People's Day
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Posts: 20
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05-07-2011 01:43 PM
Anybody going this Saturday? I have never been before what is it usually like? I not been as heard it can get quite rough at times or is there a crack down on this.
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05-07-2011 02:13 PM
Is this the infamous Lewisham Peoples Day. Surely every day in Lewisham should be about people but the council seem to believe one day a year is all they deserve.
I do like your name. kittycatdoggiewoggy n. I am surprised the PC brigade has not jumped on you.
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05-07-2011 02:45 PM
Thanks - my name is crazy like that as im a big animal lover especially of the moggy and mutt kind!!
Just any help at all to make me feel at ease about going there my first time would be nice? I am going around 3ish if that helps as going to see my friends band.
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05-07-2011 03:36 PM
I've not been but the reviews from last year were very positive. There hasn't been any serious violence for a few years (and possibly when it was at a different location).
My advice is the same as it would be for any large event such as this, keep your wits about you and your valuables hidden from view. If the atmosphere changes for the worse as the day turns into evening then don't wait around to see what happens, leave.
Make sure you know your nearest exit and know how you intend to travel home (i.e. where is the bus stop you need and where is the one two stops before it reaches the park).
These are some basic rules for how to be paranoid at a large event, and they are completely unnecessary in virtually all occasions. You can be more paranoid, but in the end you will have more fun if you stay at home with a blanket over your head.
I'm sure you will have a great time at the festival.
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05-07-2011 04:52 PM
It should be fine. The Council have set the rules:
People's Day Rules
Don't remember seeing anything like this for the Blythe Hill festival.
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05-07-2011 06:19 PM
Wow, you are all really selling this event to me now!
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05-07-2011 06:23 PM
Seems its changed then from when I was at Secondary school 7years ago.
I take the advice and give it ago but go with my boyfriend to be on safe side.
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05-07-2011 06:25 PM
I saw them a few years ago (with my own eyes) having a running battle with police in riot gear on Brownhill Road.
I also worked the event for two years with a local group I was involved with. It's all so nice during the day, but a large section of the attendees are animals and it all gets a bit naughty around 5-6pm. Anyone with any sense is long gone by then.
Blythe Hill festival - couple of coppers who are happy to let small children try on their helmets. People's Day - hundreds of police with riot gear handy and ready for immediate use.
You don't have to be a rocket scientist to spot the difference and the reasons why. Why the council continue to waste our council tax on this zoo is a mystery to me.
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05-07-2011 08:39 PM
It's OK if you go early. I worked there a couple of years ago and didn't see any aggro.
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05-07-2011 10:32 PM
Sounds like a festival for chavs.
Suggest avoiding the event. Surely an art gallery is preferable.
Posts: 32
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05-07-2011 10:56 PM
People's day used to attract a lot of problems.
In recent years every police officer on the borough is drafted in to work on the day of the event - all days off cancelled etc.
Over the past few years there have been no real issues inside the park and trouble has been pretty limited outside.
robin orton
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06-07-2011 07:17 AM
Perhaps it should be rebranded as 'Lewisham Garden Party and Gymkhana'. Might attract a better class of punter. 'People' in a title always frightens the middle classes; it makes them think of Bolshevism.
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06-07-2011 10:52 AM
If requires all extra policing who is paying for that and what about the fact that the borough is denied police to deal with everyday violence and theft.
Perhaps better to cancel.
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06-07-2011 08:27 PM
The people picking up the police bill are the same as those who do the same for Royal Weddings, Brian. Not sure I fancy doing either.
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09-07-2011 05:48 AM
I go every year and have never had a problem - I think it is an amazing day.
I have always left late afternoon, however, and I tend to like slightly wussy things like tea dance tents.
The park is zoned and I think there must be a fighting zone somewhere but I have never seen it. There are some beautiful police horses outside.
I think they let all the criminals out of the cells of lewisham police station last night so they would have enough staff free to police it today
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09-07-2011 11:39 AM
Royal events make the country money and good publicity.
Chav fun days do not.
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09-07-2011 10:52 PM
Today there were 650 police officers in Cambridge for an EDL march. I suspect there were less officers deployed for Lewisham People's Day today.
I would much rather the police are deployed to ensure a fun and safe day for 35,000 good people (who Brian will simply dismiss as chavs) celebrating, rather than 350 bigots to march through the streets of a city they don't live in.
People's Day was enjoyed by tens of thousands of people and is good publicity for Lewisham. The EDL are not enjoyed by the majority of the population and is not good publicity for any area they visit.
One year I hope to visit Lewisham People's Day. It would be good to hear what people who attended the event thought of it this year.
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10-07-2011 01:35 AM
It's reassuring that they've introduced those rules because I didn't enjoy the time I went at all - think it was 2006. Hopefully things have improved since then. I recall seeing a lot of trouble on Brownhill - iron bars were being used as weapons by some and it was all about to kick off as we were leaving, so I was VERY glad to get away!
Pleased to see the ban on dogs (during my visit the place was full of 'fighting' breeds which didn't exactly create a happy atmosphere either) so I think these rules should make it a much pleasanter day out. Sorry if I sound negative, but that was my experience back then.
Looking to the future, it seems that the problems are being dealt with effectively.
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10-07-2011 12:28 PM
I did not go in the end - couldnt be bothered to just go watch 1 band and risk getting hurt.
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10-07-2011 01:53 PM
I have been told that they search people for weapons before letting them in. So it should be safe.