Do you live or work in the Perry Vale Ward? If the answer is YES, please make time to come down to Brent Knoll School on Wednesday evening between 6.45pm and 7.45pm to vote for the Young Lewisham Project!
We recently submitted a funding application for £2.5k towards new flooring for the motorbike workshop to the Perry Vale Ward Assembly. We are delighted to announce that we have been selected to go forward to the final stage. Therefore, The Young Lewisham Project will have a stand at the forthcoming Perry Vale Assembly Meeting & Market Place, which will illustrate the great work that our charity does within the Perry Vale ward.
Prior to the meeting commencing there will be an opportunity for our staff to talk with the meeting attendees, who will subsequently be voting for the projects they feel are most deserving of the Perry Vale ward funds.
To help us be successful in securing the £2.5k funding, you simply need to attend the meeting, vote for us as one of your 6 choices and then hand in your completed voting card at the registration table, which will be open between 6.45pm and 7.45pm on Wednesday evening.
We'd be really grateful of your support!