Forest Hill Library - Proposed Cut to Funding
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13-12-2015 09:23 PM
Sorry to say guys
I think we can save our library #ForestHill I'm optimistic #SE23 :-) Sounds Of Blackness June 27, 1992]… via @YouTube
Can't give up just yet on this, anyone that wants to help please get in contact with me asap because I can't let this go especially for local kids and vulnerable users :-(
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18-01-2016 07:29 PM
This might be of interest!
Please find the 4 x documents being page 1 thru 4 of the item discussed by Mayor & Cabinet 13th January 2016.
This came up at 5.50 pm, just before the main meeting. It needs careful reading, as well as between the lines, as it is a somewhat glossy presentation.
However, yet again Eco Communities needs some money, and the council has a way to provide the loan. We will be following this to see how it turns out.
As before (refer mortage application by Eco Computers 2012 with Crofton Park and Sydenham library buildings as collateral, but stopped by the council after I informed them.)
Eco Computers contract was taken over by Eco Communities (same people.)
We believe council money was provided to replace the boilers in the library buildings run by EC, and other public money has also been advanced. How much and when is not certain. It is very difficult to track such things down.
Once Mayor and Cabinet meeting had started point 4 was Matters Raised by the Overview and Scrutiny Business Panel or other Constitutional Bodies.
Cllr Alan Hall (Bellingham Ward) is Chair of the Committee and was reporting back on any matters raised by the Panel following their considerationof the decisions made by the Mayor on 9/12/2015 or on other matters raised by Select committees or other Constitutional Bodies:
1. Decisions made at Mayor and Cabinet on 9/12/2015 - Revenue Budget Savings - L6 Libraries and Information Service
1.1 Following discussion at the OandSB Panel meeting, Business Panel Members noted the decision of the Mayor and agreed to request that the Mayor:
i notes that the recommendation by the Safer Stronger Communities Select Committee to the Mayor in para. 3.6 of their referral had been omitted from the Mayor's decision:
"The Committee also strongly recommends that the officers engage with the public including via the relevant Local Assemblies to ensure the public's contributions and its commitment to libraries are included in the development of more detailed plans for the libraries."
Cllr Hall brought this to the Mayor's attention and the Mayor said he believed he recalled saying something of that nature (we will ned the minutes of the meeting as confirmation.)
This was definitely included in the report before Mayor and Cabinet on 9/12/2015 and it was discussed.
The minutes from the Mayor and Cabinet meeting actually say, under RESOLVED that:
The Lewisham Community Library model as described in para 5.1 be extended to Forest Hill, Torridon and Manor House libraries and for a formal tender process to be undertaken to identify partner organisations to work with the council to deliver this. The council will work with local stakeholders as part of this process.
This may explain why Cllr Hall acted as he did, as he also, verbally, drew attention to what the Mayor had said about Catford Library which was not clearly recorded under RESOLVED!
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09-02-2016 05:31 PM
This may be of interest too:
"The [national] campaign [to protect the library service from cuts] has called on MPs to sign an early day motion to support libraries and librarians, including enforcing the law that says local authorities must provide a comprehensive and efficient library service, which goes back to the Public Libraries and Museums Act 1964."
Given that ....
"Library funding has been cut by more than £180m over the last five years – a drop of 16% – corresponding with a 93% increase in volunteers working in libraries and a 22% drop in staff since 2010. "
and ....
"More than 100 libraries were closed last year in the UK, with at least 441 shutting in the past five years, according to figures from Speak Up for Libraries "
... you have to conclude that the libraries are comprehensively and efficiently being decimated, which probably wasn't quite what they had in mind in 1964. Worrying days.
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09-02-2016 08:57 PM
Thanks for this Perryman
I've been trying to keep up to date on all library articles but as there has been so many lately I had missed this one.
This is going on tonight. I was asked to speak at this meeting but sadly wasn't able to make it because of childcare
I'll probably get an update on this meeting via email so I'll post it if & when I get it.
I really hope this is successful but in all honesty I don't think it will make a difference to decisions that have been made by local councils. We can but hope!
Concerning our library in FH I really hope if it comes to it that Lewisham Mayor and Cabinet choose the right group/organisation to take on our library with the most interest in our community & more importantly who want to keep our library just that. A library!
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16-02-2016 03:41 PM
There will be a lobby of the Full Council Budget Meeting on Wednesday 24 February - join us outside the Civic Suite from 6.30pm onwards.
Save Lewisham Libraries will be asking councillors to make an amendment to the forthcoming budget, requesting £1m from the reserve budget to reverse the library cuts.
Bring placards, whistles, drums, pots and pans to protest!
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16-02-2016 04:00 PM
This is from Save Lewisham Libraries Facebook page.
