simply awful. its one thing to end up with gloomy basement flats, bedsits and weird shaped flats when you're converting an existing building - quite another to actually design it that way!
The developers must be under the illusion that people will still buy any old rubbish. maybe they should take a look at that small block of flats in Underhill Road that was built (terribly, I had the misfortune to look around them once) several years ago, and has been empty and for sale ever since. Squatted now, I hear.
A 3-bedroom flat with 3 toilets - isn't that overkill? I suppose the occupants could use the third toilet as a storage cupboard, something sadly lacking in modern housing design.
This application goes to planning committee on 6th January, along with two others in SE23.
The planning officers are recommending granting approval of this development. There have been some slight alterations to the original application.
The alterations were not good enough to convince the planning committee to grant permission for this development. They were concerned about the poor internal layout and light which was a result of over-development of the site.
thenutfield's comments were echoed by councillors on the committee, that given this is a new build rather than conversion it should have been possible to design something much more suitable for the site.
Hopefully a slightly more imaginative proposal will come forward to replace the house that collapsed on this site.
i would be grateful if anyone has heard of a Guy called Patrick Watts, he was the contractor at 6 Church rise just before it was demolished im trying to trace him.
By the way i wouldnt trust Earlsfield estates either.
Fast forward a year, and here we are.
Planning permission granted, groundwork and building surveys done, and frequent visits to the site by contractors..
Mincove Global, a European based company are the owners, im just praying that all goes well. The detailed plans submitted for the party wall notice cause a little concern with the 4 metre piling they want to put in place, but we shall see how that goes.
Right now, all I want is a building there, the ground secure, and the hideous coloured hoarding GONE !
And today, after much drilling and hammering, this little gem popped up across the pavement.
I saw that someone had mentioned previously that the people proposing to build were the same as the ones that own the Waldram Crescent build? If this is indeed correct, I do admire their work rate, however, I hope for those nieghboring the site that the same builders are not used. I find the men behind my flat loud, obnoxious, and don't care for anyone whose garden backs up to their site. I have had my neighbor's garden furniture thrown across my garden in order to make room for bricks etc. I had mentioned this to the builders, however, nothing was done to remedy the situation. They haven't cared for anyone's belongings as long as the build is completed. I must admit I have enjoyed the last few weeks of rain, as it has decreased their presence behind my flat.
If you have passed by recently and seen the lovely coloured hoarding, and wondered why the pavement is all churned up etc, then I thought you might like to see behind the hoarding, so here goes.
Its all looking a little better than the first time around, and thankfully my house is still on its own plot. Will be far happier when that hoarding is gone and I have neighbours once again.
Another quick update. Drainage time. Can now see the footprint of the actual property starting to emerge.
Will be glad when the drilling and cutting of the concrete is over with.