Local councillor hustings, April 22
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Tim Lund
Posts: 255
Joined: Apr 2008
10-04-2010 08:11 AM
The Sydenham and Forest Hill Societies are holding hustings for local councillor elections, April 22, at Sydenham High School, in the evening, precise time to be decided. The rules we have set are that any party with candidates in one of the three wards of Sydenham, Forest Hill and Perry Vale can nominate one of these to be on the platform to answer questions, with me in the chair. So far acceptances have been received from Labour, Conservatives, Lib Dems and Greens.
I'll be chairing, and I'll be watching both this Forum and Sydenham Town Forum, and will try to make sure that the burning local questions get asked on the evening.
Posts: 3,263
Joined: Mar 2005
14-04-2010 10:02 PM
Thursday 22 April, 7.30 - 9.30 pm, Sydenham High School, Westwood Hill
The Sydenham and Forest Hill Societies invite our members and the wider public to local ward election hustings for the wards of Sydenham, Forest Hill and Sydenham. The panelists, who are all standing as local candidates, are
* Ross Archer, Conservative - Sydenham Ward
* Chris Best, Labour - Sydenham Ward
* John Russell, Lib Dem - Forest Hill Ward
* Jill Rutter, Green - Perry Vale Ward
The evening will start with short presentations from each party as to why you should vote for them, to be followed by questions for the candidates.
Posts: 3,263
Joined: Mar 2005
22-04-2010 09:09 AM
Don't forget the big debate this evening (not the one on Sky).
Posts: 122
Joined: Jan 2010
22-04-2010 10:44 AM
So nobody coming from Community Greed before Private Need or is that People Before Profit or is it called something else in your area?
Tim Lund
Posts: 255
Joined: Apr 2008
22-04-2010 11:17 AM
Well, I did contact them, leaving a message with their campaign team a couple of weeks ago, and I had mentioned it to their Perry Vale candidate, who is a good friend of mine (apolitically ...). I'm not sure that the message got through, since their agent, Nick Long contacted me on Monday requesting an invitation, to which I replied 'of course'. So far I have heard nothing.