One Tree Hill
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Posts: 191
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18-01-2008 12:06 PM
This is to announce various events organised by the Friends of One Tree Hill
Saturday January 26th Winter Woodland Walk 11.00 ? 1.00
Saturday February 9th Bird Box Day includes making a bird box, bird spotting and other activities 10.00 ? 3.00. This is to link up with national events.
Tuesday March 4th Annual Meeting: Guest Speaker Neil Faulkner of The Great War Archaeology Group which led a dig on OTH in 2007 ?In Search of the Zeppelin War: the archaeology of the First Blitz? 7.30 pm
All will start from St. Augustine's Church on One Tree Hill, Honor Oak Park, SE23.
Contact (for further details) Sandy Pepperell (020 8688 2812 or or Doug Brooks (020 7944 5073).
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12-02-2008 11:29 AM
Over the last four months I have noticed the increase of dog walkers who use One Tree Hill as a place to walk dogs. On any day I usually see between 3 and 4 dog walkers who each walk at least 8 dogs.
Unfortunately the dog walkers do not walk on the paths provided but instead walk through the main part of the forest. This has caused the formation of various mud paths around the whole of One Tree Hill.
I am not opposed to people using the area to walk the dogs since I have dog but I am opposed to the dog walkers damaging the forest by needlessly walking through it. Not only are the dog walkers damaging the actual forest but the sheer number of dogs will be damaging the wildlife population of the forest.
The dog walkers all arrive at roughly the same time (10.45am) in either vans or taxis and between them are walking a minimum of 30 dogs through the area.
Another problem is that the dog walkers do not clean up after the dogs unless the dog poo right in front of them. You only need to walk off the main paths around the area to find this out.
One Tree Hill is a fantastic public area in SE23 and should not be misused in this way for private gain.
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12-02-2008 11:49 AM
I agree. Whenever I've been there, it's been overrun by dogs. One one occasion I was literally pinned up against a tree by a snarling mutt while its owner just stood there feebling gesturing to it to stop. I've stopped going there.
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12-02-2008 12:40 PM
Damn, I'm surprised people would take their dogs to One Tree Hill. I mean, I've made friends with many owner's dogs down in the Honor Oak playing fields, but One Tree Hill!? That place is more suited for exercising human slaves... The 108 steps are a killer... who would dare go there--alone or with a dog? (I've not really counted :-p)
Posts: 294
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12-02-2008 12:57 PM
Over the last four months I have noticed the increase of dog walkers who use One Tree Hill as a place to walk dogs. On any day I usually see between 3 and 4 dog walkers who each walk at least 8 dogs.
I contacted Southwark Environmental Services about this (they have a form here but was told they couldn't help since I live in Lewisham.
The signs clearly say that dogs should be under control at all times and these packs are clearly not.
I believe one of the offending companies is Complete Pet Care from SE15 but don't quote me on that - I may have mis-remembered it.
Can the Friends of One Tree Hill do anything to get a response from Southwark? Or would somebody who lives in Southwark please lodge a complaint with the form above and let us know what they say?
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12-02-2008 01:39 PM
I have nothing against dog owners but about 5 years ago was confronted to and ugly looking dog and owner in One Tree Hill. Definately would not be a nice person to have as a neighbour.
Maybe one could purchase from The Council or individual park a license to enter one or all parks with one's dog.
Only a suggestion which I expect will be shot down in flames. Perhaps should bring back dog licence. Seem to recall about 7 and 6d.
Posts: 48
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12-02-2008 02:26 PM
I have nothing against dog owners but about 5 years ago was confronted to and ugly looking dog and owner in One Tree Hill. Definately would not be a nice person to have as a neighbour.
Maybe one could purchase from The Council or individual park a license to enter one or all parks with one's dog.
Only a suggestion which I expect will be shot down in flames. Perhaps should bring back dog licence. Seem to recall about 7 and 6d.
these dont sound like dog owners , merely dog walkers ... being paid by the owners .
8 dogs ??? surely thats not good for anyone.. least of all the dogs
Posts: 285
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12-02-2008 05:28 PM
Or would somebody who lives in Southwark please lodge a complaint with the form above and let us know what they say?
