Please find the minutes from our previous meeting attached.
We will be holding our AGM on Wednesday 6 November at the Blythe Hill Tavern at 7.30pm. We hope you can all make it to discuss our activities over the past year and to elect new officers and a committee. We will be looking for a new treasurer as our current one, Marcel Jenkins, will not be standing for re-election. His contribution both as secretary but also as the main organiser of the festival will be greatly missed and we will be looking for volunteers to help organise next year's festival too.
If anybody would be interested in standing for this post (or for the other posts of chair or secretary), please come along or send me an email beforehand (
Don't forget that our AGM will be held on Wednesday 6 November at 7.30pm upstairs at the Blythe Hill Tavern.
We hope to see you there and we will be discussing the past year's events and activities, what to spend some of our surplus on for the park and electing new officers and a committee.
We will be holding our first meeting of 2014 on Wednesday 8 January 2014 upstairs at the Blythe Hill Tavern at 7.30pm.
We will be giving an update as to the festival (and seeking further volunteers to help organise it) as well as updating on progress in replacing the dead trees.
If anybody has anything else that they would like to raise, please PM me or better still come along in person as new faces are always welcome.
Please find the minutes from our last meeting attached.
The RSPB will be holding their Big Birdwatch next weekend and we will be holding a Big Blythe Hill Fields Birdwatch as part of this on Saturday 25 January. If you would like to come along to help count the birds at the park, please meet by the crossroads at 11am. Coffee and pastries to be provided but you will need to bring your own binoculars and bird identification book if you have one. More information can be found at
Apart from this, we are looking for volunteers to form a park environment sub-committee to help put on more events at the park such as hedge and wildflower planting days and apply for grants to improve the park. Please contact me if you would be interested in being part of this.
Now that Spring is in the air, take the opportunity to get involved in an exciting project!
Join us and Trees for Cities (a local charity who specialise in helping plant trees in urban environments), who will be training us to plant trees and then helping us to plant the first 15 of a bold new tree planting programme for our beautiful hill.
Meet up to plant trees next to the Playground at 10am on Saturday 22 March (until around 3pm) Coffee and pastries provided, as is all equipment. Please wear suitable footwear and bring a bottle of water; all warmly welcome.
Why are we planting trees now?
You may remember that four years ago, via the Crofton Park Ward Assembly, we got a generous grant of £17,000 from the Mayor's Localities Fund, which paid for the planting of 100 new trees on Blythe Hill Fields by the Council's parks contractor, Glendale. The result, alas, was patchy: 58 trees died and another seven need saving. Besides our thick clay soil and some unpredictable weather, there were quality problems over tree stock, planting methods and lack of maintenance.
Glendale have now agreed to replant 46 slightly larger new trees (at the same cost as 58 smaller ones) entirely at their expense, and to do remedial works for the seven sick trees. The new trees will come from a specialist tree firm, Civic Trees, which is now owned by Glendale and, as far as possible, we (the Friends ) will do the planting and maintenance. Glendale will assist us, as well as Trees for Cities, and will act as a default safety net for any extra maintenance.
We are spreading the planting of the 46 trees over three suitable seasons, so that we don't bite off more than we can chew: 15 trees this March, another 15 in Sept-Oct and the final 16 in March next year.
Would you like to adopt your very own tree? Dedicate it to a loved one, or just for pride in Blythe Hill Fields
If you decide to adopt a tree:
You can probably choose it...within the range of species that will thrive in our particular conditions
You get a certificate of adoption
You get to design your own tree marker, to let the world know that you've adopted it
You can have picnics under it whenever you want
You can put a bird box on it if you want
You can feel proud and happy as it flourishes and grows
You can care for your tree, particularly throughout the summer months, when it will need watering. There will be a standpipe near the playground every Saturday from 22 March from 8 am to 3.30 pm. You can get help to do this if you go on holiday, or have any other problems that prevent you from doing it
Mulch it when necessary (put special wood chippings around the base to keep moisture in the soil)
If the idea of adopting a tree interests you, you are welcome to come along on Saturday 22nd March to discuss it, or you can contact Zaria Greenhill on, or through the Friends of Blythe Hill Fields facebook page. We'd be pleased to hear from you, and there is no obligation implied by just having a chat.
We have two events coming up in the next few weeks:
Firstly, we are hosting a screening of 'An Unnatural History of London' at the Blythe Hill Tavern on Friday June 20th, hosted by the Friends of Blythe Hill Fields People and Wildlife group. This film explores the relationship between London's people and wildlife, with great humour and stunning photography. All welcome, 8pm upstairs.
Secondly, we have the privilege of having Dr Iain Boulton of the London bat group come on SATURDAY JUNE 7th to take us on a bat walk of BHF and, if there aren't any of interest, down to Ladywell fields….
We need to keep to 25 places, so please register here to book a place. Children are welcome, but they count as a 'person' if they can in front of the playground at 9.15pm. Bat detectors will be provided..
