Illegal events at Forest Hill
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Posts: 22
Joined: Jan 2013
23-10-2022 04:30 AM
How long do we have to bother with the group of criminals who organize illegal events in Unit 3 2 of Clydy Vale? I'm writing this at 5am .... after another night of sleep. The police do not react to blatant violations of the law. These people break into this room and organize paid parties. A police patrol arrived a week ago, but no one was arrested for a break-in, and as you can see, it is paying off with another party yesterday and another tonight. The idiotic explanations of the police that they do not have a police car for two nights are outrageous. It almost looks like allowing the law to break. Yesterday I had a conversation with our local councilor - I hope it will change something. I don't want it to sound racist, but why should we tolerate the events of the Afro-European part of our society when they don't give a damn about the rights of the rest of Forest Hill. I did not mention that their first party took place on Thursday to Friday before the Queen's funeral. When asked why they would not respect the mourning, they replied: "f*** the Queen". They should be arrested for just saying that. On Wednesday, October 26, 6pm the library will host a meeting with the Police, Lewisham Council representatives, local councilors and residents. I am curious what will be the translation of the authorities and the police into the existing situation.
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23-10-2022 08:17 AM
"I don't want to be racist but ... "
And they should be arrested for saying **** the Q?
You could have made a perfectly reasonable post without either of those statements.
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23-10-2022 08:28 AM
"...after another night of sleep."
Sounds like it isn't much of a problem then. Glad you're well rested.
I don't want it to sound racist...
Unfortunately it does; because it is.
This post was last modified: 23-10-2022 08:29 AM by Scatterfold.
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23-10-2022 09:55 AM
I do not know, maybe I do not understand something, but if one ethnic group breaks the law and good manners and puts itself behind the society, it is not my fault and I am not a racist, but they are. They only harm image to other, innocent confreres. Yeah ... for shouts of "f*** the queen" they should be punished. They officially broke into this room and that is also a crime. I will not write about drunk and stoned teenagers - everyone who has seen it knows what I'm talking about. Catching a bug in my statement .... the bug is due to the fact that I slept for 3 hours since Friday. English is not my native language and sometimes I write something wrong - but I will not write here in Polish or German.
Which does not change the fact that there is a problem and I am not going to leave this situation without explanation. The sad fact is that only I describe this problem, although all my neighbors have the same problem. Everyone says the same thing - they're just scared! But I will not be intimidated. So if anyone wants to help me, please feel free to contact me.
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23-10-2022 09:58 AM
There are frequent illegal parties all over London. The police do not deal with them because to do so would start a riot.
What they do is follow cars from these parties and breathalyse the drivers well away from the scene.
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23-10-2022 10:07 AM
In this case, the main responsibility rests with the police and Lewisham Council. The police are unresponsive and the council does not secure this facility, which is their responsibility.
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23-10-2022 02:16 PM
Hi Max,
The meeting on Wednesday with the police is by invitation only, but you are correct that it will be taking place and I will be chairing the meeting (I don't work for the police but help represent the community).
I will ensure this issue is on the agenda and if you would like to provide me with any further details you can email me at michael @
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23-10-2022 03:16 PM
Me and my landlord were invited to this meeting by our local councilor. As for the police, on Monday I officially complain about the actions of the police - or rather the lack of action!
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23-10-2022 03:46 PM
Rave parties that disturb local residents are indeed unacceptable
But NOWHERE NEAR as unacceptable as your BLATANTLY RACIST comments.
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23-10-2022 04:03 PM
Racist comments ?? Where is this racist commentary? Stating the fact that an enmic group is doing illegal parties for that particular group is not racism, but a fact. I have recordings that confirm who was the organizer (despite masked faces), who took part, what was the music, etc. So well, before you accuse someone of racism, maybe first think about what you write. I don't like such anonymous entries ..... come to the meeting and we'll talk.
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24-10-2022 08:09 AM
I look forward to meeting you on Wednesday and discussing the issue.
Racist comments ?? Where is this racist commentary?
Since I realise that English is not your first language let me try and explain why your comments are perceived as racist, even if that may not have been your intention.
why should we tolerate the events of the Afro-European part of our society when they don't give a damn about the rights of the rest of Forest Hill
1. This makes it sound like you believe that the police are deliberately taking no action because of the race of the perpetrator. Our police system, while often flawed, does not work like that (and there is plenty of evidence that it is ethnic minorities that are unfairly targeted by the police).
2. 'when they don't give a damn' makes it sound like you are claiming that all people of the race you define 'don't give a damn' - rather than a small number of individuals. Of course most people with this ethnicity (and any other) would share your dislike and upset about such parties that disturb all neighbours.
