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Contrary Mary

Posts: 124
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Post: #1
20-05-2009 01:05 PM

Does anyone know who I should contact in order to ask how I get facist literature removed from the bundles of Election Campaign leaflets delivered to my specific address? These bundles are currently being delivered across SE23, and include 'messages' from a number of parties - including one from the BNP Scared

While I appreciate that, due to the number of ****wits who thought it would be somehow clever to vote for them last time, the BNP have the legal right to distribute the damn things, I personally find their whole existence offensive and upsetting, and do not wish to be confronted with their filth and lies on my doormat every time I come home during an election campaign. I don't want to see them at all. Not even to swear at and throw in recycling.

And particularly not when they have the BRASS NECK to reference D-Day of all things (!) as a justification for their 'policies', when it was, in fact, the signature battle in a war AGAINST precisely their kind of rock-dwelling scum - my grandfather (who was there), and presumably many other people's, will be revolving at a fierce rate about now. CursingCursing

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Post: #2
20-05-2009 01:10 PM

Im pretty sure that the general answer would be to bin it as soon as you see it.
Having certain items removed from mailshots, leaflet distributions etc for yout specific address is unlikely.

Even posting a sign does not seem to work these days. I lose track of how many leaflet people you see stuffing things thru peoples letter boxes even when there are signs saying they dont want such things.

Good luck doing it though Smile

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Post: #3
20-05-2009 02:15 PM

Yes, it's nasty, but you can live with it. If you know it's in there, take it out. They have a legal right to do it, but there's no obligation on you to read it. It's not worth getting too upset about. Yet. That's just what they'd want.

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Post: #4
20-05-2009 02:40 PM

Charlie Brooker makes a similar point on their "patriotism" today Contrary.

I agree, it is disconcerting to find you have nazi propaganda in your home - even if only for the time it takes to bin it.

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Post: #5
20-05-2009 02:54 PM

I agree with your comments but it is not worth the hassle. Just bin them.
I regret we cannot dictate what comes through our letter boxes. I have never had a take away meal in my life and am absolutley fed up with endless leaflets , but in the end just bin them.

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Post: #6
20-05-2009 04:05 PM

The postman/woman used to deliver election leaflets with the usual mail as it was a way for the Royal Mail to make extra revenue. I do remember opening the door to a black postman who handed me the BNP leaflet with a wry smile. At least I think it was wry. I also smiled wryly as I tore it up and put it straight in the bin.
I don't know if the Royal Mail are still delivering these with the post- we haven't had any at all yet.

I share the same distaste but the BNP etc are a recognised party and they get the same exposure as every other. There is nothing we can do about it, except ensure that we dont' let them progress their political careers and despite considerable distaste at recent parliamentary events hopefully people will still have sense to vote tactically to keep them out of Europe and local councils. Except in Luton apparently where a Ms M Moran seems to be boosting BNP membership already. Something to do with dry rot in Southampton....

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Post: #7
20-05-2009 04:26 PM

I hope you used the recycling bin.

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Cellar Door

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Post: #8
20-05-2009 04:27 PM

Terrific writing by Charlie Brooker. Thanks vipes for the link.

I take time to read the BNP stuff. I want to get a handle on them so that I know basically what I'm talking about when I talk about them.

I was in a mini-cab coming back from Homebase, Penge West a few weekends ago. I'd bought too many plants and flowers to be able to get them back by train. In fact, the trolley was creaking under the weight. My mini-cab driver within 100 metres of leaving Homebase started the conversation openers with, "Do you know what's wrong with this country?"

Of course, she had the answer ready to fly.

By the time we got to Cobbs Corner she was punching the air with her finger shouting, "The only solution is to vote for BNP."

My flowers were wilting alongside myself.

My concern is that she, like me, can be a little extreme in some cases. I mentioned that I was attacked and hospitalised by a BNP member. I've got five titanium plates on my face for this BNP member's fine efforts. These facts, these personal facts, seemed to make her reflective. I wondered why I told her this?

