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Giving blood
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Posts: 390
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Post: #1
08-10-2008 11:41 PM

Can we? The now less posh magazine only lists Savacentre. BD gives his close to central London but is interested in sessions more locally.

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Posts: 17
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Post: #2
09-10-2008 09:10 AM

I give blood by New Cross Gate in Sainsbury's car park,

Handy for the un-recommended cycle back home - the opposite process to most tour de france riders Rofl

I think there's a session on this Friday 10th October..
Sorry I don't know about other SE23 venues?

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Post: #3
09-10-2008 02:03 PM

I was sure there must be other places in the SE23 area to donate, but I've just checked the website and the Savacentre car park is indeed the only one in the area. Next session 19 October by the way. Next closest seems to be Penge. For further details check out

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Post: #4
14-11-2008 09:05 AM

Many moons ago the bloodmobile used to visit the car park behind FH station. Not sure why they stopped- perhaps a lack of donors or more likely the fact that we/they would probably have to pay to use it now (the car park used to be free).

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katie one

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Post: #5
14-11-2008 11:31 AM

I went give blood for the first time in the Savercentre the last time the mobile unit was there. It was absolute chaos and the lady on the desk said I would be better making an appointment for the next session which is in fact today. She also said that I would have to make sure that I had eaten and had a drink before giving blood. I do not get home from work until 7 p.m. so I would not have time to eat and give blood. So I did not bother to make an appointment.

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Post: #6
18-11-2008 02:41 PM

Whilst no help to BD, I prefer to give in the west end donor centre near oxford circus.
The surroundings are much nicer than a truck or village hall and the people who work there seem a lot better at taking the blood than some that I have met at local sessions when I've lived elsewhere.
They also have regular opening hours, so you can decide to go without having to investigate for session dates.

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Post: #7
20-11-2008 02:30 PM

i give in the mobile unit in Wickes car park, right opposite Catford station - handy as that's my station for getting home. They are there till 7pm so good for those of us who work hard ;-)

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Post: #8
20-11-2008 04:34 PM

Does nayone know the max age for giving blood please ?

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Post: #9
20-11-2008 06:18 PM
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Post: #10
24-11-2008 12:40 PM

They will be at Wicks car park in Catford tomorrow.

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Bonnie Blue

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Post: #11
06-01-2009 08:33 PM

Hello I am new to this forum but I did used to work for the BTS

You are best advised to eat before giving blood so that you don't feel faint during or after the donation

I can recall going to colleges where students never ate and the casualties were huge. We spent more time reviving people than taking bloodSmile

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Post: #12
10-01-2009 11:18 PM

Was quite annoyed before Crimbo. Got all the "give blood gumpf" through the post and as I have been the recipient of a blood transfusion recently thought I would do my civic duty. Called them up to make an appointment for Bell Green. Was told there was no need to make an appointment. Filled in the forms and off the wife, kids and I went.

Stumbled up the stairs of the wagon (I am on crutches) to be met be a rather full truck. Nurse took one look at me and asked if I had booked, told her that I hadnt as had been told I didnt need to. She then asked if I had any broken bones (a very large cast on my foot may have been a big give away). Was then told I couldnt give blood!!! Aaagh!

Will have to go back to playing rugby to give blood.

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Bonnie Blue

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Post: #13
11-01-2009 09:13 AM

Look at it another way
Giving someone blood is the equivalent of giving then a dangerous drug and whatever may be in your blood may not be compatible with a very sick person
When blood goes back to the laboratory it is tested for ABO group Rhesus group, HIV, Hep B, and various sexually transmitted diseases

You will be asked if you have any infections or if you are taking any medication because those things can make a sick person a lot worse
The reason is that hospitals do not test for infection or cancer or any of the millions of illnesses that you could be carrying
One of the good things about having a Blood Transfusion service in this country which requires a voluntary contribution is that people are more likely to be truthful
In countries where they pay people for giving blood you then have the risk of a drug addict giving blood for money and not admitting to using drugs or needles which all carry risks of Hep B and HIV as well as goodness knows how many more infections
but there is also innocent risk in that you may not know that the virus you are carrying tomorrow may well be in your blood today.
BTS don't test for that
If you went to your GP and said I feel ill they would do a blood picture to see what is going on and white cells may be raised but that isn't done in BTS They just make sure you are not anaemic
It would be almost an impossible task to check everybody for any eventuality and even if they could it would cost a fortune

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Post: #14
11-01-2009 06:09 PM

I've given twice at the mobile bank in Lewisham, I'd advise anyone to make an appointment first as the wait will almost be twice as long otherwise.

If you know what blood group you can see what they really need here...

I think it's worth doing if you can, I've not had to get any back so far (touch wood).

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Posts: 49
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Post: #15
26-01-2009 10:39 AM


If you've received blood as part of your surgery they won't let you donate again anyway.

That's you stuffed then. I'll be back donating blood once I've finished with the milk thing.


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