May mayoral election
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Posts: 212
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09-03-2008 08:52 PM
Just wondering about peoples thoughts on the forthcoming election..?
I was rather impressed recently when I answered the door to the Lib Dem canvasser who knew my name and was happy to spend a while discussing local issues as well as promoting his candidate.
Not seen anyone representing the other two.
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09-03-2008 09:39 PM
Not really getting excited as Ken will undoubtedly win a further term regardless of the Lee Jasper affair . Brian Paddick is probably the best alternative ever fielded by anyone but even so, its Ken who will get back in. There isnt enough impetus to remove the status quo. And certainly not enough to put Boris Son of Slaves into pole position.
An image of turkeys sprang to mind initially on reading this ,then I realised I was confusing the elections with Eurovision.
Easily done.
PS They get all our names from the electoral register...
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09-03-2008 10:58 PM
I think only Jeffrey Archer could unseat Ken.
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09-03-2008 11:11 PM
PS They get all our names from the electoral register...
Well, yes, I didn't think he'd guessed.
I was still impressed at the direct canvassing. Maybe the others do the same - they certainly should - but I've just never had one call one before.
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10-03-2008 07:51 PM
I will truly be heartbroken if old Red Ken gets in again.
In the name of humour, im interested in seeing Boris get in
Certainly seems the most passionate about the whole London thing.
Either way, seeing Ken out would be nice, replaced by someone with a little sanity would be great. And not someone who just hates cars.
Interestingly Ken (I get public transport everywhere) Livingstone has a driver.... interesting that eh. Even more interesting is the engine size of the car he is driven about in.
Nutta, someone PLEASE replace him!
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10-03-2008 08:51 PM
A friend a mine entered this competition where the winner will be given ?50,000 to run in the London Mayor elections:
He entered it first without thinking he had a chance but he is now leading! (Jake Willis). If he does get the ?50,000 I may have to vote for him in the real thing...
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13-03-2008 01:19 PM
Or you could always vote for Sydenham boy Michael Hodges, an independent candidate and London journalist who will certainly have south London's interestes at heart. You can find out more about him on or if you vote for him on, they will pay for his registration and campaign costs making it possible for him to stand.
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13-03-2008 04:15 PM
There is nothing funny about Boris - he is a deeply deeply scary man who hides it well behind his bumptious facade.
Think we've all had enough of Ken and there is much to be said for the US system of 2 terms and you're out.
I agree with Roz that Brian paddick is probably the best candidate but I'm not sure he has much of a chance - I suspect many people won't want to vote for him in the fear that it will divert enough votes away from Ken to ensure Boris gets in - a truly terrifying prospect.
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13-03-2008 04:27 PM
I must admit I'm at a bit of a loss at the moment. Definitely ready for a change from Ken and have been liking what Paddick has to say. As AMFM said, I'm also terrified that a vote for Paddick will split the vote and allow Boris in. He may be amusing on Have I Got News For You, but I do not want him running London thanks very much!
I'm thinking hard about it, not sure if I will ever reach a conclusion that I'm happy with though.
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14-03-2008 09:04 AM
I must say that I get a little frustrated by such arguments (nothing personal, but having followed UK politics for some time without being too politically inclined, I hear this over and over again).
If you like Paddick, vote Paddick. Far too many people in this country use the argument about how they really like another party (LibDems, Greens, etc.) but "as they will not win it could let in [enter name of one of only 2 parties here] so I will vote for [insert other name here]" and then go on to complain about how boring politics is and how nothing ever changes.
That is called a self-fulfilling prophecy and obviously in the interests of the 2 parties. This is not a democratic process.
If a few more people stood up and said I'm voting with my conscience it will inspire others to do the same and Paddick or Sian Berry or Michael Hodges, or whoever, will eventually prevail.
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14-03-2008 10:16 AM
The mayoral election has a transferable voting system, so you can vote for your favourite candidate first and then your second choice. In this system assuming one candidate does not get 50%, all but the first two candidates are eliminated and their votes redistributed.
So, in the case of SophieBee she could vote Paddick 1, Livingstone 2. If Paddick beats Boris in the first round then your vote does not transfer, but if the run off is between Boris and Ken, then your vote will go to Boris.
However, voting Green 1, UKIP 2, will probably be something of a wasted vote as both are likely to be eliminated in the first round and your transfer vote will be worthless. So make sure you predict the top two candidates correctly if you think your first choice may not get through!
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18-03-2008 01:36 PM
It is not easy to know whom to vote for in my opinion.
According to some polls Boris is surging ahead. This could just be on the back of government unpopularity as Ken is now Official Labour. Too be honest favour Boris but still not sure what his policies are but maybe they will become clear.
Ken has done some good things but not happy with his tendency to comment on International matters ( we in theory have a foreign secretary for that ) . The abuse of The US Ambassador was inexcusable ( in my opinion ).
