Planning: Tyson Road
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23-01-2008 02:05 PM
The long running saga of the planning application to build 84 flats on the parkland behind 15 to 17A Tyson Road and 39 to 53 Honor Oak Road has reached its next stage.
The appeal against refusal of planning permission is due to be heard at the Civic Suite Catford Town Hall on 5th and 6th March starting at 10am.
For photos of the site see here:
For more information see the Tyson Road thread on the Forum Archive
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23-01-2008 02:34 PM
I think this was asked in the original thread but it looks a nice site - is it public space or communal space for a number of the surrrounding properties?
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23-01-2008 08:30 PM
I think this was asked in the original thread but it looks a nice site - is it public space or communal space for a number of the surrrounding properties?
Unfortunately, there is no public access. If you look at the aerial photo:
you will see that it the site is the land in the centre of the block formed by Honor Oak Road, Dunoon Road, Fairlie Gardens and Tyson Road.
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25-01-2008 06:31 PM
How strange.
With the appeal date only just set I have today received a letter from the Planning Inspector telling me that the Developer has withdrawn their appeal.
No reasons have been given. Perhaps the Developer had decided that they were likely to lose the appeal. Apparently, in planning law, losing an appeal is a very bad thing, as it can prejudice future planning applications.
Certainly, a declaration by the Inspector that either the site had a high environmental value or that it should be preserved as open space would have been fatal to any high density development.
Of course this won't be the end of the story. I suspect that the Developer will either sell the site to another Developer or submit an amended planning application.
Past experience also suggests that there can be informal discussions between a developer and the Council before any planning application is submitted.
So, if you believe that this site should be kept as green open space, please make your voice heard by phoning the Lewisham Planners (020 8314 7400) and by contacting our Local Councillors.
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30-05-2008 08:14 PM
Residents around this site have today received letters from Stuart Cunliffe, the property development consultant acting for Loromah Estates Ltd. They're holding a Public Exhibition of their latest proposals on Wednesday 11th June at the Christian Fellowshop Centre, 39 Honor Oak Road between 4pm and 8pm. Somebody from Lewisham's planning department will be there as well.
Apparently, they've been consulting with the planning department for some months and this is what they've come up with as a result. No details as yet of what changes they've made to their original proposal for 85 flats.
They haven't submitted a planning application yet because they are so keen to hear OUR thoughts!!
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31-05-2008 10:09 AM
These devolpers never give up. Chances are the council will give in to a lesser devolpment, maybe 84 flats.
Is the infrastructure there to service a large devolpment. I somewhat doubt it.
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05-06-2008 09:47 AM
Did anyone go last night?
(for my sins, I was at a TRA meeting in Crystal Palace for work! - Joy!! - so couldn't go)
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05-06-2008 10:23 AM
The meeting is on the 11th June??
Isnt the key concern about access (goodness knows how Honor Oak Rd will cope with 84+ more cars) and the wildlife issue.
Personally I have had enough of ever MORE flats being built in the Forest Hill, Honor Oak area without increasing the size and frequency of trains going into London. Doesnt anyone build family houses with nice gardens anymore????? GRrrrrrrrrrr!!!!
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05-06-2008 12:02 PM
Oops, I was a week ahead of myself ...
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06-06-2008 09:58 AM
Yes, in effect the developer will have been liasing with the planning department so as to overcome why this was previously refused permission.
You must consider that the planning department is now much less likely to object unless something new and substantial is revealed.
The developer now wants to present their changes to the public for further comment and to ensure that they can cover any further objections raised in their future appeal.
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11-06-2008 07:27 PM
Brian's prediction turned out to be correct.
The previous application was for 85 flats in 7 blocks with a density of 242 habitable rooms.
The latest proposal is for 84 flats in 9 blocks with a density of 236 habitable rooms.
The layout of the blocks is different this time but is very similar to the previous application. Access would again be from Tyson Road with 15 to 17A being demolished.
To my eye the concrete footprint looked even bigger than on the previous application and the design was cramped and unattractive. The proposed buildings would dwarf the existing houses.
It is difficult to see how the planners could approve this application given its similarity to the previous application but we will see.
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11-06-2008 08:36 PM
Object again and they will submit a anew application for 83 flats and so on and so on!
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10-11-2008 12:32 PM
Came across an article in this week's News Shopper (5 November), although it seems to have been online since 28 October:
The article is about Loromah Estates' plans for an eco-friendly housing development on 'derelict land' behind Tyson Road - and ironically it appears on the Green Guardian page! Perhaps someone would like to point out to the Green Guardian the exact nature of the 'derelict' land?
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10-11-2008 03:33 PM
Incredible when will these devolpers give up. You would have thought in the current climate they had learnt a painfull lesson but apparently not.
I suggest LBC refuse all applications until all current sites are completed.
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10-11-2008 03:38 PM
yes indeed. And in order to 'get around' the environmental issues they are dressing this up as an environmentally friendly development with bird baths and plants to encourage bees etc. Just laughable.
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10-11-2008 04:07 PM
I live close enough to have been circulated with their revised proposals for comments. The footer at the bottom of the page reads "Jesus is Lord" ... we should remind them about all God's creatures, though they claim despite exhaustive searches they have failed to find either stag beetles or bats.
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10-11-2008 10:55 PM
Perhaps they should check the bottom of their boots
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11-11-2008 10:07 PM
Ah, just paint your planning application green and that should be good enough. On the same issue as Newsshopper promoting the current (green) plans (5 Nov) for TR, there is a letter "putting planning nightmares on the big screen" talking about making a documentary on the planning process in Lewisham, well not exactly the process (that would be a bit dull) but some of the more controversial decisions. Contact
I'll dig out my planning thread on the other side, and then see if anyone has started on youtube
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11-11-2008 10:15 PM
whoops -
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17-11-2008 10:52 AM
The planning application is now available on Lewisham Council's planning site
Application no: 08/70207
Suggest this does does not get approved until the council do something about the eyesore behind the station. Although that's probably not the argument that will the day.