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Joined 19-05-2004
Posted on Thursday, 20 September, 2007 - 12:56 pm:
Bet you all thought I was posting to criticise the lack of development south of the river as part of the ELL extension. Wrong. It is to have a go at planners and engineers in the South East, in comparison to the rest of the UK.
So we have a motorway system that is stretched to capacity. What do the clever people in the West Mids do? They make use of the hard shoulder during peak use and introduce lower speed limits to accommodate more vehicles. Result minimum disruption and at a low cost to the tax payer. What do we do here? We widen the M1 at enormous cost and many years of disruption.
Case study number two. The Welsh build a marvellous new national stadium to budget and cost in a great location with excellent links. What do we do? Build a totally over-engineered stadium in a horrid part of London, with poor links, at ridiculous cost. When what we should have done was continue to make use of the excellent stadiums in the North and midlands providing far better atmosphere for the England football matches. And for the various cup finals, continue to use the Millennium stadium and simply build-up an even better train capacity from Paddington to South Wales (probably just as quick as getting to Wembley in any case).
And onto the East London Line extension. The solution this side of the river is to simply build a large footbridge from Platforms 1 to 6 at New Cross Gate, to take passengers from the mainline services. A cost of a few million and they could have kept the service going under the river to the Jubilee line (which is where most people want to go). Oh no, lets close the whole service down for three years instead. Point proved, the SE is rubbish. No need for anyone else to join in as my case is so strong.
Joined 23-02-2005
Posted on Thursday, 20 September, 2007 - 02:16 pm:
Having a mid-life crisis Baggy? You seemed like a cheerful sort of chap to me. You probably need to get to the BHT more often.
Joined 30-03-2005
Posted on Sunday, 23 September, 2007 - 10:35 pm:
The ELL connects with the Jubilee line at Canada Water.