with an AGM, where volunteers are elected for the essential roles of Chair, Secretary and Treasurer, (Alona, Sue & Hilary) and there are also brief formal reports. This year FOMP is looking for more volunteers for handle communications, sports liaison, co-ordinating volunteers working on the Pavilion triangle and orchard, events, and representing the interests of dog-walkers, young people and families.
At the AGM, held February 19th, Tim Lund volunteered for the communications role, while Alona undertook to continue her work on the Triangle and orchard. So that still leaves us looking for sporty, young eventful family-oriented dog-walkers - well, you understand - doesn't have to be just one person, in fact, the more the merrier!
Other news ...
- FOMP celebrates 20 years this spring, and a small celebration will mark the occasion.
- Mayow, Sydenham Wells and Home Park Parks, in three different wards (Perry Vale, Sydenham, and Bellingham) through their User Groups have set up a forum to share common concerns. There will be a three parks walk some time in June.
- 5th March 2013 will mark the long anticipated start of work - site set up, fencing, etc. - for the refurbishment of the pavilion, working closely with Iris to ensure minimal disruption to Grow Mayow. It is hoped to complete by end of June 2013, but damp rot in the building and stagnant water in the basement are possible risk factors. There would be weekly meetings with the contractors.
- There will be two cricket clubs using Mayow Park as a base - Streatham and Marlborough and Caribbean Mix - and provisional match dates have now been published. Caribbean Mix were also proposing a week long cricket event in the first week of September. Glendale are working on changing facilities for the period before the completion of the pavilion.
Further sports activities planned are:
- Junior football – midweek Primary Years 3 and 4
- Midweek school use – Sports days
- Park Active – half-terms and summer holidays run by TeachSport (free activities)
- Park Run – Paul Harper was looking to encourage a weekly 5k run, currently held at Hilly Fields. The use of the cafe would help a lot with this,
- a potential cycle event, and not forgetting
- regular usage of the tennis courts and bowls green
Sydenham Arts Festival - we look forward to again hosting an event as part of the Sydenham Arts Festival
The Way Forward for FOMP
Those attending the meeting were asked to write down their thoughts on the following questions:
- What do you think are the best features of Mayow Park?
- What is disappointing about Mayow Park?
- What do you see as the roles for Friends of Mayow Park?
- What will encourage more people to become involved with FOMP?
We hope to publish the results of this survey in due course.
PS - if you want to comment on these, or volunteer to help, it will be easiest if you post to
http://=http://friendsofmayowpark.blogsp...k/our blog or
Facebook site rather than here.