Just caught up with this thread and have to say as a "responsible" dog owner it irritates the heck out of me seeing the way some people behave with their dogs.
The woman who walks miles away from her dog, if its a spaniel I know the one you mean. Had a few close encounters walking round the corner with our 2 to be greeted by a leadless dog.
And the ones who "walk" their dogs by just letting them off a lead. If you didnt want to walk a dog, you should not have got one.
There have been 2 occasions when I have been caught out. Once without a bag, all come out of my pocket in my garden without me noticing, and once with a rather liquid deposit. Mortified on both occasions.
Needless to say, on the first occasion I ran to a bin, grabbed a disguarded carrier bag and used that. And on the second, I covered it best I could, went home, got a bucket of water and disinfectant and went and washed the pavement.
On the flip side though, I have also encountered rude NON dog owners. While its ideal for a dog to foul in the gutter, sometimes they are a bit quicker than you. On this occasion the dog pooped on the pavement against a wall. Bags at the ready I was bibbed at then shouted at by a woman asking if I was going to be cleaning it up. Saying yes and getting on with the job was not enough, and she continued to moan at us about how other people behave.
Quite irrate by this point, I asked was my job of cleaning up good enough, to which she responded with "NO" and started talking about her children playing and not wanting them to go blind.
I then asked if I could possibly have some water from her home and I would gladly wash the pavement down, to which she also said "NO" So clearly NOT bothered about her children then.
By the end of it, we did not part company as friends, and I am not ashamed to say I spoke my mind. I know that any trace of dog poop is not nice, but there was NOTHING there at all, but that was still not good enough. OK, some people dont like dogs, but thats no reason to lay into someone doing the right thing.
The funny part was my girlfriend walking back over to me to see and help with the clear up, was apparently her setting the dog on the woman!
We've seen the same guy as mrcee - late teens early twenties, hoody with dark staf. Pondlife! I took a photo of him on my phone but he was too far away for it to be any use.
The only way for this guy to understand his deeply antisocial actions is to be caught on film and fined by the council (who are very keen to catch offenders) or to be followed to his house and have DS smeared all over his front door step.
Let's all make a concerted effort to catch this low-life shall we?
Snazy - good to hear you're handling your dogs so responsibly!
Unfortunately, I doubt that staff is the only dog that's not quite so well behaved around Garthorne and Gabriel - Just walked back from the station and neally stepped into what can only be described as a mega-giant turd. At that size, the dog would have been quite a bit larger than a staffordshire bull terriers. More like a small cow, but the looks of it. Not that I really wanted to look...
Thanks tinkerbell.
Re the size of what a dog can drop, you would be surprised what can come out of a small dog. Inc the size of "it" lol
My girly dog is a lot smaller than the male I have and drops an astounding amount, 2 bags are needed at times lol.
Seems to be a lot more poop about over recent weeks, or maybe I'm just getting out more. Either way it only takes a few seconds to do the responsible thing, and really don't understand what some peoples problem is clearing up.
Dear prospective dog owners, if you cannot exercise, feed, and look after a dog properly, please don't get one!
Exercise means WALK, not letting it run about.
Think Snazy meant not just letting a dog off its lead while the owner lounges in the car/bench and then calls it back 30 minutes later, oblivious to anything it's done in the meantime.
Going walking with your dog - even if it is off the lead and chasing after balls/sticks/squirrels - is entirely different... and a lot more fun.
Back to the original post about dog mess though - the majority of owners do clear up after their dogs and as 'good' owners, are also more than likely to ensure their dog's vaccinations are up to date, making it less likely that their faeces is infected with parvovirus.
As with most things though, it's the minority of bad owners who are more visible in terms of what they leave around - and give everyone else a bad name. Not sure what the answer is - would an intense few days of fines/education in the worse affected areas help? I do sometimes wonder if the 'bad' owners are necessarily aware of what the secondary effects can be?
Spot on Apple
Robin yup in the right areas free running for dogs is great, fun for them and burns off some energy. But public places regardless of how well behaved the dog is are not for me.
Good structured exercise on lead is a must for any dog, regularly.
It would be great if we could keep this thread on track and not let it drift into a general dog ownership thread. If you want to start your own thread on 'good dog-walking practice' then that would be good.
The yob who's picture I posted earlier is prime suspect. I have sent this picture to Lewisham Animal Wardens and the SNT who don't know him. The ONLY way we are going to stop this is if someone knows where he lives so we can pass this information on to the SNT or AW officers who are VERY interested in stopping this.
It was suggested by the police that I do not post his picture on local lamp posts, so I won't, but that doesn't stop me talking to anyone else who wants to do it. PM me if you want to talk about this direct action.
It would be really good if we could catch this disgusting individual but we've got to make an effort to watch him or pass on information as to what time of the day you have seen him out walking his dog.
Come on neighbours, we don't have to put up with this!
While I agree that it is very unpleasant, not to say potentially a health hazard, some of the language and suggestions seem to be out of all proportion to the crime e.g. posting the guy's photo around the area. I don't think there are any easy answers to persuading people to be more conscious of others but referring matters to more official people might help if we all consistently did this. I only say this as I, for one, have on several occasions felt so angry about some examples of what might be considered anti-social behaviour but I know addressing someone in that frame of mind can just exacerbate matters. However following it up requires time and effort. It is regrettable that some people in positions of influence provide negative examples in their use of inflammatory language which serves to stoke up righteous indignation (Frank Field MP on particular 'types' of parent) which in the end has little effect in dealing with bigger social issues.
Turd wars are hotting up in the Honor Oak area. When I walked down one local street today I noticed that someone had not only actually fashioned a cardboard frame for one of the gruesome c**p-corries but had written this slogan on it in angry Biro : 'Who's the a-hole? You or the dog?'.
I did wonder whether it might be anyone who posts on this site! Not that I don't sympathise...
Im inclined to agree Sandy, picture is the limit really. This thread and the words used almost amount to a hate campaign, or victimisation. Which is this case is somewhat deserved, but would hate to see it all flip on its head and suddenly find the guy screaming "victim"
Pass the picture onto the police and local authorities and keep on their case about it, not get the "out to get him" approach.