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Garden Waste Collection Service
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Cllr Paul Upex

Posts: 41
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Post: #1
07-03-2016 01:23 PM

Hello everybody

I just wanted to highlight the new Garden Waste collection service on offer from Lewisham Council. The cost of weekly garden waste collections until 31 March 2017 is £45 - to sign up use the link below

Garden waste collection service

best wishes

Cllr Paul Upex

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Post: #2
07-03-2016 01:39 PM

Is this the same as the service provided for free to all residents in Southwark?

Why can't my garden waste be burnt to create power at the incinerator in Bermondsey?

Over in Kensington they are looking to scrap their garden waste collection service due to the cost of running this service. Their website states:

Technical analysis suggests incinerating garden waste at the ‘energy from waste’ plant used by the Council rather than composting it actually provides a carbon benefit once the effects of the transportation of the waste are taken into account

See more at:

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Post: #3
07-03-2016 02:05 PM

We compost almost all our garden waste. Almost. There's some stuff that decomposes too slowly to be of any use and for that we've used the 'green bag' scheme - £10 for 10 green bin bags which the council collects.

Is that being scrapped? We currently use perhaps 10 bags - £10-worth - a year so I'm extremely reluctant to have to sign up to a £60-a-year scheme (it's £60 after the Year One 'teaser rate' expires) - the cost equivalent of 60 bin bags!

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Post: #4
07-03-2016 02:17 PM

If Lewisham Council starts charging for taking garden waste away this will create another problem of increase in illegal fly-tipping in parks and open spaces as well as public highway and will cost the council even more money to clear up. I worked for a outer London council in parks and the council did the same and overnight there was a large increase in garden waste been fly-tipped come on all you Lewisham local councillors wake up and smell the coffee and possibility take a wage cut if you are concerned about the local environment and services been saved.

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Post: #5
07-03-2016 02:57 PM

Yes the green bag service is being scrapped, from the Lewisham site
"The last day that you’ll be able to buy garden waste bags will be Friday 29 April and the last collection date will be Friday 15 July 2016. From June 2016 we will be offering garden waste wheelie bin collections."

The Brown Bin can take more types of waste, "grass, leaves, twigs
hedge trimmings, weeds (except Japanese knotweed*), flowers
plants, fallen fruit, house flowers, branches no more than 10cm thick and 50cm long, cut-up Christmas trees

BUT "Only put loose garden waste in your bin. Don’t use plastic bags." Which is not overly helpful if your waste is in the back garden and the bins are collected from the front. Either you wheel the bin back and forth through your house or you collect wase in a bag, empty into the brown bin and then put the empty plastic bag in, ummm, household waste bin?

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Post: #6
07-03-2016 03:08 PM

I'm guessing that the brown wheelie bins won't be collected on a weekly basis between November and March (apart from early January Christmas trees, perhaps).

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Post: #7
07-03-2016 03:41 PM

I know it's a pain, but you can take your own green waste down to the Bermondsey recycling site if you want a 'free of charge' option...

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Post: #8
07-03-2016 04:04 PM

Thanks. yes, you're right on both counts. It's an option - it's also a pain - spiders, bugs, flies all desperately trying to turn my car into their new home...Scared

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Post: #9
07-03-2016 04:52 PM

As a heavy user of the green bag scheme, I'm happy about this. I'm lucky, though, to have a side return so can wheel my bin back and forth that way. An option for others would be to have a few black sacks that you use for collecting green waste, that you carry through the house and tip into your brown bin. They would probably be reusable quite a few times.

I used to take my garden waste to a collection point just off Sydenham Road and would still have snails crawling across the dashboard days later.

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Post: #10
07-03-2016 06:04 PM

The normal service runs from April to March. So the first year, which starts in June, is only a slight teaser rate for 10 months rather than 12. In fact, if it starts at the end of June it is the same rate.

I recall there being a trial in Blackheath probably about 10 years ago but I don't think this was a chargeable service. Never did see what the outcome of that was but thought it would be a great idea as a free service.

Like Mr_Numbers, we compost most of our garden waste. This is a much more expensive option which would only get used occasionally by most people. Am struggling to see how this will be economic for the council to run even. As michael says it does look suspiciously like the free service that Southwark provides:

They also collect Christmas trees still which would be useful.

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Post: #11
07-03-2016 08:37 PM

Would anybody object to transferring SE23 to Southwark?

We could have free garden waste collection and a proper staffed library.

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Post: #12
07-03-2016 09:34 PM

Having lived in Harrow and Kennington I cannot get over how good Lewisham is over things like this. I cant believe you lot are complaining. Weekly collections, all recycled waste in one bin and now a garden waste bin.

Tough crowd.

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Post: #13
07-03-2016 10:23 PM

Tough crowd.

Rofl Yep! That's us!Thumbsup

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Post: #14
07-03-2016 10:29 PM

I wonder how many green bag equivalent loads the bin will hold? I tend to binge garden - weeks of nothing, then lots of bags. Will this result in overflow black bags sitting outside properties until space in the bin the following weeks?

The T&Cs says weekly collection all year so November through March should be covered Mr Numbers.

To labc's point the teaser seems potentially misleading and clarity is needed if it applies from 1 June. It's also not an option from 15 July as green bags won't be collected and no doubt green bag collections will be oversubscribed in the run up to cut off.

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Post: #15
07-03-2016 10:41 PM

The T&Cs says weekly collection all year so November through March should be covered Mr Numbers.

So is that not a shocking waste of money? Collecting gardening waste all year?

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Post: #16
07-03-2016 10:49 PM

I tend to binge / panic garden well into November so it suits me at least! Also they'll accept cut up Xmas trees.

Also I wonder if they're wasting money during that period e.g. Outsourced staff and maybe leased vehicles to lower costs during slow months? I don't know enough about the financing of the service.

This post was last modified: 07-03-2016 10:51 PM by Loigal.

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Post: #17
08-03-2016 12:16 AM

Ooof don't get me started on the library!

Now we know it won't be fully staffed with professional librarians & we have to do the best we can as a community, at the very least we should have knowledge & support.

A little birdie told me we should have had the bid package yesterday with bids to be submitted 10 weeks later but nothing as of yet!

Cllr Paul Upex could you look in to this for us?

You are posting on this thread but not the library thread so here's hoping you can give this information ASAP so we can do the best we can in our bid for FH library. It's just a little bit important!

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Post: #18
08-03-2016 01:22 AM

What if you want a service that falls between the ad hoc collection of bags and a weekly collection?

We often use the green bags in the summer but wouldn't need a weekly collection. We have quite a large garden - what about those with small gardens who want their garden waste collected but wouldn't need a weekly service?

Seems there's nothing in between.

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Post: #19
08-03-2016 07:29 AM

Whether you need your bin emptied every week is neither here nor there there as long as you would use 6 or more rolls of green bags in a year. You're paying a flat fee. Work out how much you spend on green bags. I know for a fact I use far more that 6 rolls over 12 months. So the full £60 will save me money.

But I agree it will be a problem for people who only need very occasional collections.

This post was last modified: 08-03-2016 07:31 AM by rshdunlop.

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Post: #20
08-03-2016 09:38 AM

I don't see why they had to can the green bags. Couldn't the schemes have run in parallel? I got through 2 rolls max a year. And we've already got 2 bins - 3 will take up a lot of space (and we're lucky enough to have a drive - the pavements are going to be a nightmare on bin day).

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