Saturday 30th September 2pm at Sydenham School, Dartmouth Road, SE26 4RD
What’s on the agenda?
Introduction and welcome – Cllr Paul Upex
Forest Hill Assembly Fund 2017 Market place event- meet the applicants who have a project idea to help make a difference in Forest Hill.
Projects put to the assembly’s vote
Air quality presentation- Cllr Sophie McGeevor
Walking and cycling strategy - Brendan Cuddihy, Forest Hill Society
Borough of Culture Bid update – Andy Thomas
Community Updates and question time
· Active consultations in Forest Hill
· Upcoming Christmas activities
· Changes to waste 2nd October
Date of next meeting: Saturday 2nd December 2017
What is the Forest Hill Assembly?
Your Forest Hill Assembly discusses issues of concern to you and your neighbours. It’s a place where you and other local residents can work together with the local councillors, police, local organisations and the wider community to make Forest Hill a better place to live, work and learn. Anyone who lives, works or studies in Forest Hill can come along and get involved.