Forest Hill Central
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Posts: 428
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14-10-2007 10:26 PM
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Joined 20-09-2007
Posted on Monday, 08 October, 2007 - 05:20 pm:
This is the name of the development opposite the station. They have now put up some lovely new signage to cover the chipboard that was there before. So it look like we should have a new development by the summer, these things don't take long to build "time is money".
Joined 09-02-2007
Posted on Monday, 08 October, 2007 - 08:54 pm:
'Vantage Heights' has just been finished at the top of Taymount Rise - it's nice to see high-end developments being built in FH. A vote of confidence in the area, i think.
Joined 17-03-2005
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 10:47 am:
I think it should have been called 'Centraal' or maybe even 'Centraaal'. both names would be far more distinctive in the back of Friday's metro.
Joined 01-04-2006
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 11:29 am:
I am just interested to see whether the 1-beds will break ?250,000 (excluding car parking) or not! Anyone fancy having a guess at the likely prices on release?
Joined 09-10-2007
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 12:06 pm:
Hopefully the new flats will lead to more investment in the surrounding
shops. There's the nice Bangladeshi restaurant, MNM Beauty etc but it would be nice to have a bit more variety.
Joined 20-09-2007
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 01:00 pm:
I would guess that they could be by 2008-2009 around ?300 for a 1 bed as we already have one beds in FH at ?250.
Joined 18-04-2005
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 03:41 pm:
I hate to be a pessimist but I suspect 1 bedroom about 175 max could be much less.
Joined 20-09-2007
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 04:31 pm:
Well look at this:
the Three beds are on for ?500,000 !
Joined 20-09-2007
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 04:35 pm:
Other new builds in the area are at 399,995
Joined 04-03-2005
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 05:13 pm:
The three bedroom apartment is a penthouse. But it is still considerably more than most three bedroom houses in the area.
Joined 20-09-2007
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 05:20 pm:
Hopefully this will at as a Benchmark for other properties. What do you think the market will be for these apartments? Buy to let or owner occupiers?
Joined 18-04-2005
Posted on Tuesday, 09 October, 2007 - 05:24 pm:
This is what they want . I do not want prices to fall , equally stupid unsubstainable prices are no good for the economy or area.
Let us just wait and see. They will sell for what people are prepared to pay.
Joined 04-02-2006
Posted on Wednesday, 10 October, 2007 - 09:36 am:
Given the location and sparsity of similar developments close to the station I expect there will be a lot of buy to let demand for this providing that interest rates don't increase significantly relative to rental yields in the meantime.
Joined 09-02-2007
Posted on Wednesday, 10 October, 2007 - 11:06 am:
The bottom's fallen out of buy-to-let apparently: rents not able to cover mortgage costs...
Joined 01-10-2007
Posted on Wednesday, 10 October, 2007 - 11:12 pm:
I think there are quite a few developments near the station on the other side of the tracks between Dartmouth Road and the railway about to be built or nearly completed with the Tower homes/Printworks development the biggest so far though whether it will match the rapid influx as per the marketing spiel advertising the Printworks live/work homes is anybody's guess.
"Forest Hill is an area that is literally changing daily with the rapid influx of young-at-heart twenty/thirty somethings, determined to stamp their presence on this cool bit of South East London.
Only 15 minutes from London Bridge or 35 minutes from Gatwick, yet with a very firm sense of style as a consequence of the ?arty communities? and young urbanites combining to create an incredible blend of life and verve within the immediate area."
Joined 04-02-2006
Posted on Thursday, 11 October, 2007 - 08:23 am:
The proposed changes to capital gains tax announced in the pre-budget statement continues this government's policy of proactively inflating house prices and will keep buy-to-let very much alive.
Joined 10-10-2006
Posted on Thursday, 11 October, 2007 - 09:31 am:
"Only 15 minutes from London Bridge or 35 minutes from Gatwick, yet with a very firm sense of style as a consequence of the ?arty communities? and young urbanites combining to create an incredible blend of life and verve within the immediate area."
When some urbanites blend me some life and verve, I'll drink it with my frappelattecino. Within the immediate area.
What is this. What about mentioning you're behind a dodgy pub and overlooking a busy railway.
Joined 09-02-2007
Posted on Thursday, 11 October, 2007 - 10:48 am:
Joined 18-04-2005
Posted on Thursday, 11 October, 2007 - 12:19 pm:
Too be honest I would not be surprised if devolpers decide to shelve for the moment the building until market conditions become clearer
Joined 20-09-2007
Posted on Thursday, 11 October, 2007 - 12:29 pm:
I doubt they will "shelve" it as they have already marketed the 3 bed ?500,000 in both the local press and on Rightmove. When they gain permission to build they have to build within a time frame or the planning permission will be invalid. These flats will not go to buy-to-let, as the yields are not high enough. The London property market is very localised and can not be judge as a whole, unlike other counties in England.
