Have you had a recent water bill from Thames Water?
There is a nasty surprise hidden within the bill for fresh and waste water fixed charges. Whilst Thames Water say that prices have increased by 3.1%, what they fail to mention but include in your bill is the following, a 240% increase in the fixed/standing charge for fresh water and a 255% increase in the fixed/standing charge for waste water.
With inflation at approx 11 - 13% currently, what planet are Thames Water living on!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! It truly beggars belief.
So to the figures;
Fixed/standing charge for fresh water
Feb - March 2022, £3.12,
Apr - August 2022, £7.92, A whopping 240.4% increase....
Fixed/standing charge for waste water
Feb - March 2022, £10.00
Apr - August 2022, £24.04, An even greater whopping 255% increase........
These increases are extortionate and are totally unacceptable. How can such increases be permitted when the nation is in the midst of a cost of living and energy fuel crisis.
The increases that Thames Water have kept so quiet about till the bills have been issued are nothing less than having money taken out of your wallet, purse or pocket for no good reason.
Please complain to Thames Water and to the Ellie Reeves the MP for this constituency (ellie.reeves.mp@parliament.uk) so she can write to and then meet with the Sarah Bentley the Chief Executive at Thames Water and ask how such ludicrous increases in the fixed/standing charges can be justified.
Even better, only pay the 3.1% increase on the February to March prices.
This thievery by these multi national companies has to be brought to account and STOPPED. Where do they expect people to find this money?