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Wishing MORE would participate here
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Posts: 176
Joined: Nov 2005
Post: #1
19-10-2007 07:36 PM

This may seem cheeky, as I have only recently returned from being offline (from home) for almost a year, to the Internet, in general, but I find, that many others local areas' forums are much busier than I (obviously) have not posted, here, on this forum, for over that time (sadly) but.......... I have read ALL threads and posts, in the time I have been away, either from an Internet Cafe or other peoples home computers. I really find it surprising that this Forum is not more active. I know that not all residents will have Internet Access, but would hope that, if they have any queries/concerns etc. they would at least do a Search online, wherever possible, to help to find out more about their local area/ask about the local community (and then, that this forum would be "thrown up"). I must confess to being a bit of a "voyeur" - I read a lot on other local community forums - BECAUSE they are local to my immediate area and I have interest in them - but I feel a bit sad, peeved and embarassed that many more residents of SE23 do not contribute or participate here on - ESPECIALLY those who DO have Net Access. I am NOT a home owner but I HAVE lived in Forest Hill for over 12 years and love it. I moved from Lambeth and have been MUCH happier here than before. Life is not perfect, but, with the help of this Forum (I find out so much more, about the local area, from reading here - not always good, or want I want to know about BUT - I find out more! - but that is life) my personal FH experience is better, from reading here.
I hope that more non-home owners AND home owners, WILL participate here in future. I moan (to myself or anyone else who will listen) often, about "Local stuff" or just "wonder" and its great that here on I can find out a lot. It seems to me that not many in my local area - or circumstances - are as bothered as I am though, because they don't (or maybe, can't, easily) use this forum. That leaves me wondering, if, maybe, the Forum is used by mainly home-owners (rather than a share of users being from rented/council/home-owners etc) This may be so, and for me, no problem, but, it would be good if some other people in "my situation" were here, or even, MORE people were here. We can't force people to use a forum, I know, but is there anything else that can be done to maybe, make more residents of SE23 aware of this forum? I REALLY care, about my area/community - I used to be part of a Tenants and Residents Association but sadly, it was useless and indications are that its not really any better now too. What I am really trying to say, I guess, is, I wish MORE people would become part of this Forum, Post (with useful stuff, mostly) from all walks of life, and, help to make Forest Hill better - in whatever way we can (and, YES, I will be applying to join the Forest Hill Society) Please, try and publicise this Forum more, everyone. Those who are "bothered" may join, those who are not, well, we can't do anything about that. But, more publicity would surely be good (maybe flyers in all the local shops/businesses for example? Leaflets through doors ( I would HAPPILY do this!) - just a thought - do all the local shops/businesses know about this forum even?) I know I am jumping in here, big time, BUT I am really one (in a minority, it seems, from "my area, IN "the area"") who does give a damn and I wish more would, in general. Thanks. Sue

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Posts: 427
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Post: #2
19-10-2007 11:36 PM

Ever thought of being a publicity agent? Smile

Activity on the forum normally responds to local news or a new business opening ... if there's a hint of a coffee shop in the pipeline watch the posts fly.

I've just activated a backlog of registrations which means those who registered over the past couple of days are now able to post, though it's now the weekend which is normally a quiet time.

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Post: #3
20-10-2007 08:16 PM

I think the change to the forum sign-up process will help. I was put off registering previously by the "please write down your first post and we'll vet it" and only decided to register when that was removed.

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Post: #4
22-10-2007 11:56 AM

I'd suggest that the new forum might make it easier to post since members are now logged in and not having to key in passwords etc.

But I also think that there's a need for people to be more positive on the forum too. There are a few old hands around who denigrate any topic that they're not interested in which can intimidate new people.

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Posts: 531
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Post: #5
22-10-2007 01:34 PM

It's taken me over a year to get an account to post on the SE23 forums, despite numerous attempts at securing an account. It's only with the new forum that i've been successful...

...else I would have participated more.

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Post: #6
22-10-2007 03:06 PM

IWereAbsolutelyFuming wrote:
It's taken me over a year to get an account to post on the SE23 forums, despite numerous attempts at securing an account. It's only with the new forum that i've been successful...

I can see why you MayHaveBeenAbsolutelyFuming, but you were trying to register on the old system using an email address which could be acquired free of charge, contrary to the registration instructions.

Thankfully the anti-spam measures on the new system are more effective, so the requirement is relaxed.

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Post: #7
22-10-2007 03:27 PM

I'm not having a dig but it was frustrating.

I had also tried to get a new account with an ISP-provided email account, re-activate an old account and tried to follow the advice you(?) emailed me when I eventually worked out a way to email someone (i.e. not via the registration link). Thankfully the new forum makes things easier and clearer (as a systems developer I like to think I'm no dunce when it comes to IT but my employer (and you) might disagree...).

Just think of all the valuable contributions from me you have missed ; )

back on topic though...I'm also surprised by the relative lack of members and posts on this forum. it also seems that 10% of the membership make 90% of the noise. I'll do my best to make it 11%.

