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Pedder & Co advertisement boards
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Posts: 53
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Post: #1
18-06-2015 09:24 PM

Anybody else arrive home from work to find a Pedder and Co sales board affixed to their property promoting the local school jumble sale?

I am extremely angry that they thought it ok to trepass on my property and screw a board to my fence without my permission.

Outrageous that a so called professional company consider this appropriate practice, in order to secure free publicity.

This post was last modified: 18-06-2015 09:31 PM by CrustyRack.

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Post: #2
18-06-2015 09:32 PM

I would hazard a guess it was a genuine mistake and they got the wrong house.

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Post: #3
18-06-2015 09:52 PM

They have put one on every property....
They contract out the erection of signs and the workmen would have had clear instructions on which properties to put them. They have clearly been told to do the whole street. My house number is on my gate and my property and my fence would not be mistakenly thought to belong to another property. It is very distinctive.

I hate this new trend of estate agents boards littering the streets. They normally keep them up weeks after the event providing free advertising and looking ugly.

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Post: #4
19-06-2015 05:43 AM

Wow, I thought they were only allowed if you were using their services. I take it your house is not for sale/rent?

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Post: #5
19-06-2015 06:07 AM

The whole street? Something has gone very wrong somewhere. I'm sure they're not allowed to do that. I'll be interested to hear what they say about it. I shouldn't think the school involved will be very happy with their name being spammed across the street.

PVP - I don't know if you're aware, but these boards are are not when houses are for sale or rent. The estate agents sponsor local school events (usually summer fairs) and in return get to put their board outside the house of a parent or someone connected with the school WITH THEIR PERMISSION. The bottom of the board where it normally says 'For Sale' or whatever with have a sponsorship message instead.

This post was last modified: 19-06-2015 06:10 AM by rshdunlop.

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Post: #6
19-06-2015 08:24 AM

Hello, I run Eliot Bank's school association which organises the Summer Fair and I also live on the street where the problem has arisen. There has been a very straightforward mistake whereby three addresses from this street have been confused with a neighbouring street of a similar name. (The rest of the signs have permission to be there). My apologies - I have contacted Pedder and the signs will be removed. The event, incidently, is not a jumble sale, but a community event open to all which raises more than £5,000 for the school.
Jessica Bomford
Eliot Bank School Association chairman

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Post: #7
19-06-2015 10:54 AM

Thank you for arranging for the removal of these boards.

I emailed the manager of Pedder and Co but have received no reply.

Good luck with your fund raising - hope the weather is good for you!

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Post: #8
19-06-2015 10:58 AM

My mum had a Pedder school event advert mistakenly nailed to her gate post too (right road, wrong house number). She was FURIOUS. But it was advertising a different school so not in the same area as Crusty.

I know it's not Pedder's own staff who erect the signs but even so, it's pretty poor publicity that a company whose business is property can't identify addresses properly.

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Post: #9
19-06-2015 12:34 PM

We have same problem with pedder advertising, every few months new board arrises on our gate. I phoned them numerous times and they claimed that it's an external company who does it.

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Post: #10
19-06-2015 12:40 PM

Pedder haven't even had the courtesy to reply to my email.

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Post: #11
19-06-2015 12:58 PM

Blaming the agency is no excuse - Pedder employ them, they are responsible.

If they did it to me I would do two things:
Notify them via Twitter (nice and public) that they (or the company they employ) has trespassed and caused damage to my property (nails in my fence? No thank you) and give then 24 hours to remove it.

If that doesn't happen, print off a nice big sign to put on THEIR sign saying the homeowner did not give permission for the Pedder sign. Not all publicity is good publicity, after all.

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Post: #12
19-06-2015 04:57 PM

Dear All,

Pedder are very different to most Estate Agency. Pedder is a family run company which is committed to providing a sustainable source of income for the local communities it serves across the South East and in addition Cancer Research UK.

One of the many ways we fundraise for the local community is our school sponsorship boards. We are proud to say Elliot Bank have selected Pedder as there summer fair sponsor and wish to continue this for many years to come. Once a school has been selected we are provided with a list on names and addresses of the parents and friends of the school who wish to take part in our fund raising, agreeing to take part in our sponsorship is completely optional.

The board’s in question have accidently been erected in one road instead of another.

Pedder staff do not personally erect the boards as we sub-contract this to a local board company.

To the residents that have one of our Boards my mistake I do apologise and trust you understand it was not our intention to cause you distress or trespass on your property. Once this error was brought to our attention we immediately contacted our board company who have informed us they will retrieve them ASAP.

Hopefully you will understand this was a simple case of human error and join me in wishing Elliot Bank every success with there summer fair!

If anyone wishes to contact me personally they can do so on 020 8314 4070 or email me:

Warm Regards

Robert Keeble
Branch Manager- Residential Sales & Lettings

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Post: #13
19-06-2015 11:00 PM

Hi Robert Keeble,

Since your sub-contractor did such a bad job on this, how about they return their fee for that one and you donate it to Elliot Bank?

Or maybe if the subbie isn't good, you can just donate £20 for each wrongly placed sign?



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Post: #14
20-06-2015 12:21 AM

Thanks for the reply Pedder. Sounds like an obvious mistake and there is no real harm done. I can't really believe people get so cross about these things. No doubt they aren't complaining that their houses are worth considerably more because they are close to Eliot Bank. I personally don't see much to be gained from getting worked up because someone accidentally put a sign in your garden. We should be pleased to give it some publicity. Jessica , perhaps you could pop around with some raffle tickets?

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Post: #15
20-06-2015 08:43 AM

Hopefully Pedder will also have a serious talk with the agency that erects the board, to ensure that they are more careful in future. From the messages, it sounds like quite a few boards went up in the wrong places. I would be annoyed if it happened to me, partly because at a quick glance the board makes it look as if the property is on the market.

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Post: #16
20-06-2015 08:55 AM

Pedder have now removed the board, and have emailed an apology.

For your information, I often support the school in fund raising.

Deano - whether you 'believe' someone can get cross over something like this is irrelevant. How would you feel if Tesco or Macdonalds erected an advertising sign in your front garden?

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Post: #17
20-06-2015 09:43 AM

I wouldn't be that bothered to be honest. Mistakes happen. I'd give them a call and ask why and if they said it was a mistake then I'd believe them. No one got hurt. I didn't mean to belittle anyone's upset (although I appreciate it might sound like that, so apologies) it's just I think we all need to be a little more forgiving of genuine mistakes. If they cause damage then that's another issue. However, that's happened to me before. I just fixed it. Well done for raising funds though!

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Post: #18
21-06-2015 09:25 AM

I hate this trend of estate agents advertising off the back of school events. It makes the area look scruffy. Pedder seem to be the worse culprits. Also leaving signs up well after properties let or are sold.

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Post: #19
21-06-2015 09:29 PM

I hate it too, the main reason being that in my last place I got all excited thinking my noisy neighbours were about to move! Rofl Of course, it turned out to be an ad for a school fete or similar.

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Post: #20
22-06-2015 10:20 AM

Much as you may hate it, these boards really do help to raise vital funds for the local schools. The funds raised used to be the icing on the cake, but with squeezed budgets they're increasingly becoming the cake itself! Generally they're only up for a matter of 2 weeks so your area won't be scruffy for long!

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