Register for the June 7th Bat walk here:
Our next full meeting will be held on Wednesday 11 June at 7.30pm at the Blythe Hill Tavern where we will be hearing reports on the preparation for this year's festival (to be held on Saturday 5 July) and the People and Wildlife Group.
Just reminding everyone that there is now only 1 week to go until the festival, which will be on 5 July between 12pm and 5pm.
Please see the attached poster for an idea of what will be happening at the festival.
We also are still looking for volunteers to help out on the day. We need help setting up, packing away and helping serve tea and coffee and stewarding as the event is run entirely by volunteers so all offers of assistance would be gratefully received, even if it is only for an hour or two.
Please contact me on if you would like to help out or else just turn up on the Saturday morning from 9am and let us know that you would like to help.
The Friends of Blythe Hill Fields will be holding its AGM on Thursday 13 November at 7.30pm upstairs at the Honor Oak pub.
Please come along to discuss what we have got up to over the last year, future plans and elections for the posts of chair, secretary, treasury as well as to our festival and people and wildlife committees.
- yet another excellent Blythe Hill Festival on 4 July, with crowds of our neighbours enjoying with us the stalls, the music and the children’s play provision - spoilt only by the downpour of rain which shut it all down prematurely at 3.10 p.m. ;
- the award of a Lottery grant of almost £10,000 for a Trim Trail, which will provide simple gymnastic equipment round the upper edge of the park (back of Montacute and Bankhurst Roads), as part of a defined jogging route round the whole perimeter ;
- the first two phases of our volunteer programme of Tree Planting to replace all the Glendale trees of three years ago which died, purchased at Glendale’s expense from a specialist tree nursery : 16 trees planted by adopting families on 22 March opposite the playground, another 15 (with different adopters) planted on 15 November towards Brockley View.
- hedge maintenance and new hedge planting on various Saturday mornings as part of a new eco-friendly vision for the park, with thickly planted boundaries and some substantial wild-life corners. (Not to forget night-time bat walks !)
We have proved again and again that people will come out in great numbers, very often with children as well, to carry out satisfying practical tasks, and 2015 should be no different, with the third phase of tree planting and the wild-life work.
The answer is simple : we need to organize. None of these great things happen automatically. They happen because people make them happen.
And they happen much more easily - so that they are not an impossibly boring-snoring blanket of bureaucracy, if the work can be shared around amongst many, instead of silting up around the necks of one or two.
How do we do this ? We need to play to our strengths - and, demographically, our strength in the communities around Blythe Hill is that we can tap into the skills of able and optimistic people in the age group of 35-50, and we have been fortunate in the past eight years in achieving exactly that - hence the dynamism of our Festival, of our plans for improving the park (as the rebuilt playground bears witness) and, most recently, of our ‘People and Wildlife’ strategies.
The weakness, however, is that this is the age group with the highest turnover of change - promotions at work, jobs moving elsewhere in the country, burdens of childcare (and elderly care), pressures of property prices, and so on.
It isn’t surprising that one moment we are surfing high on the energy of teamwork, only for gaps and holes suddenly to threaten the whole fabric.
That is precisely the kind of downturn that threatens us at this moment. Our efficient Secretary has changed firms and been promoted into higher workload ; our brilliant Festival Organizer is having to focus on his new career path ; one of the hardest working in our Festival team, has had to resettle her family around her husband’s new job at Northampton ; and our eco-expert happily given birth to her firstborn on Boxing Day…...
So, not surprisingly, our AGM on 10 December, was sparsely attended and suddenly filled with gloom over our ability to deliver our aims this year. Clearly the main problem is this year’s Festival.
Last year’s organizer, though personally up for it again, cannot do it all on his own, so we immediately need a commitment from three or four people to assist him in such tasks as firming up commitments from stallholders ; ensuring that the fun fair, the children’s activities and the toilets are all confirmed and budgeted for ; liaising on the music programme, the professional groups, and with local amateur choirs ; and talking persuasively with potential funders.
Best Wishes
Chair, Friends of Blythe Hill Fields
Don’t hesitate to ring me with your ideas / offers (020-8690-6492 / 07736-705116), if you can’t be with us on the 29th ; or email me at ; or drop in for a chat at 62 Duncombe Hill (corner of Brockley View).
The next general meeting of the Friends will be held on 19 March 2015 at 7.30 pm.
We will be meeting at the Honor Oak pub (corner of Brockley Rise and St German's Road), in their upstairs meeting room. We will discussing our plans for the Festival (which will be held on 4 July 2015). If you would like to raise an agenda item then please email: by 16 March 2014.
For more information about the Friends of Blythe Hill Fields please check out our website and our Facebook page.
The next Friends' Meeting will take place on Thursday 19 March in the meeting room upstairs at the Honor Oak pub. From 7.30 pm. We hope to see you there!