3. 'I don't want it to sound racist' - I think you knew that this might upset people, particularly if not phrased very carefully. Generally if you feel that your words may easily be interpreted as racist then it is better not to say them.
I hope that helps explain why some people found your comments to be racist, just as you predicted.
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24-10-2022 08:23 AM
Since I do not want to be misunderstood, I have to add that my entry was not politically correct because I am a simple man and not a diplomat and I write what I feel. I would also like to add that I reacted in the same way to the bad behavior of some Poles living in Forest Hill and the surrounding area. Does this mean that as a Polish immigrant I was racist in relation to other Poles in the UK? NOT! I simply explained to them that they should respect local law and customs, that you don't pour beer and vodka at bus stops in the middle of the night, and don't shout "KURWA" - because it's illegal and unfortunately affects the perception of the entire Polish community. And after a few years, I managed to limit this anti-social behavior of these people a lot, which I am proud of. I would also like to add that no one will tell me that I am a racist for one simple reason - 80% of my friends are of African, Caribbean and Japanese origin. and I will say in the words of an old Polish film ... "For me, racism is an inconceivable thing! I do not divide people into black and white, but only into wise and stupid". If someone felt offended, I apologize to him - it was not my intention. But I continue to stand by my position on this matter and further write that this handful of members of this ethmic group not only harm the entire Forest Hill community but, above all, harm the image of the entire African-Caribbean group. And it was people from this part of our community that in yesterday's street conversations with me confirmed that maybe I wrote too harshly and politically incorrect - but I wrote the truth.
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24-10-2022 09:21 AM
Thank you Michael for your comment. In part I can agree with you, but as I mentioned I am not a diplomat and I write what I feel - even if it is an "uncomfortable" and "touchy" topic. As for the police action ... I have a terrible experience! While I had no major objections to their actions earlier, from around 2018 it has been terrible. And this is not only my opinion but most of my friends. I do not investigate whether it is a conscious action or a policy effect - but social feelings are what they are. For me personally, the biggest mistake was the liquidation of most of the small police stations. Daily foot patrols made people feel safer, and the Police themselves had better contact with citizens. Very often it was not necessary to report anti-social behavior, because the patrol saw and solved it. We had our permanent policemen who knew local problems. They talked to people on the sidewalk very often and solved problems on the spot. Currently, the police do not work preventive and the boards reminding people to be vigilant and to report crimes are a farce. I personally was able to help the police apprehend three motorcycle thieves - but the police ignored my reports! When there was a wave of break-ins (tool theft), I had a selected person who did it. To make it better ... a moment earlier my car was washed, and the thief left perfect marks not only of fingers but also of whole hands. For five days I begged the police to take care of it ... to no avail. It was only when I wanted to file a complaint that after three weeks I got a phone call asking if I could be helped somehow. I did not regain tools for over 3,000, and the break-ins continued. And there were many such cases. Many times there were cases where a couple of teenagers punctured their tires for fun ..... I reported to the police that I knew what time it happened that the CCTV was on in the building next door and when I shouted at one of these people she turned straight to the camera .. ... The police did not check these recordings - what for? After a few days, the kids got bored with the fun, and the few dozen tires are no problem. And only then, in the space of two hours on the Clyde Vale, they had nine tires punctured, and another five on the Perry Vale. And these are only the cases I know about - and how many have I not found out about? And it should be remembered that it is the feeling of impunity that makes them later commit more crimes.
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26-10-2022 07:22 PM
Thank you to everyone who helped us in this unpleasant matter. I hope this topic has been closed, but we need to be vigilant and react immediately. The premises have been "properly" secured.
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29-10-2022 08:27 AM
Please can I ask what was the outcome of the meeting/do the police plan to do anything?
The music was playing again last night and woke me up from 3.30am. I live the other side of the railway tracks so this is how loud it is and how far the sound travels.
It is now 2 weekends in a row of disrupted sleep, not only of me but of elderly neighbours who live on my road. It is bizarre the police aren't shutting it down when the noise is vibrating through forest hill.
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29-10-2022 09:00 AM
Unfortunately, the same bandits broke into this room again !! After 8am the police were there, but the door is still not secured. Of course, there was no police at the meeting !!
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29-10-2022 10:05 AM
Honestly, I don't know what we're paying our taxes for. All local police stations have been closed, and the police have no control over the districts. You can't get through to any office. The noise team at Lewisham Council is fiction. I just called Lewisham Council - someone's coming and securing it. I hope the security will be more professional this time
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29-10-2022 11:25 AM
I got another message from Lewisham Council. They claim that this tim will not come, but they forwarded the email to another office and they do not know if and when someone will come .....