Bogus Window Cleaner
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Posts: 531
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19-03-2008 11:21 AM
Has anyone else had a knock on the door from a bloke claiming to be the boss of a team of window cleaners who are 'in the area' (he actually named a nearby road). We have a company who do windows regularly in the street I live in and I presumed he was from them and agreed to have ours done on a one-off basis. The prices were a bit steep (and very round, ?10, ?20) but the alarm bells were properly ringing when he started angling for the cash in advance. I said I'd pay when they were done and he said he'd come back tonight for payment. He reckoned he was from "Squeaky Clean in Bromley".
Turns out he wasn't from the company that usually work in my street and there is no sign of any window cleaners either in our street or the one he said they were cleaning in today - although they may still show up as he said they'd be with us by 12:30.
I guess this is just a heads-up in case he does turn out to be dodgy.
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19-03-2008 01:16 PM
A scam of this kind was described a while back on the East Dulwich Forum - although I've not been able to find the thread.
If memory serves, the bloke was white, forty-something, 'geezer-ish', confident and plausible. He may have introduced himself as Andy.
Does that sound like your guy?
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19-03-2008 01:38 PM
We've had a guy offering building/gardening work along with a seperate window cleaning service. About a week ago I was washing up and suddenly it sounded as though someone was kicking the door in. I very angrily opened the door and asked him what the xxxx he thought he was doing and he claimed to be offering cut price contract work (not jumping to any conclusions here but he had a heavy Irish accent) but I told him to xxxx off. Went back to the washing up and heard him booting next doors front door in the same fashion and quoting building/cleaning work. I followed him up the road and feined an interest in the cut price opportunity and he claimed to be a legit building contractor (quite an achievement for someone going through puberty) so I asked him for a quote on some pointing work and an estimate and he started looking awkward and then just ran off! He was probably seeing if anyone was in before robbing the property. He's abot 5'6 with a stud in his right eyebrow, bad acne and wearing an Arsenal home football top,jeans and a khaki blazer and quick on his toes!
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19-03-2008 01:48 PM
Sounds about spot on. He was fairly convincing in that he added some patter that means he has at least put some effort into his scam!
Anyway, just to confirm, there were no window cleaners around and none showed up at our house before the time he gave me (which, thinking about it, gave him just enough time to visit some local streets before scarpering).
Oh, the only other identifying feature I can give is that he had a Millwall FC ring on his right hand.
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19-03-2008 01:52 PM
I read the ED thread about the window cleaning scam - think the name he was using was Tony or Steve.
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25-03-2008 12:10 PM
My neighbour and I (In Gabriel Street) have just had a guy at the door fitting the exact description. About 40, addidas track suit top and bottoms quite a confident and chatty 'geezer'. He gave me the whole spiel about his cleaning company doing the whole road and did we want ours done. Because I have already read this thread I told him that the whole road has used a trusted window cleaner regularly for years and he is completely wasting his time by calling along here. He then said that someone from the street had actually hired him but he could not remember which house. He then rushed up the road chatting nervously on his phone and did not call at any other properties. If I see him again in the area I might call the police, he is clearly a scammer.
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26-03-2008 11:40 AM
Thanks Nutfield - I think if any of us see him again we should get onto the safer neighbourhood team.
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26-03-2008 11:53 AM
I have contacted the Safer Neighbourhood team so lets see if they know of this character already and will keep an eye out for him. My concern is that he will target the old and vunerable. Will be interesting to see if any others get a knock on the door from him.
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27-03-2008 11:29 AM
Just to let you all know I got a call from Sargent Warren Gregory of the Safer Neighbourhood Team yesterday. He has has logged the details and the team/s in the area are keeping an eye out for him. He has also read this and the east dulwich thread with interest. If someone suspicious knocks on anyone's door please give him or one of his team a call on 020 8721 2488 and they will get on the case.
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02-07-2008 08:01 PM
Yes this scumbag is currently scamming in "Squeaky Bromley".
He ripped of a 89 year old lady for gutter cleaning yesterday,he used the name Tony.
The lady was taken to hospital after he took ?30 from her as is in a bad way apparently...