One idiot in BNP who thumps (actually kicked me in the face) shouldn't blot the whole BNP copybook. But there is an energy to them as a group that makes me feel uncomfortable without having to think about it too hard.

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Post: #9
20-05-2009 04:45 PM

I seem to remember someone telling me that the Spitfire used in the top right hand corner of the leaflet was flown by a Polish pilot. Ironic really and a bit of a ccok up by the BNP if true.

At least the leaflet asks us to recycle it. Mine will go in the compost.

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Post: #10
20-05-2009 04:53 PM

The spitfire is Polish and carries the commensurate insignia. The hi-vis-clad workers are American.

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Post: #11
20-05-2009 05:23 PM

That doctor cant be British, he has a tan and we know there is no sun in the UKLaugh

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Post: #12
20-05-2009 05:50 PM

ED Forum just confirmed that Royal Mail are delivering the BNP propaganda (as with all other political parties).

The best way to combat the BNP in the European elections is to vote for any other party (but preferably one of the big four) so that the BNP do not get one of the list seats for South London.

Please make sure you vote in June, it is apathy from decent people that will benefit the BNP.

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Post: #13
20-05-2009 07:24 PM

Michael I agree 100%
I have always voted at every single election however small since 1970, when age was 21.
I agree antics of some MP's do not encourage voting but still important that everyone exercises their franchise.

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Contrary Mary

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Post: #14
20-05-2009 09:05 PM

Agree 100%.

If there's no organisation with the wit to organise a mail-out with opt-outs, then I guess this is the only solution.

I will be down the polls on 4th june, whatever I happen to feel on that particular morning about the gravy-training Westminster mob, to register my vote for one of the 'I don't care, but this vote counts as turnout, and might therefore stop those cockroaches qualifying for the right to send faeces-in-writing to my home' parties. I will have to hope that there are enough other people out there who do the same.

Charlie Brooker on form as usual! Thumbsup Thanks for that, Vipes. Cheered me up no end.

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Post: #15
21-05-2009 01:18 AM

I've got to admit I was pretty appalled to see the BNP leaflet amongst the takeaway menus and other party political leaflets on my doormat the other day - I like many on here also threw it straight back out the door into the recycle box.Mad

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Post: #16
08-06-2009 02:34 PM

Well, they didn't thankfully gain any seats in London but have managed to grasp two in the north. Hopefully this will be short lived and they will be out on their ears next time. In the interim I am not looking forward to seeing and hearing them spout their offensive and wholly historically inaccurate views in TV interviews which is unfortunately inevitable given their recent success. Too much of that already and its barely been 24 hours....

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Post: #17
08-06-2009 02:46 PM

It is a sad reflection on mainstream politics that the BNP got the best part of a million votes across the country

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Post: #18
09-06-2009 09:22 PM

As many of you will know, Nick Griffin, leader of the BNP has won a seat in the European Parliament.

He might think he's representing Britain in Europe, but he doesn't represent me. I hope you think so too.

I've just signed a petition which says NOT IN MY NAME. The petition will be handed into the European Parliament on the day that BNP leader Nick Griffin takes his seat.

Sign the petition below - let's show the rest of the EU what we think of the racist BNP:

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Post: #19
10-06-2009 12:20 AM

It is a sad reflection on mainstream politics that the BNP got the best part of a million votes across the country

I rather think it's a sad reflection on the British electorate. The mainstream politicians didn't vote for racist scum.

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Post: #20
10-06-2009 08:17 AM

I like all other posters deplore the policies of The BNP but we have to accept that many thousands voted for them and in our democratic system they are entitled to their 2 seats.
Perhaps the Proportional System is wrong.
London Region thankfully did not elect any MEP's from that party so no need to send a Not in My Name etc.
I think you will find many other EU's members have parties with similar or even stronger views so doubt if this result will have caused much of a stir in Brussels ( but I could be wrong ).
I know this is a very sensitive subject but not sure chucking eggs at them or other politicians walking of the stage etc when they appear is the best policy , but I could be wrong.
It was the Great Depression that caused the Third Reich and it is the economy that can make normally rational people become extreme if things go badly for them.

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