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Posts: 729
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Post: #1
02-02-2009 10:46 AM

You may have noticed that it's gone a little white outside...

Kids' school is closed; I've taken the day off work, as there are no buses to get me there. Can't get the car up the requisite hill to get to the main road, so housebound or limited to where you can get to on foot.

Kids were out in the garden @ 7:30 am and the snowman was in place shortly thereafter. Hubby went out with camera to Horniman Gardens - only to find them closed for health & safety reasons. However, there are about 50 people on tea trays going down Horniman Drive.....

Is anything running out there? What's everyone else up to?

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Post: #2
02-02-2009 10:56 AM

Puzzled why trains seemed to have completely stopped. They had plenty of warning and usually run trains through the night.

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Post: #3
02-02-2009 11:20 AM

Brian, this is England. It never snows so we were not prepared for itUnsure

Heck, I am from Johannesburg where it snows every hundred years or so. 1st snow I saw there and they had snow plows out!! I havnt seen a snow plow here. Sad is'nt it.

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Posts: 729
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Post: #4
02-02-2009 11:29 AM

I havnt seen a snow plow here.

Road humps.....

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Post: #5
02-02-2009 02:48 PM

The good lady wife has just been to Sainsburys to buy a few odds and s*ds. It seems panic buying has already set in with the shelves being strippedBlink

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Bonnie Blue

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Post: #6
02-02-2009 04:20 PM

maybe the lorries carrying replenishment simply didn't arrive this morningUnsure

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Post: #7
02-02-2009 04:27 PM

I haven't managed to get out as I have been 'working from home'. However, a friend on facebook posted some excellent pictures of the snow in Forest Hill.



Has anybody else got some good photos to share of Forest Hill under snow?

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Post: #8
02-02-2009 04:38 PM

It drove past our house this morning, VERY slowly.

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Post: #9
02-02-2009 05:09 PM

How ridiculous that Horniman is closed for 'Health and Safety' reasons! Clearly it is a lot safer for children to sledge down roads. Confused

I know the reason is probably to do with the risk of someone slipping on an unbrushed path, or having an accident with a sledge, and suing the %^& off them, but it really is daft. The law should make allowance for conditions and expect folks to look after their own interests within reason.

A few weeks ago I was in a supermarket in Glasgow and my elderly mother nearly tripped over a loop of all but invisible plastic cable. We took it to the checkout so no-one else did trip over it and the girl there pretty much suggested she call management so we could claim something! These law firms advertising on tv have a lot to answer for!!

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Post: #10
02-02-2009 05:36 PM

judging by the photo I put up, Horniman was open. Perhaps it took them a little longer to open, or maybe they only opened the top gate. But it does appear it was open.

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Post: #11
02-02-2009 06:27 PM

Forest Hill station:
By a friend on Facebook

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Post: #12
02-02-2009 06:40 PM

I found this adventurer in my back garden!

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Post: #13
02-02-2009 06:56 PM

michael wrote:
Has anybody else got some good photos to share of Forest Hill under snow?


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Post: #14
02-02-2009 07:43 PM

I recognise that photo of the station Michael... Smile

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Post: #15
02-02-2009 07:57 PM

Great pictures! We were visited by a robin this morning. It sat on a snowy branch and looked at us through the kitchen window. I wished I'd taken a photo, it was so picturesque with his red breast standing out from the snow. And yes we did drop him a crumb or two....

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Bonnie Blue

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Post: #16
02-02-2009 08:43 PM

So this is what it takes to bring a community together

I put out a tray of goodies this morning for the birds and they ignored itAngry

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Post: #17
03-02-2009 10:00 AM

Bonnie Blue wrote:
maybe the lorries carrying replenishment simply didn't arrive this morning

Yes, it appears they had some difficulty...

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Post: #18
03-02-2009 10:07 AM

Ah! Saw them go past the house but didnt see them come back. Did wonder how he was going to get down Manour Mount.

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Post: #19
03-02-2009 10:54 AM

Yesterday I had no chance of moving the car, no chance of catching a bus and no chance of a childcare facility.

Today, I managed to get down Taymount Rise without falling over and squashing my children (one in sling, one running amok).
I managed to laugh at my husband's car, which he pranged last night gently sliding down out of the drive Forest Croft (so he could park it at the bottom of the hill), without being beaten up by said husband (who is a bit embarrassed but pleased he can get to work this morning).
I managed to get on a bus.
I managed to get a seat on said bus.
I managed to get off bus, deposit un-squashed children in nursery (which is in another place due to "emergency conditions") and get to work without falling over.

And work are treating me like a hero!


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Post: #20
03-02-2009 11:28 AM

Loving the snow, also worked from home yesterday and today. Although yester was spend in Brockley Cemetery building a snowman Smile



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