Carrying on from, but as important as Re:-
I appreciate how annoying this must be, even though I am not a car owner.
I also, as a resident of Lewisham Borough, find it extremely annoying that, where I live (an estate) people consistently "park up" at our main gate, at all times of the day and night, without any worry or care for the other residents.
I've seen cars there for the duration of the night - NOT ALLOWED - and also blocking the OPEN gate - parked up but gone for an hour or two - are they thick?!!!!
We also get IDIOTS parking within the estate on our ring road BECAUSE the gate is left open! Then, next day, they complain because they are locked in! > We used to have a good caretaker who (mostly, as much as he could, when working - COME BACK A!) used to ensure the gate was kept locked. We also get residents DEMANDING that they be given keys so they can enter and exit at will, to suit them and their families (only some families, the rest observe the rules, and don't push or hassle, others, think they have a God Given Right) They have, apparantly, given the Caretaker **** as they think its owed to them. Damn!
As far as I know, I am NOT the only person to have complained about this. But it still happens - maybe a bit less than before, but it still happens
There is a WARNING BOX AND SIGN on the gate DAMMIT!
We need some consistency in gate opening hours - currently none confirmed (to allow deliveries etc) To be honest though, without a FULL TIME CARETAKER, this is impossible. Also, its not a big hike, to get up to either block. Easier with the gate open and access in front of all doors but, current situation demanding, not imperative IMHO BUT - it would be easier for all IF deliveries access COULD be allowed.
If a - rubbish truck - no wait, MOST IMPORTANT things first! - Fire Engine OR Ambulance need to gain access, lets say, in the evening, they can't - not always! Sure, the offensive car COULD be pushed out the way, as a last resort, but ONLY while a SICK OR BURNING RESIDENT suffers or dies!
Now, what about the overnight parked car that is sat at the gate when the Rubbish Truck arrives? Well, I have never seen one pushed aside etc so I presume the trash/rubbish removal service just move on by? Yes, they do, but I wonder if they take the reg of the car blocking the gate?
IGNORAMOUS's parked up at the gate. This has been going on for years DESPITE "DO NOT BLOCK ACCESS/PARK HERE" signs in front of the gate.
There is adequate parking around the area, though maybe not as close as they would wish, at certain times (ie they would have to walk for 3 minutes to their home!)
It will take someone to die before the Council will do anything specific, I feel.
They also park on whatever "corner" or small space is available, at whatever angle (looks totally stupid and illegal - INCLUDING totally UP on the pavement blocking pedestrians right of way)
I WISH that there was a "TO CRUSH" (vehicles) power (along with" "you will serve at least 6 months in prison for your total disregard of human life" available for people who flout the DO NOT PARK HERE signs that are posted, especially when in areas where the local community maybe at risk.
There are Council workers and others (official?) who enter the gate, but IF all keyholders and allowed to enter, why the hell do they not close the gate on entry/exit?
Obviously, some residents have keys, although where they got them from (illegally) is a mystery.
(non-car owner but even if I did have a car I would NOT be so stupid, disrespectful or dangerous/criminal, as these people)
[PART quote=Broddie]
There's nothing that annoys me more than to be blocked on or off my driveway.
It seems that Lewisham Council has been ignoring the law, which has now made provision to stop people doing it.
Why is our council not doing anything when it should by law? (Councillors please answer.)