Join the Catford conversation - public engagement launches
With the town centre on the brink of big and exciting change, Team Catford, a small group of passionate Catford residents, is about to launch a major community engagement on behalf of Lewisham Council.
Public events for residents to chat to Team Catford about the future of our neighbourhood will take place on:
Weds 27th September, 1 – 5pm, Little Nan’s Bar (foyer of the Broadway Theatre)
Tues 3rd October, 7 – 9pm, Rushey Green Local Assembly, Civic Suite
Weds 18th October, 11am – 2pm, Catford Library
Sat 21st October, 10am – 2pm, Catford Library
Weds 1st November, 7pm – 9pm, Catford South Local Assembly, St Laurence Church Hall
Team Catford speaks up for the community, champions local views and is encouraging everyone who lives, works, socialises, commutes or runs a business to have their say as Catford goes through its biggest change in decades.
Catford is already speaking out with almost 1,000 people posting about what they like about the town centre and ideas for how it could be improved. To see what they’re saying, agree or disagree with their points of view and add your own comments visit
The Council plan to develop a masterplan for the town centre in spring 2018 reflecting the community’s feedback that will be collected over the coming months.
Twitter @TeamCatford
Instagram @TeamCatford
Facebook @TeamCatfordse6
Write to us using the free post address - Catford Regeneration Programme