Sainsbury's Car Park "recycling"
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Posts: 74
Joined: Mar 2014
05-05-2014 12:58 PM
Here's what the recycling centre at the back of Sainsbury's looks like this morning. Why do people think it's OK to dump all their c**p here? This is a broken window that needs to get fixed asap or it will just get worse. One is supposed to be for old electronics, yet people regularly show up, break open the bin and rummage through it, in plain daylight: wouldn't it be great if the guys on mopeds ticketing honest shoppers could instead direct a bit of attention to this illegal dumping.
The other bins for recyclable household waste are just getting used as a tip all of a sudden, for some reason.
Flytipping sofas on the street? Come on people - what makes you think it's OK. Seriously how do we get someone from Lewisham to patrol this? It's also all on CCTV too.
Recycling is great: I use it all the time but this makes it look like some sort of slum.
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05-05-2014 04:01 PM
And as if by magic, there was a garbage truck from Lewisham there at 4pm. Probably a complete coincidence but they cleaned most of it up except for the sofa. Nice job. Had a good chat with the guys, and said thank you for cleaning it up.
They told me that in theory you can take pictures eg of offenders' cars and report it to Lewisham. Then you have to go to court as a witness! This seems a little ridiculous. Wonder what would happen if the police were called instead. Would they do anything? What about the cctv footage? Any ideas?
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06-05-2014 06:47 AM
Its not so bad when its Sainsbury's but I have spotted a neighbour of mine flytipping, and did not report it. I know that the fly tipping affects many people, but at the end of the day I have to live next door and dont want to get on the wrong side of him (he is a little intimidating). The last thing I would want to do is go to court and be a witness.
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06-05-2014 09:17 AM
There's a pretty big CCTV unit hanging above the car park which they can use as video evidence. It shouldn't need a 'witness' if it's caught on camera - the cctv footage would be much more reliable anyway. We should be able to report it to Lewisham, they review the cctv, police bring a conviction. Otherwise why bother with the CCTV: for parking enforcement only? That would be frustrating.
Obviously if it's your neighbour then it's a different matter. That's a little bit more of a sticky situation.
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14-05-2014 05:00 PM
Well that's the thing unless someone is caught in the act, the council can't really do anything. And they are probably reluctant to spend the money trying to go after someone who will end up getting minimal punishment anyway.
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14-07-2015 05:59 AM
The electrical recycling bin has now been removed along with the clothes recycling bin. It may look better but does anyone know where I can recycle toaster-sized electrical goods if it can't be done at Sainsburys anymore?
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14-07-2015 06:15 AM
Unless it has also been removed, there is a similar bin at the Sainbsurys in Bell Green, Sydenham (the Savacentre, for older residents!)
Posts: 83
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14-07-2015 06:46 AM
Currys/PC World will accept any electrical item for recycling, any size, whether you bought it from them or not. I often take them stuff.
You can also bring any unwanted electrical item into your nearest Currys PC World for free recycling, even if you haven’t bought it from us.