers noticed a strong smell of cannabis coming from a nearby property. Whilst outside the address, the resident returned home and following enquiries was arrested on suspicion of cultivating Cannabis. When the address was searched, a number of mature Cannabis plants were found within the property along with a hydroponics growing system. This male received an adult caution from police for this offence.
Crime Prevention Advice - Operation Bumblebee
Christmas is just over six weeks away and over this period we sometimes see an increase in the number of burglary related offences being reported to police across the ward. To prevent this, the MPS have launched Operation Bumblebee which will run from 20th of October 2014 to 3rd of February 2015. Your SNT will target known burglars and provide crime prevention advice to those living within the ward. For more help and crime prevention advice, please visit the Met Police Web site at:
Operation Bumblebee is targeting burglars in London.
Help us keep your home secure by following our 10 top tips:
- Don’t leave your keys or ID documents within easy reach of doors, letterboxes or windows.
- Close and lock all doors and windows. If you have multi-locking door handles, lift the handle, lock it with the key and remove it. Remember - LIFT - LOCK - REMOVE. Put the key in a safe place out of sight in case of fire.
- Lock garages and sheds so garden tools and ladders can’t be used to break into your home.
- Keep side gates locked and wheelie bins stored behind them.
- Use timer switches linked to lights and a radio so it appears that someone is at home.
- Invest in a safe for valuables and sentimental items and securely fix it to a solid surface.
- Install a visible intruder alarm system - burglars don’t want to be seen or heard.
- Install low level ‘dusk till dawn’ lighting to increase visibility and deter burglars.
- Keep side and rear boundaries high to restrict access and front boundaries low to remove hiding places.
- Photograph and mark valuables and sentimental items with your postcode and house number/name. Register items with serial numbers at: