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Ignore List
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Posts: 822
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Post: #1
29-01-2016 02:05 PM

Anyway, how does the Ignore List feature work in the SE23 User Control Panel? I added the person's name to the list, but I still see their posts.

If anyone has got this to work, (and can see this post), can they give us a clue?

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Post: #2
29-01-2016 02:19 PM

I dont understand why you need to ignore someone. It is the internet, if you dont like what they have to say dont read their posts. I prefer to read what everyone has to say so I can gain an opinion of both sides.

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Post: #3
29-01-2016 03:29 PM

It is not an uncommon feature on message boards, but it is not a feature I've felt the need to use before, so I do not know how well it works in practice.

The ignore feature could make reading this site easier and a more pleasant experience, but I can't get it to work at all!

I'm all for a few controversial remarks, to invite people rethink their long held positions. But sometimes it is nice to have a little break...

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Post: #4
29-01-2016 04:05 PM

Perryman, I know what you mean. Thing is, something annoys me on TV I change the channel or turn off. I don't block the channel.

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Post: #5
30-01-2016 01:52 PM

Ultimately long standing members of SE23 and casual lurkers could do exactly that and just 'change channel'.

To Admin's credit, the main board is swept clear of wind-up opinions, and it was just bad timing that I happened to read a batch before they were sent back to the inner circles of hell from where they'd incubated. Smile

Still be nice to have an ignore feature tho....

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Post: #6
30-01-2016 02:23 PM

Ignore takes away your option of reply.

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robin orton

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Post: #7
30-01-2016 05:29 PM

Perryman said: was just bad timing that I happened to read a batch before they were sent back to the inner circles of hell from where they'd incubated

Are we allowed access to the inner circles of hell, so that we can read what they said? (Purely for research purposes, of course)

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Post: #8
31-01-2016 02:06 PM

robin - we are currently in wider hell - toasty isn't it?
Just follow the sulphur fumes, and the screams of the tormented, and you'll soon find your way.

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Post: #9
31-01-2016 08:59 PM

Hi Perryman

If you find out how, I'd like to know, I was not aware if was feasible here.

You see this on all forums, where one or a small number of people can really change the nature of a forum, and ultimately can lead to some genuinely helpful posters no longer contributing.

This also helps admin as they don't have to moderate rows as people can just ignore each other (though more often than not the people you want to don't).

Otherwise you end up with rules like no politics, religion etc, or such posts pushed into the darkest recesses of the forum where only the most 'determined' find to comment on.

Let's see....

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robin orton

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Post: #10
31-01-2016 09:29 PM

Indeed. The Sydenham Town Forum has had exactly the same problem, as this thread illustrates.

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Post: #11
31-01-2016 09:34 PM

One thing that might also help is the locking of threads, sometimes you can see threads will reach no great conclusion with all parties not amending their views and threads becoming increasingly acrimonious, or simply a never ending discussion of rehashed views. Locking those threads nips them in the bud.

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Post: #12
31-01-2016 10:31 PM

I lived in South Africa under apartheid, sounding a bit like those days again.

Why can you not just ignore the threads you dont like as opposed to censoring them of deleting them?

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Post: #13
31-01-2016 11:05 PM

Hi Londonrz.

There would be a certain irony if we started arguing in this thread Smile

I can't believe you are comparing apartheid to having the option to ignore someone on a public form, locking of threads (prevalent on many other forums) or the deletion of threads, prevalent on all forums I know of including this one.

But anyway, I think I answered your question already from a form perspective above, so please accept my apologies if I repeat myself.

If animosity develops between posters, or posters feel threads are constantly pulled off track, you can't simply ignore it as things stand. This forum has always been friendly as a general rule, but an increase in the level of 'controversial posts and comments' can change that, or change the membership. You may disagree, but that is my experience in different forums.

Ultimately admin will decide how they wish to proceed, they provide us with a free service which we are all grateful for I'm sure and ultimately the choice is theirs.

On personal note I can ignore people and threads but have in the past (only a couple of times) used the ignore buttons when particular trolls etc have appeared as logging in and viewing threads without their 'views' made it a more pleasant experience. Each to their, an ignore option would let you see everything you wanted and let others who did not want to miss that, not sure what your objection to that is.

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Post: #14
01-02-2016 03:04 PM

OakR, sorry. It was "a tad" over the top Laugh

I just dont get ignore lists. Don't like something, don't look at it. Censoring or self censoring just seems at odds to me where so much of my younger life was in an environment where censorship existed.

I guess you had to be there.

P.S One persons argument is anothers "robust discussion"! :-)

This post was last modified: 01-02-2016 03:05 PM by Londondrz.

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Post: #15
01-02-2016 03:55 PM

I used 'ignore' on another forum so I'm not tempted to read a certain person's posts and reply to them. I have to click to reveal them and more often than not I don't take that extra step. It's to protect me from myself!

Interestingly, the conversations still make perfect sense even when I can't see this one person's contributions.

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Post: #16
01-02-2016 07:40 PM

Londondrz you are right about being disciplined and just ignoring certain threads.

But that wasn't why I was asking how to use the SE23 ignore feature, which seems in practice to be just a stub.
The problem was the unpleasantness was spilling over to the main board.

For example, I've found facebook a much nicer experience since I've blocked content from Britain First and the like. One or 2 'jokes' or opinions are not offensive, but when your feed is liberally sprinkled with 'friendly' digs at Muslims, the unemployed, the disabled, the working class etc etc, then it points to there being an corrosive agenda driving all this.
Friends and friends of friends are unwittingly peddling this material, and it will subconsciously harden attitudes. Advertising works.

It needs to be recognised for what it is and it needs blocking.
In my humble opinion.

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Banned Troll

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Post: #17
01-02-2016 09:01 PM

[Post removed due to abuse -admin]

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Post: #18
01-02-2016 09:44 PM

ignore list - idiotic if you ask me, why not go the whole hog and just stop certain people from posting just because you dont like what they write

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Banned Troll

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Post: #19
01-02-2016 10:18 PM

[Post removed due to abuse -admin]

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Posts: 141
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Post: #20
01-02-2016 10:31 PM

Costa Rican footballer Umana? What? He's Labour?

Blimey, those goddamn lefties get everywhere....


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