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Post: #8
22-10-2007 03:41 PM

Welcome aboard the good ship

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Posts: 335
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Post: #9
22-10-2007 04:17 PM

IWereAbsolutelyFuming wrote:
I'm also surprised by the relative lack of members and posts on this forum. it also seems that 10% of the membership make 90% of the noise. I'll do my best to make it 11%.

Pareto! Oh, the good ol' 80/20 rule

I don't think that participation is the issue really. You are never going to get THAT many people posting all the time, but the trick is to offer a lot of different people the chance to post from time to time.

The important thing for this forum is that, to paraphrase a certain movie, we use it as a force for good and make things better around here, not simply moan about things. I feel that so far this is the case and it marks out SE23 from most other areas.

I hope that re-registration and learning a new system is not a turn off for to many of the old participants and we get the old buzz back on the boards.

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Post: #10
22-10-2007 11:31 PM

Oh dear Apple Spider, frightened of a challenge are we? Occasionally there is a need for a reality check as as much as I love SE23 we will never be Pleasantville (ironic that Enid Blyton was a near neighbour). And nothing gets people posting like a good argument. Off to the other side of the forum to complain about supporting football teams from outside SE London.

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Posts: 285
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Post: #11
23-10-2007 12:07 PM

baggydave wrote:
Oh dear Apple Spider, frightened of a challenge are we?

Not remotely but are you feeling paranoid assuming I was talking about you?

But when someone posts about something that's new to them in the area - parakeets, stag beetles - or something that was covered in a thread so old or long that that they're unlikely to find it, I think it's a general courtesy not to belittle them or make fun of their interests. While regulars may be aware that it's tongue in cheek, newcomers to the board or area - while we're trying to encourage interest - may not.

A good stonking discussion or argument is another thing entirely. Bring on some interesting topics...

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Post: #12
23-10-2007 05:50 PM

Hi Admin, thanks for your reply lol
No, but if you think I could do it, then I would like a job in Publicity?
I do know though, that whenever I feel particularly strong about something, I can be very vocal.

Yes, I see that, re: coffee shops etc. which is part of why I feel strongly. Not being funny, but, I don't use them, not around here anyway, if I did, would be only for special meetings etc. My kettle and current jar of granules OR caffetiere powder stuff does for me, and its cheaper.
What I mean is, coffee shops are not my main priority in this area.
Things that are more important to the community in general are what I care about. There are many of us, from all "walks of life" (interpret that to:_ from all ranges of earnings/financial status) here in Forest Hill, and if for whatever reason, some are put off from posting about/for their home area, that would be sad :o(
I have no jealousy or angst, incase anyone is wondering, I just would like my local area to be better, in many ways, same as most other people would.
I have seen many bad responses, attitudes etc. to posts on forums (in general) - usually by the resident "mob" and wonder why it is allowed - certainly its not very good for inducing newcomers. We all have out own points of view, and as long as within the boundaries of "Forum Rules", should be allowed.

In the past, comments/replies from some people, on threads, have made me say to myself "ooh! maybe I should not bother replying here, because I am not a home owner/big wage earner etc and maybe they would not think the views I have to offer are good enough/important"
IE:- some comments could have made me, or others, feel like second class citizens and not bother giving my feedback/views.
They roll off my back, usually, however, and thats good, because I can participate very well in arguments/opinion views, but i certainly would not bother doing that, if it meant I would be thrown off a Forum (as I have seen happen many times before, on some)

I will have my say though, strongly, in certain cases, when I feel particularly vehement about some things, and I will speak my mind (within the boundaries) here and elsewhere and urge others to do so too (within the guidelines)
Forums are (usually) for the use of all concerned - not just for those with the strongest, loudest (or most intimidating) voice.

The new,improved Forum is good and will be even better, I am sure. The current membership AND participation, will become more. I am sure it will......... IF others allow it to be so


Long live forums, people from all walks of life, and, the Internet ;o)


PS I do notice that some poeple (on forums in general) intimidate others and post like they own the place. Not good!

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Post: #13
23-10-2007 08:35 PM

It's not just forums where that happens.
Sometimes if you go into a pub the regulars try to scare you off!

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Post: #14
23-10-2007 09:20 PM

lol.. yes, I have experienced that too, in the past (not in FH though)
I haven't really used the pubs in Forest Hill, sadly, wish i did more, but........
Maybe when I attend an Forum event though? ;o)

Maybe I will scare them off? lol

Sherwood wrote:
It's not just forums where that happens.
Sometimes if you go into a pub the regulars try to scare you off!

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Post: #15
Toungue  05-11-2007 01:34 AM

I just like the use of HTML in these discussions.

I will try and be a good citizen of I will contribute so long as I have something useful to say.... Which isn't very often.

Scorpion wrote:
lol.. yes, I have experienced that too, in the past (not in FH though)
I haven't really used the pubs in Forest Hill, sadly, wish i did more, but........
Maybe when I attend an Forum event though? ;o)

Maybe I will scare them off? lol

Sherwood wrote:
It's not just forums where that happens.
Sometimes if you go into a pub the regulars try to scare you off!

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Post: #16
08-11-2007 10:39 PM

After trying to register a few times I am finally in! Hello all...we have been in HOP for 2.5 years after a lifetime in streatham and absolutely love it here.

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