Work started on the Honor Oak pub
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Posts: 32
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03-07-2014 12:05 PM
Following on from the "A plan to save the Honor Oak pub?" thread which appears to be closed, in case folks haven't noticed the site is now a hive of activity with walls getting pulled down and all sorts..
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30-07-2014 08:33 AM
Thanks to those who campaigned to save this pub (see the pub is looking better than ever and set to open in a couple of weeks.
Doors open on Thursday 14th August at 8pm.
Come along to celebrate the reopening of this lovely pub.
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30-07-2014 09:59 AM
They were working in it late last night and to be honest it looks almost ready to open - final dressings etc in place. I wonder if they might open earlier than Aug 14th? Assuming they have a licence.
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30-07-2014 10:06 AM
It seems that they are still recruiting staff so wouldn't count on an earlier opening.
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14-08-2014 09:44 AM
Don't forget this pub opens for the first time tonight. Really looking forward to seeing what they have done with the place.
Honor man
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14-08-2014 11:58 AM
Is such a shame that this pub will become another gastro roll up your trsouer legs, check out my beard, my jeans are too tight, i love craft beer, what a bunch of wallies, pub. It could have bucked this nauseating and over subscribed 'trend' by simply just becoming a PUB.
Let me guess, every child in SE23 is welcome and you serve burgers on a chopping board.
So original.
I'm off to the Chandos, a real mans pub.
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14-08-2014 12:47 PM
What's the problem? You've got a pub you like and others have a pub they like down the road.
We actually have a lot of diversity in pubs in SE23. But it is great that one or two of these pubs serve great food, beer, and host enjoyable mornings for babies and their parents. Equally it is good that others don't do all of these things.
Beardy-wallies like me need a place to drink too. So why not pop down this evening and I'll let you buy me a Hoegaarden (does that count as a craft beer?)
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14-08-2014 01:06 PM
looking forward to it re-opening but will there be any entertainment or is it just going to be a gastro pub? Miss the old Railway Telegraph with its music/pool/darts/Sky.
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14-08-2014 02:02 PM
I had previously thought that the Chandos deserved better than being a sad excuse for a pub IMO, it being a particularly fine building. Had not stopped to consider the invaluable social function it serves in keeping Honor man happy and out of anywhere that serves decent beer, wine, food and is family friendly - that is, a Public House that actually does its job properly. Am hoping the Honor Oak qualifies...
Honor man
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14-08-2014 02:47 PM
Sorry for the late reply, i was just looking for my tweed jacket and pipe for this evenings opening. Be sure to get a pint of warm brown slop ready for me, oh sorry, i mean a delicately balanced craft ale.
May i bring along my 15 children please? Seeing as this pub is also going to be a nursery.
Mmmm i'm just dying to see the unique menu of burgers on a chopping board, maybe some pulled pork too? How about a nice 'homemade' quiche to pop on the side with a green salad.
Love these original gastro-pubs.
The problem you see, with this pub and SO many others like it, is that you have ZERO identity. It's gone from mindbogglingly dull to laughable. And you spent £600K doing this?!! What an absolute joke.
Still if it rounds up all the beards and wallies and keeps them in one place, i guess then decent honourable people like myself wont have to put up with you mincing down the street waving your flat caps and talking about your urban garden being like soooooo 'organic'. Bore off.
Yours faithfully, a REAL man.
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14-08-2014 03:04 PM
I think you meant to say "yours faithfully, a REAL NARROW-MINDED man" didn't you?
After some of the social bigotry I've seen espoused here, I'll be very pleased to avoid Chandos! Each to his own.
Honor man
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14-08-2014 03:10 PM
No i didnt mean to say that at all.
I'm just tired of all these limp wristed weirdy beardy 'i wear shoes with no socks' wallies who couldn't fight their way out of a paper bag who spend most of their time and effort on a 'who can grow the tallest sunflower' competition.
This pub tonight is going to be FULL of these unhygienic middle class gypos waffling on about yeast contents and hiring a barge in Norfolk.
Dear oh dear.
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14-08-2014 03:34 PM
Honor man, you should be on stage. Your troll parody of a Carling supping anthropophobe is actually quite amusing.
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14-08-2014 03:43 PM
But the sunflowers are looking beautiful around Forest Hill and Honor Oak Park. I can't believe you don't appreciate a bit of healthy competition from the local shops and their sunflowers.
I do take exception to the use of the word 'gypos' which I consider to be a racial slur.
Honor man
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14-08-2014 03:49 PM
Sorry Michelle, i meant gypsies.
Sunflowers have NO place in a mans world. The only thing sunflowers are good for is producing the oil that my Doris cooks my chips in. End of.
and for record, i'm not a Carling black label drinker (which i consider a racial slur) i prefer SKOL.
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14-08-2014 03:57 PM
Honor Man must be sorely disappointed about his move from East Dulwich according to his post on another thread ("Why I moved to SE23") or is he just testing we "SO MUCH NICER" people in SE23?
Honor man
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14-08-2014 04:06 PM
you all ARE so much nicer than that bunch of plonkers down the road !
But alas it is true that the SE22 disease is spreading, and with every new coffee shop, wonky wally pub and bicycle shop that opens, a another small piece of mankind dies.
I'm going to go down to this gaff tonight, and if i see some daft bird with bare feet warbling on her banjo about saving the dandelions then i'm going to throw up on whichever cosmic time tunnel dipstick is stood next to me.
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14-08-2014 06:37 PM
Honor man isn't going to like it. Almost everybody else will like the place.
Lots of outdoor space and even an area for little people to play.
Two local 'craft' beers from Brockley and Greenwich.
Food is not too pretentious, just a reasonably priced all day brunch menu.
Honor man
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15-08-2014 10:18 AM
You're spot on Michelle, i didnt like it!
I popped in for 10 minutes, thought it only fair to give it a go, and within 60 seconds i realised what a MASSIVE mistake i'd made.
This 'pub' is yet another of the same old tired conveyor belt of gastro family friendly 'pubs' that are on just about every single corner of London these days. No style, no identity, no individuality, no character, no edginess, no fun, NO GOOD.
The funny thing is that the owners seem to think they've split the atom with it! hahaha, walk 50 yards up the road and you'll find an identical 'craft beer bore off' pub.
So £600K was spent on this gaff? What a vile waste of money. That amount of money could have been used in SO MANY BETTER WAYS.
The owners of this dreadful bile inducing TURD of a 'pub' should be very, very ashamed of themselves.
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15-08-2014 11:39 AM
I'm sure the Owners must be distraught at the fact Honor 'Real Man' Man does not like it. Do they not do any research before doing these places up? Now his trade is lost to chandos for ever more. I doubt they'll survive to next week.
£600k though is a large investment so it will be interesting to see how this pub fares.