I didn't realise the Horniman was just for families? I think it would be good if they did cater a bit more for adults who might like a glass of wine or beer in the pleasant surroundings of the cafe and conservatory.
I think they do serve wine at their evening musical events anyway, thinking about it. As someone's already mentioned, people buy alcohol elsewhere and take it into the park.
On the other hand, because the grounds aren't that huge (and now there's less space with new buildings added)..and the park backs on to peoples' houses and gardens, I don't actually think it's suitable for very large events where it's likely crowds are going to arrive within a small timeframe. It's totally different when you have people drifting in and out of the park throughout a normal day.
So I think an alcohol licence could work for specific smaller events at night - but I'm not convinced about large daytime events.
This post was last modified: 04-04-2012 12:47 PM by seeformiles.