I also do not agree with his policy to give kids free travel. The buses have become no go areas from about 3.15 to about 6.00pm. The swearing and playing of I Pods out loud are especially anoying. I agree children who have to travel over 2 miles to school should have free travel to and from school as long as wearing uniform.
About two weeks ago tried to get on a 176 at stop opposite The Capitol at about 9am. About 20 young ladies pushed on , all to alight at Sydenham School, one stop away. No wonder we have an obesity problem
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18-03-2008 04:26 PM
I along with Snazy would like to see Boris elected for humour but Paddick seems like the best of both worlds with his in-depth knowledge of the Met and it's underbelly, he just appears more hands on.
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19-03-2008 10:21 AM
You should really look hard at 'funny' Boris's policies - for his key election issue: 300 bendy buses out of a fleet of thousands of buses. He has NO proper costing for replacing them,how long it would take, and what will happen to the decommissioned bendy buses? Scrap? How is that cost effective or environmentally justifiable? All this is on his own admission. If he can't even manage that how the hell do you really think he'll run London? I use the buses as one example, there is no substance to ANY of his policies.
If you want comedy, go and see some stand up at the pub, but please don't use that as a valid reason for voting for someone to run this city. GET REAL.
Sorry to rant, but i'm astonished that this important issue seems to be being treated like an episode of Big Brother.........
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19-03-2008 01:51 PM
I am afraid I would not vote for Ken for one single reason. As a motorcyclist TFL have been trialing the use of motorcycles in bus lanes for the last two years. The results of this were leaked and showed that there was a large reduction in casualties to motorcyclists AND cyclists. Despite this Ken has buried the figures because he does not want to antagonise the large electorate who cycle. Thus motorcycles cannot use bus lanes in London despite most of the principal cities in the UK allowing it. This is purely to win votes and ANYONE who puts votes ahead of lives is scum.
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19-03-2008 03:10 PM
I must say that I get a little frustrated by such arguments (nothing personal, but having followed UK politics for some time without being too politically inclined, I hear this over and over again).
If you like Paddick, vote Paddick. Far too many people in this country use the argument about how they really like another party (LibDems, Greens, etc.) but "as they will not win it could let in [enter name of one of only 2 parties here] so I will vote for [insert other name here]" and then go on to complain about how boring politics is and how nothing ever changes.
That is called a self-fulfilling prophecy and obviously in the interests of the 2 parties. This is not a democratic process.
If a few more people stood up and said I'm voting with my conscience it will inspire others to do the same and Paddick or Sian Berry or Michael Hodges, or whoever, will eventually prevail.
I don't think I said that I wasn't going to vote with my conscience, but can understand that it may have read like that and am sorry if that is the case. My difficulty will almost certainly lie with the second preference vote, so I should have been clearer on that.
Without proper proportional representation (and even with this depending on the system), I believe you do have to weigh your voting decision carefully. Especially if you have strong feelings about one of the candidates as I do. I did not mean to imply that the decision was too scary and so I'd stick with the status quo because that is much easier, just that it is a decision I have to think long and hard about before I come to a conclusion.
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19-03-2008 05:26 PM
The London system is easy, and it's actually designed to encourage people to vote for who they want, not who they must.
Your first vote goes to the person you really want to see in power. Your second one goes to the candidate with a realistic chance of winning whom you would dislike the least.
So vote Paddick (or someone else) in the hope of getting someone other than Boris (lorks, what a hoot!) Johnson or Ken (I'm so progressive I'm best mates with a religious extremist) Livingstone. And then give your second preference to Boris or Ken if you must.
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28-03-2008 01:27 PM
Its interesting to see how we all (most) appear to post whilst viewing each candidate of our choice with rose tinted glasses.
However I personally have taken the time to read the manifesto's as they appear, and am alarmed at how many Boris manifesto's are followed closely by a Red Ken manifesto saying much the same thing.
Recently receiving the local candidates manifesto for local authority and I have to say things like re-opening the blackwall tunnel tidal flow appeal to me greatly.
Back to Boris with a more sensible approach to things like congestion charging, housing, policing etc, I see more detail in his plans than Ken's.
The other thing of course is like now with local and national government... how can the presently serving parties pledge to improve services they have been promising to improve for the past 6-10 years, and expect to be taken seriously? They have had LOADS of time, but if you vote them back in, they promise to do it right THIS time.
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28-03-2008 03:54 PM
Re the second vote...did people notice the 2006 Mayoral election?
In the first round the current Mayor had 22,000 votes and a majority of almost 10,000. In round 2 with 25,000 his majority was cut down by almost half.
Also 14,000 votes went adrift between between round 1 and 2.
Would it make more sense to vote more tactically, and see the second vote as the more important one?
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29-03-2008 10:52 AM
Is Boris really likely to win?