Old Gym on Davids Road - Squatters?
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Posts: 43
Joined: Sep 2012
19-09-2012 09:04 AM
Does anyone know what's on inside the old gym on Davids Rd?
There appear to be squatters inside. Ive seen people inside at night and leaving in the morning. All appear to be roughly dressed and young. They were very careful about locking the gate. It looks filthy inside and they have started to accumulate many bicycles inside.
I know the development proposed a few years ago didnt go ahead. Potentially the owner could not get funding.
Obviously squatters attract crime, anti social behaviour and a potential fire hazard. Not to mention the affect on house prices.
What can we do? Who owns the property now, the bank? Someone must be responsible for the property and i know those new squatting laws just came in.
Posts: 306
Joined: Oct 2007
19-09-2012 10:45 AM
The new laws on trespass as a criminal offence only apply to residential property, as I understand it. The old gym is commercial property and so trespass is not a criminal offence. That said, it is actionable but it is only the registered owner who can take action. You could do a search at land registry against the property address to find out who owns it and you could then contact the owner direct (if the address of the owner is up to date on the land registry title...)
Posts: 145
Joined: Oct 2006
19-09-2012 01:34 PM
What harm are they doing you and in what way will they "obviously" attract crime?
Concern with them being "roughly dressed and young" and with "the affect [sic] on house prices" suggests intolerance that means perhaps South London might not be for you?
Posts: 162
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19-09-2012 01:37 PM
I concur with those who say they are a problem to society
Posts: 1,421
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19-09-2012 01:43 PM
There are some squatters who are running a library!
Posts: 531
Joined: Oct 2007
19-09-2012 02:16 PM
It could be they are Property Guardians - people who pay a below market rent to live in all sorts of vacant property in return for 'looking after' it.
A mix of people tend to be guardians with many being students, who would possibly fit your description.
Posts: 3,265
Joined: Mar 2005
19-09-2012 03:48 PM
My understanding is that the landlord and police are aware that there are squatters in this building. This was the case when I made enquiries to representatives of the landlord back in June.