Anti-social behaviour in Trilby Road area
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Posts: 7
Joined: Oct 2012
10-10-2012 07:32 PM
We have lived in the area for around 8 years, in Farren Road.
I must say that the alley way is of concern, not just because of potential muggings but also on numerous occasions I have observed people riding motor scooters and motorbikes down it. On a few of those occasions I have made it absolutely clear to the rider that I was unhappy about that (although you hardly get time to say much as they ride past). I would ask that anyone who sees this kind of behavior should
take the registration number of the bike.
Regarding the kids and young adults hanging around near the alley way and in Vestris Road: There is a small group of youths that seem to hang around there and in 2010 I noticed the police had been called to a fight they caused, and I have heard shouting, general rowdiness but for the most part they are just edgy young men being edgy young men.
I seriously doubt anyone is in danger from the boys that live in the area.
On a couple of occasions they seem to want to provoke me in some way and I have commented on that to my partner but as far as actual action apart from looking at me funny, I haven't really noticed anything too concerning
Are you sure you aren't all being paranoid?
Posts: 9
Joined: Sep 2012
10-10-2012 09:04 PM
I don't think it's paranoia. Yes the lads are "harmless" with only a few small convictions and chances are low that something will happen.
However just because they are "young and edgy", it does not excuse the behaviour that I have seen.
They are well in their 20's, they should have grown out of hanging around on their bikes and shouting things at people, and petty shoplifting.
Or am I being harsh?
Posts: 65
Joined: Apr 2012
10-10-2012 09:53 PM
Just posted on your other thread about difficulties in the cut-through. We all know who we're talking about in relation to the young houdlums from Vestris. Whilst the young man - the ringleader - still seems to want to stare me down most times I walk past, I agree with other posts that I do not take him seriously, or find him threatening. I vaguely remember a couple of years ago he might have thrown a stone at me (it missed), but whilst this was plainly quite stupid, it hasn't happened since and there was no follow up from him next time I saw him. I do think that he is now growing up a bit. I have recently started seeing him with a young lady from Shipman. Perhaps his mind is now on other things.