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Seeking List of Roads in SE23
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Posts: 4
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Post: #1
31-01-2009 04:16 PM

Hi all,

Great forum - I've just stumbled across it completely by accident, whilst looking for some info on SE23, despite living in Forest Hill for nearly 3yrs.

I am trying to find a list of all the roads with SE23 and the number of properties on the individual roads. I've tried Lewisham Council but nobody has any idea whether a) this sort of data is available and b) if it was, which department would hold it.

Does anybody have any ideas - I realise that i'm probably asking too much Wink



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Post: #2
01-02-2009 07:16 PM

Only thing I can think of is I believe there is a list of SE23 postcodes with whould then give all the roads. Not exactly certain where you would find this but believe it exists.

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Post: #3
01-02-2009 08:14 PM

Post codes are maintained by the Royal Mail so you need to ask them, not the council.

Post code lists used to be published and were to be found in local libraries - and very useful they were too. Don't know if libraries still hold them.

You can search for postcodes on the royal mail website. However, they restrict the number of searches you can do in a day so finding all the codes in se23 would take a long time.

The Multimap maps show postcode boundaries. They are sometimes arbitrary, but would show if a street is within SE23.

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Post: #4
01-02-2009 08:22 PM

Wouldn't the electoral register provide this info?

Nosey, I know, but why do you need this information?

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Post: #5
01-02-2009 10:40 PM

yes, I must admit that my first reaction was not "where can I find this?" but "why the hell would anyone need this?"

I'm intrigued! What would you do with this data?

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Post: #6
03-02-2009 08:44 AM

I know where you can find this but it will require a bit of work your end. I too would be interested to know why you need this! (just for nosiness' sake you understand!)

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Post: #7
03-02-2009 01:08 PM

Blimey - it was never my intention to cause such intrigue Laugh To be honest I could tell you - but i'd have to....

It really isn't anything sinister - I just wasn't sure if mentioning it would be frowned upon on the forum. I've only been a member 2 minutes and didn't want a ban.

Having a 6 month old son and a partner on maternity leave I've been thinking about ways to bring some much needed extra income into our household. I was thinking about leaflet distribution which subsequently opened a can of worms. I thought having a list of road names and a number of properties on them roads would be helpful - but it appears that it would be more difficult to get hold of than I initially anticipated.

Boring, innit?!!

If there are other leaflet distributors reading this...fear not. I would be doing it on a relatively small scale due to my full-time work commitments.

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Post: #8
03-02-2009 11:03 PM

Lewisham Council have this information. They use it to levy council tax and NNDR. Electoral registration will also have it. I am not sure if they will give it to you. But you could get it yourself. Go into Laurence House and ask at the library for the public electoral register and note the information you want from it.

You could try using the Freedom of Information Act to obtain this information. They are entitled to charge you for it.

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Bonnie Blue

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Post: #9
04-02-2009 08:23 AM

having used leaflet distributors myself I can tell you it can be very unreliable so while you are distributing your own just do some for other businesses and chargeSmile
I used to pay about ?10 per thousand so a lot of walking!!!

The worst part about that are those houses in Brockley that have a flight of stairs up to the front door
another one round the back to flats and another one down to the basement
I know that most distributors only like flat roads, door virtually on the road so they can do their 1000 +++++ quickly
Steps, long paths and basements Thumbdown

Do you really need a list of roads for that?

Just photocopy a map and mark off the roads you have done

Depending on what you are advertising the % back is very low so you have to put a lot of leaftlets out to get a result

I used to use a very reliable independant guy but he got too clever and passed my expensive leaflets on to someone he felt sorry for and he promptly discarded them

I knew because I have patients in most roads in the area and was able to check

Good luck anywaySmile

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Bonnie Blue

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Post: #10
04-02-2009 08:32 AM

There is another thing to consider

Just becuase there are a lot of properties on one road and not so many on another don't assume you won't get so much out of it
You can never assume what people like to spend their money on
You can go to a road where there would appear to be plenty of disposable income and get nothing
but a more modest area would yield more

Generally speaking council blocks and housing associations are
a. not done by distributors and
b. don't yield very much as a rule
but you can never tell

some people like to spend their money on cars and televisions
others like beer and meals out
some like cream cakes and others buy teddy bears

I used to work in the Greeting Card industry years ago and it was well known that the people with least income spend the most on cards and associated gifts
Those with high incomes spent on schooling and property

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Post: #11
04-02-2009 11:58 AM

Thank you guys. See, it wasn't that exciting was it?!

Sherwood - Thank you, that is very helpful.

Bonnie Blue - sorry, I didn't explain properly. I'm thinking of setting up a company which would distribute leaflets for other businesses. I am not looking to use a distribution service for myself.

My thinking behind trying to get road names and number of properties is that I would have to employ distributors. So, for example, if a company asked me to distribute 1000 leaflets I could hand them over to distributor "x" with a list of road names that would contain a minimum of 1000 letterboxes.

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Bonnie Blue

Posts: 131
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Post: #12
04-02-2009 12:05 PM

In that case please note my remarks but Good Luck

I gave up with distributers in the end because I thought it was better to do it myself and save going to the Gym
I ended up with a very painful hip doing what they wouldn't so no gain reallyMellow

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Posts: 93
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Post: #13
04-02-2009 12:50 PM

Hi there

The place where you can get the info from (for free) is It's a list of all the council taxed properties (and properties that pay business rates too)

Click on this link

And enter 'se23' into the postcode box. You'll see it will come up with the three local authorities that are part of the SE23 area. If you choose, lewisham (for example), chose 'current' in the band status box, then just press 'go' and a list of all the houses and roads with come up...

Hope this helps!

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Posts: 93
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Post: #14
04-02-2009 12:52 PM

Actually - an edit to my previous post - don't choose 'current' (otherwise it asks for more details like street name etc), just press go and then it will give you the long list.


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Post: #15
04-02-2009 01:19 PM

Wow - thank you so much!

Thank you all for your help. If I decide to run with this idea I will sort you all out with cheap distribution should you need it :plug: Laugh

Thanks again


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