Pedestrian crossings: London Road junction - railing removal
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Posts: 1,538
Joined: Apr 2006
09-07-2015 04:18 PM
Would agree that the placing of the posts on the island is stupid and creates an unnecessary pinch point.
Posts: 40
Joined: Jul 2014
09-07-2015 05:11 PM
I don't agree that the junction is confusing, but that doesn't prevent it for being unfit for purpose. In particular, separating a relatively narrow road into two separate crossings, each on its own timer is ridiculous particularly given the volume of people who cross there due to the station. At peak times in the morning and evening it is not uncommmon to see 20 or 30 people trying to squeeze onto the island in the middle of the road (which can comfortably hold about 6 people). This is clearly dangerous and ridiculous and it's not the pedestrians fault.
The junction needs to be redesigned so that each of the three main crossing points are not separated into two (I believe there are currently actually 6 pedestrian crossings in total to cross 3 bits of road). So that when you get a green man you are able at each point to cross the entire width of road.
I would favour the timing they have at Oxford Circus junction where ALL pedestrian parts are red and each lane of traffic gets its turn. Then there is a 30 second period when ALL traffic is red and ALL pedestrian lights turn green (with a helpful count down timer). I think this is the solution.
Posts: 1,516
Joined: Jan 2008
09-07-2015 05:25 PM
Londondrz... Doesn't it just. Is it just me or is the gap stupidly small?
I'm surprised no one else has mentioned this yet (unless I missed it)
Agreed stepover.
Not sure if you recall, but many moons ago the crossing phase outside WH Smiths was indeed one single crossing phase. Worked much better, but required ALL traffic to stop. I assume this was changed to a phased crossing to allow traffic movement.
Personally I say the sacrifice of stopping all traffic is worth it in this limited space environment.
Its the only direction that needs a single crossing phase.
Could even have a turn right only phase during this time, allowing traffic which has to wait an eternity to turn right (onto Dartmouth) normally.
Aaah the good old days ....
This post was last modified: 09-07-2015 05:28 PM by Snazy.
Posts: 822
Joined: Dec 2006
10-07-2015 11:12 AM
Amongst all the nips and bites, snazy has hit on a good idea here:
have a permanent crossing guard or policemen.
If he sees a significant build up on the reservation, then he simply stops the traffic to let them cross, regardless of whose turn it is.
Generally I think we all want to see more of a police presence to deter crime, and one stood in the middle of the south circ by the station could hardly be more prominent. Just like the good old days.
The careless crossers could be told to watch-it, and cars stopping on the crossing could have their side-windows vigorously rapped. Cars jumping the lights could have a failure to stop £1000 fine added to the charge.
I've not used the new island but i am hardly surprised.
The message to the disabled, old and parents of the young is very clear now: get in your cars or on the bus and shop somewhere else.