I've got an unused piece of sisal - an off cut from a bigger piece. 4m x 1.2m. It either is or is very similar to the Panama Pilsbury design. You'd probably want to have it edged which is advised as otherwise it would fray. Or you could have it fitted into a corridor or stairs. There is a 4cm long cut in the long side 66cm in, this would be hidden if you have it edged or you could just cut it here and shorten it slightly. See the last of the 3 pics for that.
This sort of sisal goes for around £20-25 per sq m so completely new you'd be looking at about £100ish. Am asking for £50 cash.
Pick up only, am in Forest Hill, right near the station. Please email me at hellolaurengrace@gmail.com if you are interested.
thanks, Lauren