And it could be packed, since it's being held in the bowls club, i.e. the converted containers on the pavilion side of the bowls green. It will start with a formal Friends of Mayow Park AGM from 1pm to 1.30, followed by a very general open meeting.
It will also be packed with information and good news, which, as FOMP Comms officer, I'm thinking about how we should best be telling the world, and encouraging people to use and cherish our park. But let's just start here with some of the things which anyone coming to the meeting tomorrow will hear about:
- Repairing the sewer
- Getting operators for the new café
- New external funding for Grow Mayow
- New usage for the Bowls Green - the former club has given up. Funding applications have been made to the Mayor of London's Sports facilities fund
- A new Reaching Communities Big Lottery application to fund a healthy living project based round the bowls green
- Cricket - there was a successful 2013 for both our teams
- Communications - this is me thinking about how we reach all users, especially other sports users - footballers, tennis players - and make sure we are doing what we can for them. Also - who is living here, within easy walking distance of Mayow Park? Are we serving the whole community?
So - it would be great to see you!