Colfe Road's annual street party is happening on Sunday the 10th June from 2-8pm. See attached flyer for more details.
Come listen to some of the fantastic musical entertainment we have lined up. All acts are kindly performing for free. We also have lots of kids entertainment: a bouncy castle, face painters and much more.
Plus for all you keen bakers- our Bake off is happening this year. Bring your cakes and see someone crowned champion at 4pm 🏆. We also have a fabulous raffle. All funds raised on the day are going to St Christopher's Hospice.
Canvas & Cream- our lovely neighbourhood restaurant/cafe/art gallery- has kindly confirmed they are contributing to the prize for the First place winner of this year's COLFE ROAD BAKE OFF- for best overall bake 🏆. So as well as a trophy and a bottle of champagne 🍾, you could also see yourself winning free Tea and Cake for 2 at Canvas & Cream!! (We also have a 2nd place prize for most delicious cake- maybe one of your kids could help you win that one?!) Even if you are not into baking, there are so many other reasons to enjoy our street party! And remember everyone organising and performing/helping on the day are all doing it for free and it's all in aid of St Christopher's hospice.
This event is not suitable for all residents. I’ve been stuck inside all day because I can’t cope with crowds or these noise levels. I have to open windows because it’s too hot which makes it worse. This is an awful thing to do to people. I might have understood 12-3 or something, but now I’ve found this is going on until 8pm? I’m going to have to make a complaint because I’m sure I’m not the only person living here who has been isolated by this event and felt that they can’t leave their house. Not everyone likes the same thing, you’re selfish for thinking that.
I've only just seen this. Please don't call us organisers selfish. We gave up our time as working parents of young children to arrange a joyful family day which was put on for community cohesiveness and raised over £900 for St Christopher's Hospice. In fact we are attending a thank you evening tomorrow along with other people who have raised funds for this lovely hospice. You are the one voice of criticism. We had so much positive feedback from our neighbours- many of whom have asked when next year's one is on. We gave lots of warning - by flyering twice and posters were put up all around the road, and on neighbouring roads and on social media to give people plenty of notice about this positive day, enjoyed by young and old.