He could be in major trouble if she doesn't recover.
Couldn't happen to a nicer person SCUMBAG !!
His "works" mobile number is 07951 900 809
Leave him a message please.
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03-07-2008 04:49 PM
Oh yes, the chap with a charming turn of phrase and a mobile phone number, but no business cards and no bucket. He got me last year, but only to the tune of ten quid. Perhaps he was having a sale. He convinced me he was genuine by talking very knowledgably about my windows and his work schedule.
I did report him to the police and they said they'd keep it on file.
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03-07-2008 07:59 PM
Someone said the flats he called on have a CCTV so he might make the local paper or the tv if the old girl he scammed doesn't come out of hospital...
I spoke to him,he is quite funny to be fair then he robs a frail old lady...
I wonder if he'd like "his old lady" being taken to hospital with a seizure after being scared and humiliated...
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13-06-2009 04:35 PM
I live on Manor Mount. Yesterday afternoon, I had a visit from a very jovial 'geezer' (white, short dark hair, specs, late 30's / early 40's) who greeted me cheerily (by my first name) and offered to clean my windows. He said he had a large, established round in FH and was "doing Manor Mount today".
I asked him WHEN he would clean my windows (God knows they need cleaning) and for HOW MUCH; the answers were 'later today' and '?20 for the first clean, then ?10 a month'. He then said he collected quarterly in advance and asked me for ?40. I said I'd pay when the windows had been cleaned; he replied that "my lads will doing the cleaning later; I don't let them collect cash so you have to pay me now".
Smelling a rat, I replied that I hadn't got ?40 on me so I'd pass; maybe see him next month. We left it at that but I had a walk up and down the Mount later on and saw no sign of any window-cleaning activity, which reinforced my suspicion that there is no window-cleaning round and that I'd had a visit from a con-man.
This morning, at around 9.00 am, the same guy pitched-up on my doorstep again, "to see if you've got the cash now" as his lads would be round later today. I told him I still hadn't got any cash and we had the same old conversation - me saying I'd pay when the windows had been cleaned, him saying I had to pay now as his 'lads' don't handle cash.
In the end, after giving me a long spiel about needing to spend the day at his office in Bromley, he 'gave in' saying that his lads would call at 2.00pm to clean my windows and that - as a special favour to me - he'd come back for the cash at 3.00pm. It's now 5.30pm and - surprise, surprise - no-one's called.
So there we have it. I didn't part with any cash so I don't think any offence has been committed but I'm pretty sure this guy's a con-man (if you know different, please correct me) and I strongly suggest that anyone who gets a visit from him either tells him to get lost or insists on paying AFTER their windows have been cleaned.
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14-06-2009 08:28 AM
Suggest that people look for recommended firms and forget about door to door con merchants. I hope this latest incident has been reported to the police? An elderly former neighbour of mine received visits from similar guys who pushed their way inside her home. I think she had a lucky escape but probably only because it was clear she had nothing worth stealing.
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14-06-2009 10:16 AM
Just spoke to my downstairs neighbours; he went there too but got no money.
And yes, Roz, we're reporting it to the police.
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16-06-2009 12:47 AM
Next time tell him you've read a few stories about local dodgy window cleaners and would he mind you taking his photograpgh. See how fast he runs
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07-09-2009 11:35 PM
Anyone else have a visit from a couple of guys yesterday offering window cleaning services? They were doing door to door in Colfe/Como Road area. Seemed genuine enough and have given a date to come back and do the work. Asked them where they're from and they said the Chatham area and used to work for a guy who had a large round there but have gone alone as he employs 'kids' to keep his costs down. Leaflet they gave says 'K Bowden approved cleaning services'. However, given the number of scams/potential burglars casing joints would be good to know if they are genuine. Also, one of the guys matches the (rather generic) description of the 'window cleaning' scammer of last year (white, shortish, 'blokey' accent, thin hair etc) I wouldn't have let them in but my wife answered the door and they were in and looking around pretty quickly. The taller guy (6' 2" ish with dark hair) has a distinctive gold front tooth.