I live in Southwark so will give it a shot. Shall I just use the details in this thread or does anyone have any other information that they'd like me to add?
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12-02-2008 08:55 PM
Thanks for the replies.
I raised this problem with the park warden back in 2007 but no action seems to have been taken. I have posted a message to Southwark council.
The problem is caused by professional dog walkers and not dog owners walking their dogs.
I agree that many dog owners would be shocked to discover the amount of dogs that the walkers walk at one time and the general lack of attention the dog walkers show the dogs but I will leave that for someone else to write about. I only posted my message since I was concerned about the destruction of one tree hill.
Posts: 191
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12-02-2008 11:30 PM
It would be a great pity if people were put off going up to One Tree Hill. The dog walkers do persist in causing damage and a nuisance to some people and reports are made to the parks department. The Friends of One Tree Hill are also frustrated by the seeming impossibility of doing anything about this but continue to lobby the council. One avenue is to look at other places where there seems to be more control. We shall carry on trying.
Having said that, it is not the horror spot implied by some of the comments here. On Saturday we had a perfectly delightful day cleaning out the bird boxes we have installed on the Hill, making bird boxes with children who were able to take them home for their gardens, having a guided walk around the Hill and generally enjoying the spring like weather in this rus in urbe. There were many other people walking through and around the Hill and enjoying the view. The church was open for refreshments and one visitor who lives nearby but had not visited for some considerable time was pleasantly surprised by how it felt compared to 15 years ago which was when she made her last foray into the wood. We are hoping our Local Nature Reserve status will now give us a basis from which to put the area more firmly on the map and more clout in dealing with issues which threaten the enjoyment by wildlife and the community alike.
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brendan sparks
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05-03-2008 01:58 PM
The problem on one tree hill are the numbers of professional dog walkers, I've not encountered any problems with individual dog walkers. The gate that opens on to Honor Oak Rise is now being deliberately obstructed by the Professional dog walkers who use bricks, rocks wood, anything they can lay hands on. In December I came across an elderly woman who was unable to open the gate as a half brick had been placed under the gate to wedge it closed. I've asked the dog walkers not to do this on account of the elderly and disabled who use the park, sadly to no avail. "One Tree Hill a nature reserve"? Last spring I watched helplessly along with the parent birds as three dogs dispatched two fledgling blackbirds while the walker walked on trying to keep up with the other five dogs under her "care". How can you maintain a nature reserve when there is a preponderance of uncontrolled dogs roaming round?
I have contacted Southwark Council's Jon Sheaff who told me he's in touch with the Friends of One Tree Hill and is trying to arrange a meeting with locals to discuss ways of controlling the amount of dogs using the park. This would be a good opportunity for those concerned about the professional dog walkers to bring these concerns to the attention of the Council and hear what they propose to do about it.
Posts: 191
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05-03-2008 07:11 PM
The Friends of One Tree Hill are indeed still seeking action on the professional dog walkers and would appreciate any information/evidence as we have been asked to compile information to srengthen the case for some kind of control. Please conatct us on
brendan sparks
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05-03-2008 07:58 PM
Tried using this link and not getting through,
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05-03-2008 10:17 PM
Posts: 191
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05-03-2008 11:01 PM
Thank you, Michael. I was writing in haste.
Posts: 191
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14-07-2008 10:13 AM
In response to the presentation of evidence to Southwark by Friends of One Tree Hill about the activities of commercial dog walkers, the possibility of having a Dog Control Order is being discussed at the next Nunhead and Peckham Community Council Meeting on Tuesday 15th July, 7pm at St Mary Magdalene School, Brayards Road, SE15. Committee members will be attending and Southwark residents can also attend. If proceeded with, my understanding is that there will have to be public consultation before any order is put into effect.
This message will also go on the other section but is of interest to all who use One Tree Hill.
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14-07-2008 10:21 AM
Although commercial dod walkers can be a problem by main concern is chav trophy dogs. How people on benefit can afford to run a dog is beyond me.
Posts: 191
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15-07-2008 01:00 PM
Update - discussion at the Community Council has been postponed until October.