What would perfect Forest Hill?
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Posts: 4
Joined: Apr 2011
28-12-2011 11:45 PM
Hi there,
Just a simple question. What would most improve Forest Hill, in your opinion? The area really has a lot going for it - what would perfect it? My view is that making the station area more attractive - a kind of town square focal point - would have quite a few benefits. Obviously just daydreaming here - what would your ideal Forest Hill have that it doesn't already?
Best wishes, G.
robin orton
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29-12-2011 04:20 PM
A cinema. An electrical shop. An Anglican church. A men's outfitters.
robin orton
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29-12-2011 04:51 PM
And some good public art, such as a statue of a local worthy - Sir Steve Bullock, perhaps? And/or some interesting architecture (to add to the Horniman Museum and the library).
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29-12-2011 04:57 PM
A statue of Sir Steve? Where would one put it ( I would imagine one of the posters would say outside a pie shop.)
Personally I would think a return to good manners would be a good start.
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29-12-2011 09:51 PM
re route the one way system if that was possible, revamp Dartmouth rd with lots of new shops.
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29-12-2011 11:20 PM
FH had all of those until relativly recently but was unable to support them so I don't hold out much hope for their return in the middle of the worst recession since the last worst one.....
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29-12-2011 11:30 PM
One-way system? We have a one-way system?
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30-12-2011 01:02 PM
I suppose the bottom of David's Rd could qualify as one way and Manor Rd.
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30-12-2011 04:10 PM
Like the idea of the town square around the station, as the station is very much the reason why Forest Hill actually exists at all: it was the railway that came first, then the houses.
What's really wanted in FH is a by-pass road, to get rid of the through traffic.
Just try crossing the road by the launderette to get to the station and stand back when those massive artics manage to just make the turn: watch your feet!
The S. Circular Road has very few dual carriageway sections; it is just a collection of local roads with difficult junctions like FH and Catford. The big trucks have to use it because of weight restrictions, but it brings noise, dirt and danger to many communities in S. London.
In the 1960's the GLC (Greater London Council) had plans for the "London Ringways", and the S. Circular should have been upgraded to to Ringway 2, but public opposition (and the proposed demolition of so many properties) meant that the plans were dropped.
And there was also that idea about the road tunnel under Horniman's ....also long forgotten.
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30-12-2011 05:19 PM
If we had had that by pass road as proposed first in 1988, then there wouldn't be any Forest Hill left...
Posts: 179
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30-12-2011 05:44 PM
sounds like FH is quite a way off being perfect. I think in short the previous posters have summed it up as better roads, better shops better people. All Forest hill is, is roads, shops and people so sounds like we have a way to go.
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30-12-2011 05:55 PM
If we had perfection there'd still be someone who was unhappy; theres no such thing. And perfection isn't always necessary is it otherwise we'd have nothing to talk about on this Forum.
I think Forest Hill is perfect enough - nearly 27 years on I have no desire to move anywhere else, at least not in London. And certainly not to the North Circular.
I think it already has the right roads, lots of diversity of landscape and topography (ie hills- something ED doesnt have) and diversity of shops and business, and most definitely the right people!
Happy New Year everyone!
Posts: 361
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30-12-2011 06:29 PM
Right, let's celebrate the hills, they're alive with the sound of ...err...I knew I shouldn't have opened that bottle yet.
Happy New Year!
Posts: 201
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30-12-2011 07:14 PM
yep, alive with the sound of SNOW.
Posts: 47
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30-12-2011 08:04 PM
Well said Roz ! Forest hill is not perfect but almost !! im happy with that
Posts: 47
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30-12-2011 08:06 PM
and Tinkerbell me neither
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30-12-2011 10:14 PM
A new swimming pool would be perfect for 2012.
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30-12-2011 10:22 PM
Well, unless Willie Dicks are running late with the construction, we seem to be getting that anyway!
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31-12-2011 01:59 PM
Nowhere is perfect for everyone.
But places change and businesses come and go. Wish lists like this can be useful for people thinking of investing in an area as often some ideas of what people really want float to the top.
The new cafes, especially st davids and the funky gift shops have given the area a real boost.
I presume you are joking about having a statue of Sir Steve Bullock in Forest Hill Robin? Surely there must be someone more deserving from the past rather than a current politician!! Leslie Howard perhaps, or Boris Karloff, maybe Frederick John Horniman (if there isn't one already) or any of the many other more worthy people who seemed to have inhabited Forest Hill.
I think Forest Hill needs to decide what it wants to be. Is it a general high street, is it a supermarket under many roofs, is it a place where you get stuff you cant get anywhere else, it is a nice place to visit to buy thing to treat yourself, is it full of designer makers, or local produce or mass market and brands? Angling it towards one of these is the key to the future of any high street. It can still cater for all but the perception will be for one particular thing which will draw in people from outside like another high street I wont mention.
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31-12-2011 03:40 PM
They should reinstate the canal.