Save Lewisham Libraries
10 February at 07:44 ·
Thanks to everyone who joined us at the fantastic 65 strong public meeting last night. No ifs, no buts, no more library cuts!
A special thank you to striking library workers from Lambeth and Bromley and to the junior doctors and student healthworkers walking out today in defence of our NHS.
Next stop in the fight for libraries is a lobby of the council on Wednesday 24 February - join us outside the Civic Suite from 6.30pm onwards.
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14-08-2016 08:45 PM
Thanks for the info, Michael.
By the way, is P1971 still involved?
It is odd how the main SE23 cheer leader for the V22/traders bid has had nothing to say about any of this.
robin orton
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15-08-2016 09:09 AM
I think you may find that P1971 has abandoned this forum and is posting elsewhere.
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15-08-2016 09:34 AM
Doesn't good for the Libraries and the professionals who work for the service, but cards were being given out in Lewisham last weekend regarding this which takes place next Saturday (20th):
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16-08-2016 10:45 AM
It is a bit like the EU referendum - someone makes loads of fantastic promises, and when they win, they ghost away.
Meanwhile people are losing their jobs, and with the best will in the world, the library services will not be entirely replaced.
My hope even at this late hour is that Lewisham council come to their senses.
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16-08-2016 12:03 PM
It is a bit like the EU referendum - someone makes loads of fantastic promises, and when they win, they ghost away.
It's possibly a bit early to judge the community library bid on their delivery, since we don't take charge until October. Hopefully we didn't make too many rash promises in our bid document, which can be found at
P1971, myself, and others involved in the bid are well aware of some of the criticisms of the community library model and are working to ensure we do our best to address these concerns. The loss of talented staff is a real pity and not something that we would want to see, but it is also not something we are in a position to solve.
What we are working to ensure is that users will still be able to pay fines at the library, that stock levels are maintained and that space for books doesn't significantly reduce. We have managed to get the council to agree to leave the existing public IT equipment in the library rather than having to replace it, and we want to work with all the existing groups that ran classes and activities in the library to keep them going. We also have new activities that we intend to bring into the library and the rear of Louise House.
I don't think any of us involved in the bid would claim that this is better than a well run and properly funded council library, but if we have to have a community library, we are determined to have the best possible community library that we can.
So far we have over 80 people signed up as volunteers to help run the library. If anybody else would like to volunteer a few hours per week please email me,
Finally I would say that if you are not happy with the community library when it is operational please let us know, or complain to your local councillors - who I expect to help hold us to account. We are not a group of outsiders coming to take over the library, we are part of the community and we know that we will be judged by our friends and neighbours on what we deliver. That's scary for us, but I'm quite certain we won't let you down.
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16-08-2016 07:00 PM
Michael thank you for posting an update. well said and keep up the work. In time people will appreciate all the work put in to " make it the best community library".
I do hope people will not judge until you have taken over running the library and it has had an opportunity to become embedded.
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17-08-2016 10:44 AM
I'm certainly glad for the updates, although it is odd that I have to fish for them after such a build up.
My expectations are low, and I hold both the major parties in contempt for bringing us to this point. But given that, I obviously wish Michael and the local team well in doing the best they can in the circumstances.
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28-09-2016 09:06 PM
If anybody would like to volunteer at the library starting from October, we are having a meeting of volunteers tomorrow evening (Thursday) at Louise House at 7.30pm and again on Saturday morning at 11am.
so far we have just over 100 volunteers on our list, which is incredible, but we really would still like more, so that we are able to run a totally awesome community library.
We would particularly welcome a couple of people with IT hardware and network skills to help ensure all those cogs are moving in the machines 
come along tomorrow or Saturday or get in touch by PM or email
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29-09-2016 09:40 AM
Lewisham Council will be closing the library on October 10th for two weeks. We will then be able to re-open the library as a 'community library' on Monday October 24th, from when the current opening hours will be resumed.
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03-10-2016 01:22 PM
How is membership going to work? I'm not yet a member but would like to join. Would it be better to do so before the changeover or wait for the community re-opening?
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03-10-2016 04:07 PM
there will be no difference to your right to become a library member or to borrow books.
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07-10-2016 01:15 PM
Forest Hill Library will be closing for two weeks, from 10th - 24th October for the transition to a Community Library. We already have over 100 volunteers interested in helping to keep the library open and thriving, but as we get closer to the opening we need something else - CASH!
As we transfer to community management we will need money for a range of expenses to ensure the library runs smoothly and can face the challenges ahead. So at this time we are asking for the community to help us raise money for the library with this crowd funding appeal. Please take a look at some of the great rewards available for pledging money, and helping to ensure the success of this community library.
The crowd funding site can be found at: