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Superhero's Needed
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Posts: 57
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Post: #1
20-07-2011 12:59 PM

Hi everyone,

We need your help,an evil mastermind has tried to take down the Nunhead forum and at the moment evil is overcoming good!!!

We are doing our best to battle with him over there but we need some new superheros with powerful and interesting threads to vanish him from the forum forever!

He was the past administrator and for some unknown reason has destroyed the forum by luring people away to post on the South East forum and people have fell for his deadly trap!

So please dust of your superhero costumes and come and help but beware the phantom is lurking and will use his superhero of sending pm's to anyone who dares to post!

Also the forum is looking for a new administrator,so if you have got some good idea's and feel like taking the phantom on at his own game,please post to Mark on the Nunhead Forum.

Thanks all and I will see you over there!

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Post: #2
20-07-2011 01:38 PM

From what I have seen of Southeastcentral it is a fine forum, well laid out and encouraging communication and interest beyond one local area.

It may be heresy, but I would be quite happy if the admin of joined forces with southeastcentral to create a super forum which encouraged people in Brockley, Forest Hill, and even Nunhead to share their views and visit each others' town centres.

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Post: #3
20-07-2011 05:18 PM

There is no problem with having a South East forum but you must be allowed to keep your own forum going as well.

I do not feel it is right for the previous administrator to bully people off the Nunhead forum everytime they post just so he can get it shut down!

Fair enough he has moved on but why can't he leave the Nunhead forum alone!

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Post: #4
20-07-2011 08:16 PM

Bumble, do you mean you want us to join the Nunhead forum and start some new threads? If so can you post a link?

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Post: #5
20-07-2011 10:27 PM

Just tried and the south east forum is DOWN

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Post: #6
21-07-2011 08:03 AM

Exactly superohero Jane D!!!

We need more posts on the original Nunhead ForumThe Nunhead Forum

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robin orton

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Post: #7
21-07-2011 07:46 PM

It may be heresy, but I would be quite happy if the admin of joined forces with southeastcentral to create a super forum which encouraged people in Brockley, Forest Hill, and even Nunhead to share their views and visit each others' town centres

I disagree, Michael. I think forums should be kept as small as possible, to encourage neighbourliness and community spirit. They should certainly not straddle borough boundaries.

Indeed, as I have said before, I would be very happy if we could have separate forums for FH and HOP.

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Post: #8
21-07-2011 09:51 PM

I agree,it is important for local forums to remain and therefore not only be served by one big forum.

Just to say the past evil mastermind administrator (Kleinhound) has from today been locked out and vanished from the forum, so please do post.

Kleinhound has brought Nunhead forum nearly to it's knees and there is a real danger of it closing unless we try and save it!

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Post: #9
22-07-2011 08:41 AM

Nunhead Forum Should be given the chance to get back to its old status. I post on this Forum with I hope content that is of interest to SE23.
Should this have happened to this forum would you request help from other Forums?
I belong to all of the mentioned Forums, there is a limit of items that can be posted on each.
I am trying to get NHForum back to its old status, in my own way, not as a conversational post, but placing items that should interest the members obout their area.
If you could post an item of support there it would be very welcome.

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Post: #10
22-07-2011 01:07 PM

Yes Zimmerman has been doing a very good job over there but admin help is still needed!
The Nunhead Forum
Robin,are you interested yourself? Maybe there could be a link up with just this section of the SE23 forum concerning wider issues and the Nunhead forum.So when people post it shows on both forums as we are local to each other.
Just an idea and of course people would have to be in agreement of this happening.

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Brockley Nick

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Post: #11
22-07-2011 02:47 PM


As the founder of South East Central, I would just like to respond to a couple of points.

Firstly, we set up South East Central a few months ago, as an extension to Brockley Central, a local blog we've been running for years. It took us a long time to get the forum up and running and we felt that having gone to that effort, it would make sense if the other areas that the blog tends to report on were also given their areas of the forum. So it's a South East London Forum, rather than just a Brockley forum.

I agree with the point that forums work best when they discuss issues on people's own doorsteps, which is why the forum is built as it is: each area has its own section where conversations can take place. If you want only to talk about Brockley, for example, you can. If you only want to talk about Deptford, you can, etc.

On the other hand, I know from the number of stories which Brockley Central has covered over the years, that we have a lot of issues in common with eachother. Rail transport is an obvious one - Brockley and Forest Hill residents have exactly the same issues. Policing. Council elections, etc, etc. These issues are better discussed together, where we can pool expertise and organise collective action more effectively.

For these issues, there are general threads, that people from all areas can discuss.

Put simply, we've tried to offer the best of both worlds. Hopefully, people like it.

On the matter of the Nunhead Forum, we were contacted by the moderator of that forum shortly after we launched. He said that despite best efforts, the forum had not taken off (unlike this one, by the way, which is great) and that he thought the best thing to do would be to join forces so that Nunhead users would have more people to share news and ideas with. We said if he wanted to become the mod of the Nunhead section, that would be fine. That is what's happened.

I do not condone any actions that encouraged users to leave against the wishes of the forum's owner and I have apologised to the owner of that forum, although the action was taken without my knowledge of the facts.

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Brockley Nick

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Post: #12
22-07-2011 02:49 PM

PS - feel free to take a look yourself at the model we've created:

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Post: #13
23-07-2011 09:34 PM

I am glad to hear it but why did you allow the administrator to move all threads to your forum and therefore to continue to post we had to become a member because Nunhead became a read only site?

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Post: #14
23-07-2011 10:24 PM

Where is Nunhead?
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Post: #15
24-07-2011 11:06 AM

Nunhead is situated between Forest Hill (Honor Oak end) and Peckham (Peckham Rye Park end)

From Forest Hill Sainsbury's it would take 5 mins in a car to get to!

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Post: #16
24-07-2011 11:55 AM

It's interesting, Bumble, what you said about the administrator moving the threads and basically shutting the forum down. The question it prompts, for me, is who owns the forum? It feels like it belongs to the community, but dies it really belong to the adminstrator if he set it up and runs it? If it has a succession of community based Admins who volunteer from the ranks of the posters, maybe it is a community project. But if a sole administrator sets it up and later decides to close it down, is it his right? Sabotaging an existing forum to encourage trade elsewhere is, of course, reprehensible and against the spirit of a community forum.

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Brockley Nick

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Post: #17
24-07-2011 05:53 PM

Bumble, anyone can post a new thread on the forum - all that happened is that someone came along and created some new threads on SEC. Nothing was moved to our forum.

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Post: #18
24-07-2011 08:02 PM

Yes they did and mine was one of them,you could only post by signing up to your forum.
The threads did get moved back and unlocked but by then everyone had thought Nunhead had shut down,including me,it was only by chance I went back!!

Also on the subject of there being hidden forum politics, I hope not!

I always thought forums were set up for good of the community so people could get their voice heard and in this particular case the se23 forum has been very effective in letting people know what has been happening over at the Nunhead Forum

However you do have to wonder if there are hidden agendas to certain forums because everyone is supposed to be allowed,within reason and regardless of age,male/female to post.Therefore such information becomes redundant so why do certain forums (not this one Mr Administrator) still ask for this information?
What do they use this info for? Do they sell it to third parties?

The mind boggles!

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Brockley Nick

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Post: #19
25-07-2011 11:36 AM

Bumble, the fact that you couldn't post on the Nunhead Forum is a matter for that forum's team to respond to.

With regards to personal information, I don't know if you're referring to SEC, but you're not required to provide any personal information, if you don't want to. Some people like to tell other users about themselves.

We don't sell any information on (I wouldn't even know where to begin) and I highly doubt any other local forum operators do either, but you'd have to ask them.

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Post: #20
25-07-2011 07:22 PM

That's just it Brockley Nick,at that time there was no forum team because there was no forum!
I am having trouble trusting your claim you knew nothing of the plan for Nunhead to exist only on your site but we have got to move on now.

Just to say I have got nothing against your forum but other's must be allowed to exist as well!
That's why we are putting up a pretty good fight over at the Nunhead forum to stop it going under!

See superheros are alive and kicking,well in this case posting!!

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