Assuming summer did not start and finish last week, it is a good idea to take a bottle of water with you on the train. A bottle of tap water is perfectly fine and will prevent you becoming dehydrated if the train is stuck on a hot day. But there is another reason to carry water with you, and that is to water the plants at the station on the way home.
During the dry months the planters at the station need extra water to help them thrive. The Forest Hill Society have a number of individuals who help water them, and if you would like to volunteer we are happy to show you where the watering cans and tap are located (email if you would like to help out). But for the rest of us, emptying your water bottles in the planters would help make a difference (these planters also accept cold coffee and tea, and probably most other drinkable liquids).
So if you have some water left over on your journey home, please deposit it in the easy to find planters along the platforms, and share the love as well as the water