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Big Issue seller outside Sainsbury's
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Posts: 172
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Post: #1
04-12-2010 07:15 PM


Just purchased an Big Issue copy from the regular romanian woman seller and gave her a £2 coin which was the only one I had and handled over she put it in her pocket without looking at it and we contiuned to chat she begged for some more money to purchase baby milk (no baby present) I know it would be stupid to have a baby out in this weather and I declined don't they make a small profit amount from the sales?, then she pulled out a diffrent coin which was a 50 cents Euro coin from the same pocket and asked me what is this?, I informed her she then said that I gave her it instead of the correct change which I denied and will continued argue about this but I gave up and did not want to cause a scene and handed another £2 over. Please do not fall into this trap. if you want to make a comment about a vendor contact the Big Issue office at
+44 (0)20 7526 3444 or e-mail :
[/b] or Lewisham Council trading standards at Catford Town Hall.Angry[/color][/font]

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Post: #2
04-12-2010 08:17 PM

Virtually all Romanian beggars work for the Romanian Mafia. They always use the baby trick to exploit your emotions

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Post: #3
04-12-2010 08:54 PM

I am not stick up for her but you can't tar this person with the same brush and assume she it involed in this kind of actives. Does anyone know if she is an authorised Big Issue seller as I didn't notice if she had any I.D badge on. Its she is unauthorised what are the local Police Community Support Office doing about this matter. Surely the Secuitry guards in Sainsbury's can phone them at report her for begging.

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Post: #4
04-12-2010 09:17 PM

Did we really go 18 months without a mention - ah how time flies.

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Post: #5
04-12-2010 09:22 PM

The Romanian beggars are used by the Romanian Mafia.If you read the news lately they sent children over here who are skilled pickpockets and our newspapers reported on the expensive villas the Romanian Mafia has built from these peoples exploits .

They nearly always exploit by emotion by saying they need money to feed their chidlren but I wouldnt be surprised if they had far more money than you have.

Overall Romanians have some of the cleverest crooks in the world because a lot of them dont know any other way of living. Thery are just gypsies

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Post: #6
04-12-2010 09:29 PM

Hawkesrah wrote:
They are just gypsies

There is nothing wrong with being a Gypsy. There is something wrong with people who assign characteristics to entire nations and races based on the actions of a few individuals.

Gypsies are just the same as anybody else, but there are some nasty people out there with some nasty ideas about them.

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Post: #7
04-12-2010 09:54 PM

Thanks Michael, I could not argee with you more. It has now changed my view about giving to Big Issue sellesr in the furture has it is a good cause helping the less unforturnate people.

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Contrary Mary

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Post: #8
04-12-2010 10:36 PM

@ Hawkesrah

I will ignore the anti-Gypsy stuff that Michael has already covered, and add only that you obviously didn't see the lady in question a few months back, when she was very clearly heavily pregnant.

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Post: #9
04-12-2010 10:52 PM

Clearly she does have a baby. What she doesnt have is an excuse for is ripping people off though!

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Post: #10
04-12-2010 11:06 PM

Who's the idiot for handing another two quid over? What did she do? Mesmerise you?

Have some backbone.

Do we have to retread this well-worn path again?

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Post: #11
04-12-2010 11:29 PM

Do not give her a penny!
I have seen her being dropped off for 'work' by her husband in a BMW!
on quite a few occassions.
He sat in for her midweek when we had heavy snow.

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Post: #12
05-12-2010 12:33 PM

Well said Mickey.

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Post: #13
07-12-2010 02:22 PM

Too true, Admin, too true. I've just flicked through the old posts (thanks for the link) and am astonished that it's been 3 years since the start of that thread...including posts of my own. Tempus fugit indeed!

And interestingly enough a development occured almost exactly two years ago when I saw the usual seller with her husband (?) at FH station laden with boxes and bags which looked to all intents and purposes like Christmas presents - new toys, clothes, etc. They were arguing very loudly next to me so I couldn't help to look but imagine my surprise when she handed over to him the largest roll of cash I have ever seen in my life! They didn't seem to care one bit that I saw them and casually got on the next train.

I, for one, have never felt the need to buy a magazine from them and now, despite passing twice a day to and from the station, I don't even get asked. And I'm afraid to admit that any impetus to contact the BI offices was thoroughly quashed after they deigned to respond last time - my get-up-and-go got up and went - but if anyone would like to report this story to them, please feel free.

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Post: #14
07-12-2010 02:28 PM

I agree THE BI management are a disgrace. All round Forest Hill , I know for a fact Croydon , Bromley , Beckenham and Penge the Romanian Mafia control this begging which verges on the criminal. Not even certain that Romanian Nationals are allows to be employed here .
I cannot believe the founder of BI had this outcome in minda.

I will await the usual tirade from the quasi liberals .

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Post: #15
07-12-2010 02:57 PM

Nothing quasi about my liberalism.

Get a grip on yourself, Brian, for pity's sake.

If you don't like it, just don't give her your ****** money and shut up.

Then she'll go away.

Or just ignore her like I do.

Or are we destined for another thousand pages of tedium over a magazine seller outside sainsbury's?

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Post: #16
07-12-2010 03:12 PM

I did not raise the issue. This is obviously a scam and causes many people to be very upset.
Surely this site is for people to voice their feelings on the matter.

I did used to give to BI sellers years ago when they were bona fida , but never again.

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Post: #17
08-12-2010 09:01 PM

She needs to be removed.......... it makes me furious!!!

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Post: #18
08-12-2010 09:30 PM

If people feel the BI sellers code of conduct are being broken then they need to contact the BI itself as that is the only way something is going to be addressed.

There have been a number of comments on these people some of which have been racially motivated but others which have some grounding in truth. Some of the more racially inappropriate comments lead to wider debates which end in tears usually. I think people need to focus on what is and isn;t appropriate behaviour for a seller and focus on that in their complaint. I can't comment on Mafia links but they do exist and I have no idea whether they apply in this case or are just malicious and fantastical gossip.

I have personally taken issue with their bringing their children to work and being stuck in a pram outside Sainsburys all day on a busy road in a buggy with no stimulation or not being able to move around which is pretty essential really. I've also seen people being chased around the station forecourt by sellers when they've just been to the cashpoint. Thats not acceptable.

I just think the concerns need to be formally investigated for truth and accuracy after which the BI can surely make the decision about an individuals' appropriateness to be a seller. If its portrayed or masked as racist bilge then it won't get very far.

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Post: #19
09-12-2010 12:35 AM

God post roz. I have noticed the Big Issue seller outside FH Saisbury's but no more than that - so I don't have an axe to grind.

I met some Big Issue staff at an event a few years ago and got chatting to them about scam sellers (this time in relation to Kings X station). They were very interested and obviously want to preserve their good name and the true purpose of their sellers.

So I would encourage anyone who's been scammed by the inappropriate behaviour of Big Issue sellers to take it up with them and chase them for a response if need be.

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Post: #20
09-12-2010 11:26 AM

If you dredge through this thread you will see that I did contact the BI about this some time ago but nothing has come of it. I wonder how this type of fraud impacts on the people within the BI who have genuine needs?

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