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Posts: 69
Joined: Aug 2009
30-12-2009 11:10 PM
I have noticed they prioritise pavements near the station but any slopes or hills should be prioritised too. At least we have got something to grumble about other than the trains.
Posts: 1,516
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01-01-2010 06:31 PM
Was good to see them out nice and early last night.
Maybe NYE attracts a good pay rate so there is determination to work. Or maybe thats a bit synical.
Posts: 1,796
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01-01-2010 06:33 PM
Not quite the subject under discussion but I bought a pair of Olang boots from Finches Ski Shop a few years ago as live on one of the steep hills locally and have found them very good- I have never slipped wearing these even during the big freeze in February 2009 and more recently before Xmas 2009- they have cleated soles similar to wellies. Can recommend them.
Posts: 3,263
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05-01-2010 10:38 PM
Who's up for an polybag race tomorrow morning in Horniman?
I'm off work anyway, I suspect a few others will be 'working from home'.
Posts: 1,796
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05-01-2010 10:57 PM
Haven't seen/heard any gritting lorries our way yet, unusual as they are generally round around 9pm on a daily basis. Perhaps someones decided its just not worthwhile this evening given that it would probably be well buried within the hour. I think the promised 3 inches have already fallen and its only 30 minutes since it started....
Posts: 201
Joined: Feb 2009
06-01-2010 12:14 AM
Saw gritters doing Canonbie and Netherby roads aboy 8pm although now impassable except by 4x4, even the gritter will struggle, last time took three attempts to get round the bend be Westwood Park.
Posts: 1,538
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06-01-2010 09:41 AM
Gritters were out yesterday afternoon in central Forest Hill and I know that all of the pavements had been gritted on the London Road and on Waldenshaw Road, very impressed with that.
Posts: 201
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06-01-2010 04:20 PM
Is snowing heavily off Forest Hill Road
Posts: 1,538
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06-01-2010 04:57 PM
A winter wonderland out there.
Posts: 321
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06-01-2010 04:59 PM
Avoid Brockley Rise. Cars have been sliding down Brockley Rise and crashing into the front gardens of the houses at the bottom of the hill in Codrington Hill. If you try to go up or down now there are chances your tires will just follow their tire tracks and you will also end up sliding down and crashing at the bottom.
Posts: 1,796
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06-01-2010 06:29 PM
Its a wonderland that no ones smashed into our garden yet or even landed in our front room as there have been a few near misses- just watched a large van slide down our road with no traction whatsoever, narrowly avoiding our car which is parked on the road. We are slightly downhill from the road so it wouldn't take much for a car to end up in our front garden and into our bay window. The wheels locked and the vehicle slid about 10 yards with no control. Wouldnt like to be a pedestrian right now either as too many vehicles out of control out there. The council really should give consideration to closing off some roads now as they did with Benson and Canonbie last year. As nice as snow is to look at, these are dangerous driving conditions and as usual people under estimate the risks and forget that they are not driving 4x4s. Perhaps like climate control, all new cars should be built with road hugging capabilities as standard...
Posts: 1
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06-01-2010 10:06 PM
I live in Honor Oak Road just 100 yards up from the south circular. Today at about 4pm, I looked outside my bedroom window and saw many vehicles struggling with the icy and snowy conditions. I then went outside with my cricket boots to help motorists out. I joined a number of local residents further up the road to assist the movement of traffic after the P4 had come to a standstill up from Manor Mount. We found grit, spades, directed and assisted drivers and were there for more than 3 hours helping the traffic flow and preventing cars crashing into parked cars. The conditions were unbelievable!! We managed to get Honor Oak Road moving again and got the bus moved on too. Then, after a picture was taken of us 'workers', a gritter lorry came dowm my road after 7pm! No doubt I told them what I thought of them! Nonetheless, an incredible community spirit amongst residents of Forest Hill, prevented a probable catastrophic disaster this afternoon on our road.
Posts: 69
Joined: May 2008
06-01-2010 11:24 PM
good for you Nigel. I'd like to think that a lot of people had taken time out today to help others. I did. I'm sure many members on here also did so and are happy to help others when conditions are so poor, no NIMBY or NIMFY attitude etc.
It doesn't take a lot to help someone; a lift to the top, or bottom, of the slippery road/hill; checking vulnerable neighbours are ok and maybe whether they need something you could get for them; helping someone shovel or salt their path; maybe a smile and a hello; put yourself in their shoes. It only takes a moment. 
take care people
PS have been desparately trying to buy snow grip/spikes thingies for my boots but everywhere has sold out, inc the activity shop in FH..any ideas?
Posts: 653
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07-01-2010 12:16 AM
Tennis rackets? I'm sure they worked for Dennis the Menace a few times back in the day
Posts: 69
Joined: May 2008
07-01-2010 12:46 AM
I wrote this earlier but lost connection..
hmm..thinking about it, inviting strangers into your car may not be the best thing to do, but you understand my sentiment.
Be safe and think about other people, if you are able
Posts: 1,538
Joined: Apr 2006
07-01-2010 11:05 AM
Sat in my window last night looking at a Sainsburys lorry that had got stuck in the Waldenshaw Road dip and the ambulances from the ambulance station that got stuck behind it. Was also amused at the car driver who decided the only way to get up the hill was to dump the clutch and bounce the engine off the rev limiter whilst steam and tyre smoke added to the winter landscape.
If you dont need to travel then dont, good Lord, it's not that hard to figure out
Ex FH Pat
Posts: 112
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07-01-2010 02:07 PM
Then I take it that FH is still very bad, im due to pay a visit to see my mother on Saturday - she lives opposite the Esso petrol garage in London Road, would imagine the safest bet is to leave the car at home and travel by train
Posts: 1,516
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07-01-2010 03:05 PM
Main roads are not too bad at all, but further fall expected today, and it will all freeze up later, so that could change.
Ex FH Pat
Posts: 112
Joined: Oct 2009
08-01-2010 09:29 AM
Thanks Snazy
Any idea please as to what Honour Oak Road & Taymount Rise are like at present - would imagine that the latter is very bad
Please good people of FH & areas dont get to upset with Lewisham as I currently live in the so called brighter/lovely boroughof Wnadsworth and not one road or pavement as seen and salt/grit, its worse that watching skating on ice
Posts: 3,263
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08-01-2010 11:16 AM
Taymount is just about passable. I saw a car going up at 7am, but last night others were having significant difficulty. I'm not sure that I would recommend driving up it but it might be better by this evening and I might even try moving my car for the first time in a week.