Joined 20-09-2007
Posted on Thursday, 11 October, 2007 - 10:56 pm:
Saw an advert today at FH station it say something like "expected arrival 27/10/2007"
So does this mean they are going to launch it then?
Joined 01-04-2006
Posted on Friday, 12 October, 2007 - 08:13 am:
It said 18/10/07.
This must be when the prices are being released I suspect the Rightmove figures were mere speculation. The development is also featured in SE23 magazine this moth.
Joined 20-09-2007
Posted on Friday, 12 October, 2007 - 11:42 am:
Joined 18-04-2005
Posted on Friday, 12 October, 2007 - 01:11 pm:
Why is everyone exited about high prices.
What we want is fare prices
High prices are bad for the economy both local and natural.
GBP 315.00 for 2 bed flat. The world has gone mad. What would monthly repayments be over 25 years.?
Joined 04-02-2006
Posted on Friday, 12 October, 2007 - 02:42 pm:
I think it's obvious Brian why people are excited about high house prices. Market prices almost always reflect what people are prepared to buy and sell at and as much as it may seem irrational Berkeley will have done their benchmarking after the start of the current housing market turbulance and interbank lending crisis. So I'm sure they are pretty confident they can shift them as they will be all to aware that lowering your prices sown from initial marketing period is going to be damaging for buyer confidence.
Joined 19-05-2004
Posted on Friday, 12 October, 2007 - 05:29 pm:
Brian - this will bring the yuppies in with lots of expendible income working in areas easy to get to once the ELL extension is complete that will bring delis and coffee shops and even more gastro pubs that everyone harks for. You know it makes sense. When it became all arty-tarty the folks in Hoxton had T-shirts printed telling the newcomers to chug back to Notting Hill. Me and thee will have to go round with banners telling the newbies here to politely return to Hoxton (or Dulwich village).
Posts: 12
Joined: Apr 2006
18-10-2007 11:01 AM
News just in from Berkeley Homes sales department, prices below:
1 bed (500 sq ft) - ?250,000 upto
1 bed (600 sqft) - ?290,000
parking available at ?20,000 per space (may not sell with one beds)
2 beds (745 sq ft) ?315,000 upto
2 bed (850 sq ft) ?365,000
excluding carparking, available at ?20,000 per space.
Didnt ask about 3 beds as nearly had heart failure after the 2 beds!!!
Completion Spring / Summer 2009.
Posts: 18
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18-10-2007 01:03 PM
Wow... can such prices really be attained, and perhaps more importantly (for buyers anyway) grow further or at least remain stable? For those who think not, this newsblog link might be of interest.
Posts: 67
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18-10-2007 06:07 PM
Can I ask where you got those prices and completion dates?.
Today was meant to be the launch, well that's what the posters say at fh station.
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18-10-2007 07:28 PM
Theres a full page ad in yesterdays Homes and Property with an open day arranged however this open day appears to be held in E1- shame not in SE23. I wonder why.
Posts: 12
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19-10-2007 07:43 AM
Loca - see my message got them direct from Berkeley on the day of release.
I imagnine the open day is in E1 cos SE23 is a building site at the moment.
Posts: 67
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22-10-2007 03:48 PM
It does look nice. Not much like the previous pictures they posted at all. Confusingly.
Posts: 67
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22-10-2007 04:09 PM
The pictures are of the back and the side (not the front)
Posts: 93
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25-10-2007 12:05 PM
The diggers moved in today!
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30-10-2007 03:04 PM
Who knows what is going to happen with the property market within the next couple of months never mind the next few years. All I can say is that the new development, linked with the East London line extension, together with the recent vast improvements to the Forresters Pub next door (live music, restaraunt and its not a frigging chain pub) mean that its all good news for those of us who live on the east-side of the station.
Posts: 271
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30-10-2007 05:26 PM
FH is still good value relative to the other areas I reckon.
As regards the development, I'm wondering how so much space is being created out the back (look at the pictures). A very impressive piece of engineering.
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01-11-2007 12:42 PM
Golly, they're pretty tiny
Posts: 13
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08-11-2007 11:02 AM
Demolition of the old house (with the green Finches mural) started today. I'd expect it will be gone today or tomorrow.
Posts: 67
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22-04-2008 05:36 PM
"Come home to Forest Hill Central"
This is new sign that has appeared today on the platforms of Forest Hill Station.
I'm going to be emailing Southern to ask them what they are planning to do with the extra revenue- I know that many of the stations on the southwest route are sponsored in this way, but the revenue goes back into the station!
Posts: 235
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22-04-2008 08:52 PM
I wonder if Forest Hill Central know about Southern's plans to restrict access to the down platform?
Posts: 823
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22-04-2008 11:58 PM
Silly, they will not care as they will all be cycling to work.
Posts: 37
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23-04-2008 08:24 AM
Come home to forest hill central? its not built yet? i don't know about you but i like to come home to a roof over my head at the very least.